李有仁 (Eldon Y. Li) 讲座教授、博导
院系: 市场营销系(筹)
Journal papers
Lin, Y.Q., Zhu, J.L.,Li, E.Y., Meng, Z.Y.*, Song, Y. (2020) "Environmental Regulation, Green Technological Innovation, and Eco-Efficiency: The Case of Yangtze River Economic Belt in China,"Technological Forecasting and Social Change(Elsevier), 155(June), Article 119993. doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2020.119993 (SSCI)
Meng, Z.Y.,Li, E.Y., Qiu, R.* (2020) "Environmental sustainability with free-floating carsharing services: An on-demand refueling recommendation system for Car2go in Seattle,"Technological Forecasting and Social Change(Elsevier), 152(March), Article 119893. doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2019.119893 (SSCI)
Liang, X., Jiang, J.,Li, E.Y.*(2018) "IT-based entrepreneurship in sharing economy: the mediating role of value expectancy in micro-entrepreneur's passion and persistence,"International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management(Inderscience), 10(4), 352-373. doi: 10.1504/IJISCM.2018.098400 (EI)
Li, Q., Liang, N., Li, E.Y.* (2018) "Does Friendship Quality Matter in Social Commerce? An Experimental Study of Its Effect on Purchase Intention," Electronic Commerce Research (Springer), 18(4), 693-717. (SSCI)
Lin, A.J., Li, E.Y.*, Lee, S.Y. (2018) "Dysfunctional Customer Behavior in Cross-Border E-Commerce: A Justice-Affect-Behavior Model," Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (CSULB), 19(1), 36-54. (SSCI)
Wu, Y.L., and Li, E.Y.* (2018) "Marketing Mix, Consumer Value, and Consumer Loyalty in Social Commerce: A Stimulus-Organism-Response Perspective," Internet Research (Emerald), 28(1), 74-104. (SSCI)
Li, E.Y.*, Chang, L.F.K., Hsu, A.C.L., and Liao, C.H. (2017) "Information Management Research in Taiwan: Historical Retrospect and Future Outlook (in Chinese)," NTU Management Review (Taiwan), 27(4), 169-206. (TSSCI) PPT
Chen, C.M., Lin, Y.C.*, Li, E.Y., and Liu, C.C. (2017) "Weather Uncertainty Effect on Tourism Demand," Research Note, Tourism Economics (Sage), 23 (2), 469-474. (SSCI)
Shang, S.C., Wu, Y.L., Li, E.Y.* (2017.3) "Field Effects of Social Media Platforms on Information Sharing Continuance: Do Reach and Richness Matter?," Information & Management (Elsevier), 54 (2), 241-255. (SSCI)
Wu, Y.L., Li, E.Y.*, and Chang, W.L. (2016) "Nurturing User Creative Performance in Social Media Networks: An Integration of Habit of Use with Social Capital and Information Exchange Theories," Internet Research (Emerald), 26 (4), 869-900. (SSCI)
Li, E.Y.*, and Chang, L.F.K. (2016) "Design Factors of Mobile Museum Navigation System in the SmartPhone APP (in Chinese)," Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies (Taiwan), 22 (1), 61-94. (TSSCI)
Li, E.Y.*, Tung, C.Y., Chang, S.H. (2016.8) "The Wisdom of Crowds in Action: Forecasting Epidemic Diseases with a Web-based Prediction Market System," International Journal of Medical Informatics (Elsevier), 92, 35-43. (SCI/SSCI)
Yen, H.J., Hu, P.J.H., Hsu, S.H.Y., and Li, E.Y.* (2015) "A Multilevel Approach to Examine Employees' Loyal Use of ERP Systems in Organizations," Journal of Management Information Systems (T&F), 32 (4), 144-178. (SSCI)
Huang, M.H., Li, E.Y.*, and Wong, C.S. (2015) "A Multilevel Model of Information System Success in the User Department: Integrating Job Performance Theory and Field Theory," International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management (Inderscience), 7 (4), 286-307. (EI/Scopus)
Chen, C.M., Yang, H.W.*, Li, E.Y., and Liu, C.C. (2015) "How Does Hotel Pricing Influence Guest Satisfaction by the Moderating Influence of Room Occupancy?," Research Note, International Journal of Hospitality Management (Elsevier), 49, 136-138. (SSCI)
Li, E.Y., Tung, C.Y., Chang, S.H.* (2015) "User Adoption of Wisdom of Crowd: Usage and Performance of Prediction Market System," International Journal of Electronic Business (Inderscience), 12 (2), 185-214. (EI/Scopus)
Chiu, M.C., Chang, S.S.*, and Li, E.Y. (2015.4) "Gudeng Precision Co.- Swatting a Fly with a Sledgehammer: Who Should Bear the Cost?," (Chinese version) Management Review (Taiwan), 34 (2), 147-155 | Chinese version: 39-59. (TSSCI)
Li, E.Y.* (2014) "Corporate Politics, Philanthropy, and Governance: Their Impacts on Unit Performance," Chinese Management Studies (Emerald), 8 (3), 279-287. (SSCI)
Tsai, T.H., Lin, A.J., and Li, E.Y.* (2014) "The Effects of Philanthropic Marketing on Brand Resonance and Consumer Satisfaction of CSR Performance: Does Media Self-Regulation Matter?," Chinese Management Studies (Emerald), 8 (3), 527-547. (SSCI)
Sharma, R.S.*, Li, E.Y., and Govindraj, R. (2014) "Adoption of Mobile Internet Devices and Services: A Multinational Study," International Journal of Information Systems and Management (Inderscience), 1 (1/2), 60-82.
Lin, A.J., Hsu, C.L., Li, E.Y.* (2014.8) "Improving the Effectiveness of Experiential Decisions by Recommendation Systems," Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier), 41 (10), 4904-4914. (SCI/SSCI)
Li, E.Y., Liao, C.H., Yen, H.J.R.* (2013.11) "Co-Authorship Networks and Research Impact: A Social Capital Perspective," Research Policy (Elsevier), 42 (9), 1515-1530. (SSCI; Top 5 Highly Cited Certificate)
Li, E.Y.* and Parker, M. (2013.3) "Citation Patterns in Organization and Management Journals: Margins and Centres," Organization (Sage), 20 (2), 299-322. (SSCI)
Hsiao, C.C., Yen, H.J.R., Li, E.Y.* (2012) "Exploring Consumer Value of Multi-Channel Shopping: A Perspective of Means-End Theory," Internet Research (Emerald), 22 (3), 318-339. (SCI/SSCI)
Cheng, L.H.*, Wen, C.T., Li, E.Y., Lin, T.Y. (2012) "Service Innovation Activities in E-Government Initiatives: The Taiwan Experience," International Journal of Services Technology and Management (Inderscience), 17 (1), 54-71. (EI)
Liao, C.H.*, Yen, H.J.R., Li, E.Y. (2011) "The Effect of Channel Quality Inconsistency on the Association between E-Service Quality and Customer Relationships," Internet Research (Emerald), 21 (4), 458-478. (SCI/SSCI)
Shang, S.C.*, Li, E.Y., Wu, Y.L., Hou, C.L. (2011.5) "Understanding Web 2.0 Service Models: A Knowledge-Creating Perspective," Information & Management (Elsevier), 48 (4-5), 178-184. (SSCI)
Tsai, M.T., Li, E.Y., Lee, K.W., and Tung, W.H.* (2011) "Beyond ERP Implementation: The Moderating Effect of Knowledge Management on Business Performance," Total Quality Management and Business Excellence (T&F, U.K.), 22 (2), 131-144. (SSCI)
Li, E.Y.*, Chang, S.H., and Lin, C.C. (2011) "A Study of User Intention on Video Sharing Website (in Chinese)," Journal of Information Management (CSIM, Taiwan), 18 (1), 53-76. (TSSCI)
Chen, J.S.* and Li, E.Y. (2010) "The Effect of Information Technology Adoption and Design Customisation on the Success of New Product Development," International Journal of Electronic Business (Inderscience), 8 (6), 550-578. (EI/Scopus)
Chang, W.L., Yuan, S.T., and Li, E.Y.* (2009.11) "iCare Home Portal: An Extended Model for Quality Aging e-Services," Communications of the ACM (USA), 52 (11), 1-7. (SCI)
Li, E.Y. (2009.7) "Journal Self-Citation III: Exploring the Self-Citation Patterns in MIS Journals," Communications of the AIS (USA), 25, Article 3, 21-32.
Li, E.Y., Cheng, C.Y.J.*, Yen, H.J.R., and Lin, H.F. (2009.7) "The Relationship between Personality Trait and Programming Performance under Pair-Programming Environment (in Chinese)," Journal of Information Management (CSIM, Taiwan), 16 (3), 143-169. (TSSCI)
Chen, J.S., Yen, H.J.R., Li, E.Y.*, and Ching, R.K.H. (2009.3) "Measuring CRM Effectiveness: Construct Development, Validation, and Application of a Process-Oriented Model," Total Quality Management and Business Excellence (T&F, U.K.), 20 (3), 283-299. (SSCI)
Huang, Y.H.*, Li, E.Y., and Chen, J.S. (2009.3) "Information Synergy As the Catalyst Between IT Capability and Innovativeness: Empirical Evidence from Financial Service Sector," Information Research: An International Electronic Journal (Sweden), 14 (1), 1-11. (SSCI)
Li, E.Y.*, Yen, H.J.R., and Cheng, C.Y.J. (2008.11) "A Fit-Gap Analysis of E-Business Curricula and Job Demand in Taiwan and the U.S.," Computers & Education (Elsevier), 51 (3), 969-987. (SCI/SSCI)
Yen, H.J.R.*, Li, E.Y., and Niehoff, B. (2008.9) "Do Organizational Citizenship Behaviors Lead to Information System Success? Testing the Mediation Effects of Integration Climate and Project Management," Information & Management (Elsevier), 45 (6), 394-402. (SSCI)
Hsia, T.L.*, Wu, J.H., and Li, E.Y. (2008.7) "The E-Commerce Value Matrix and Use Case Model: A Goal-Driven Methodology for Eliciting B2C Application Requirements," Information & Management (Elsevier), 45 (5), 321-330. (SSCI)
Chen, C.W., Li, E.Y.*, Yen, H.J.R., and Cheng, C.Y.J. (2008.7) "A Behavioral Model of Consumer's Usage of Shopping Website (in Chinese)," Journal of Information Management (CSIM, Taiwan), 15 (3), 1-27. (TSSCI)
Du, T.C.*, Li, E.Y., and Wong, J.W. (2007) "Document Access Control in Organisational Workflows," International Journal of Information and Computer Security (Inderscience), 1 (4), 437-454. (EI/Scopus)
Li, E.Y.*, Yen, H.J.R., Chang, F.K.L., and Cheng, C.Y.J. (2007) "A Comparative Analysis of E-Business Curricula and Industry Need (in Chinese)," Journal of Information Management (CSIM, Taiwan), 14 (3), 67-100. (TSSCI)
Li, E.Y.*, Du, T.C., and Wong, J.W. (2007.3) "Access Control in Collaborative Commerce," Decision Support Systems (Elsevier), 43 (2), 675-685. (SCI)
Du, T.C.*, Li, E.Y., Rau, H., and Lian, G.Y. (2006) "Reverse Simulation for Collaborative Commerce: A Study of Integrating Object-Oriented Database Technology with Object-Oriented Simulator," International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems (Springer), 17 (3), 227-250. (SCI)
Li, E.Y.*, Chen, J.S., and Huang, Y.H. (2006) "A Framework for Investigating the Impact of IT Capability and Organizational Capability on Firm Performance in the Late Industrializing Context," International Journal of Technology Management (Inderscience), 36 (1/2/3), 209-229. (SSCI)
Yen, H.J.R., Li, E.Y.*, Hsiao, C.C., Lee, K.S. (2006) "The Hierarchical Exploration of Customer Relational Benefits: An Application of Means-End Chain (in Chinese)," Management Review (Taiwan), 25 (1), 95-120. (TSSCI)
Lee, H.C., Huang, S.W., Li, E.Y.* (2006.1) "Mining Protein-Protein Interaction Information on the Internet," Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier), 30 (1), 142-148. (SCI/SSCI)
Li, E.Y., Biggs, J.R.*, and Thies, E.A. (2005 Fall) "Managing Constrained Capacity: A Simulation Study," International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management (Inderscience), 3 (4), 365-384. (EI)
Wild, R.H., Griggs, K.A., and Li, E.Y.* (2005) "An Architecture for Distributed Scenario Building and Evaluation: Collaborative Learning from the Future," Communications of the ACM (U.S.A.), 48 (11), 80-86. (SCI)
Du, T.C., Li, E.Y.*, and Chou, D. (2005) "Dynamic Vehicle Routing for Online B2C Delivery," OMEGA: The International Journal of Management Science (Elsevier), 33 (1), 33-45. (SCI/SSCI)
Du, T.C., Li, E.Y.*, and Wei, E. (2005.5) "Mobile Agents for Brokering Service in Electronic Marketplace," Decision Support Systems (Elsevier), 39 (3), 371-383. (SCI)
Chen, H.G.* and Li, EY. (2005.4) "An Object-Oriented Decision Support System: A Case of Inventory Management," Journal of Information Management, (CSIM, Taiwan), 12 (2), 221-249. (TSSCI)
Wang, F.K., Du, T.C.*, and Li, E.Y. (2004.11-12) "Applying Six-Sigma to Supplier Development," Total Quality Management and Business Excellence (T&F, U.K.), 15 (9-10), 1217-1229. (SSCI)
Cheung, W.M., Li, E.Y.*, Yee, L.W. (2003.11) "Multimedia Learning System and Its Effect on Self-Efficacy in Database Modeling and Design: An Exploratory Study," Computers & Education (Elsevier), 41 (3), 249-270. (SCI/SSCI)
Li, E.Y., Jiang, J.J., and Klein, G.* (2003.8) "The Impact of Organizational Coordination and Climate on Marketing Executives' Satisfaction of IS Services," Journal of the Association for Information Systems (U.S.A.), 4 (4), 99-117. (SSCI)
Du, T.C., Li, E.Y.*, and Chang, A.P. (2003.7) "Mobile Agents in Distributed Network Management," Communications of the ACM (U.S.A.), 46 (7), 127-132. (SCI)
Li, E.Y.*, Chen, H.G., and Lee, T.S. (2003.7) "A Longitudinal Study of Software Process Management in Taiwan's Top Companies," Total Quality Management and Business Excellence (T&F, U.K.), 14 (5), 571-590. (SSCI)
Wang, F.K. and Li, E.Y.* (2003.5) "Confidence Intervals in Repeatability and Reproducibility Studies Using Bootstrap Method," Total Quality Management (T&F, U.K.), 14 (3), 341-354. (SSCI)
Li, E.Y.*, Chen, H.G., and Lee, T.S. (2002) "Software Process Management of Top Companies in Taiwan: A Comparative Study," Total Quality Management (T&F, U.K.), 13 (5), 701-713. (SSCI)
Griggs, K.A.*, Wild, R.H., and Li, E.Y. (2002) "A Web-Based Knowledge Management Environment for Consulting and Research Organizations," Journal of Computer Information Systems (U.S.A.), 42 (5), 110-118. (SCI)
Chen, H.G.*, Li, E.Y., Jiang, J.J., and Wu, M. (2002 Winter) "Software Project Process Management Maturity and Project Performance: An Examination of Taiwan's Software Companies," Communications of the ICISA (U.S.A.), IV (1), 1-17.
Chen, H.G.*, Li, E.Y. (2002.1) "Application of Total Quality Management in Software Development (in Chinese)," Journal of E-Business (Taiwan), 4 (1), 89-106. (TSSCI)
Li, E.Y.*, Zhao X.D., and Lee, T.S. (2001) "Quality Management Initiatives In Banking Industry: A Meta Analysis of Hong Kong and United Kingdom," International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management (U.K.), 18 (6), 570-583. (Scopus)
Li, E.Y.*, Zhao X.D., and Lee, T.S. (2001.7) "Quality Management Initiatives in Hong Kong's Banking Industry: A Longitudinal Study," Total Quality Management (T&F, U.K.), 12 (4), 451-467. (SSCI)
Li, E.Y.*, McLeod, R., Rogers, J.C. (2001.4) "Marketing Information Systems in Fortune 500 Companies: A Longitudinal Analysis of 1980, 1990, and 2000," Information & Management (Elsevier), 38 (5), 307-322. (SCI/SSCI)
Chen, H.G.*, Yang, L.L., and Li, E.Y. (2001) "The Implementation of Business Process Reengineering: A Study of Large Companies in Taiwan (in Chinese)," Fu Jen Studies: Law and Management College Section (Taiwan), 32, 19-38.
Li, E.Y.* and Chen, H.G. (2001.1) "Output-Driven Information System Planning: A Case Study," Information & Management (Elsevier), 38 (3), 185-199. (SCI/SSCI)
Li, E.Y.*, Chen, H.G., and Roan, J.S. (2001 Winter) "Marketing Information Systems Usage in Taiwan's Top 1000 Companies," Journal of Computer Information Systems (U.S.A.), 41 (2), 85-94. (SCI)
Li, E.Y.*, Chen, H.G., and Cheung, W.M. (2000.1) "Total Quality Management in Software Development Process," The Journal of Quality Assurance Institute (U.S.A.), 14 (1), 4-6, 35-41.
Li, E.Y.* (1999.10) "Beyond the Y2K Compliance: A System Approach to Solving Year-Digit and Leap-Year Problems," The Journal of Quality Assurance Institute (U.S.A.), 13 (4), 14-20, 24-26.
Biggs, J.R.*, Li, E.Y., and Rogers, J.C. (1998 Fall) "The Effects of Back Ordering on Performance: Marketing and Production Cooperation in Supply Chain Management," Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice (U.S.A.), 6 (4), 26-40.
Li, E.Y.* (1998.10) "A Structured Approach to Developing Test Plans," The Journal of the Quality Assurance Institute (U.S.A.), 12 (4), 36-48. (Winner of the "Best Article 1998" award.)
Chen H.G.*, Li, E.Y., Chiou, H.S. (1998 Spring) "ISO 9000 System in Taiwan's Manufacturing Industry: Information Systems Perspective (in Chinese)," Sun Yat-Sen Management Reviews (Taiwan), 6 (1), 85-114. (Winner of the "1998 Most Valuable and Practical Article" award from Mao-Barng Chen Memorial Foundation and Sun Yat-Sen Management Reviews.) (TSSCI)
Li, E.Y.* (1997 Fall) "Measuring Faculty Performance: A Model Made In Taiwan," Communications of the ICISA (U.S.A.), 15-28.
Li, E.Y.* (1997.1) " Perceived Importance of Information System Success Factors: A Meta Analysis of Group Differences," Information & Management (Elsevier), 32 (1), 15-28. (SSCI)
Li, E.Y.* (1997 Winter) "Marketing Information Systems in Small Companies," Information Resources Management Journal (IGI, U.S.A.), 10 (1), 27-35.
Li, E.Y.*, Yih, J.Y., and Chen, H.G. (1996.11.30) "An IS Profile of Large Companies in Taiwan (in Chinese)," Information Executives (Taiwan) No. 37, 6-12.
Chen, H.G.*, Chang, C.M., and Li, E.Y. (1996.10) "TQM-Based Information System Architecture for Middle School Administration (in Chinese)," Information and Education (Taiwan), No. 55, 32-42. (Winner of the "Best Article 1996" award from the Department of Education of Taiwan Provincial Government.)
Li, E.Y.*, Li, C.N., and Chen, H.G. (1996.6) "Organizational Characteristics and Marketing Information Systems: A Study of Large Scale Companies in Taiwan (in Chinese)," Journal of Information Management (CSIM, Taiwan), 3 (1), 1-19. (TSSCI)
Li, E.Y.* (1995.1) "Marketing Information Systems in the Top U.S. Companies: A Longitudinal Analysis," Information & Management (Elsevier), 28 (1), 13-31. (SSCI)
Li, E.Y.* (1994.10) "Artificial Neural Networks and Their Business Applications," Information & Management (Elsevier), 27 (5), 303-313. (SSCI)
Li, E.Y.*, Rogers, J.C., and Chang, H.A. (1994 Summer) "An Empirical Reassessment of the Measure of Information System Sophistication," Information Resources Management Journal (IGI, U.S.A.), 7 (3), 3-19.
Li, E.Y.* and Soenen, L. (1994 Spring) "Dollar Value of the Yen and Stock Price Reactions in Japan," Journal of Global Business (U.S.A.), 5 (1), 5-12.
Rogers, R.E.*, Li, E.Y., and Ellis, R. (1994 Winter) "Perceptions of Organizational Stress among Female Executives in the U.S. Government: An Exploratory Study," Public Personnel Management (Sage), 23 (4), 593- 609. (SSCI)
Li, E.Y.* and Baillie, A.S. (1993.9) "Mixing Case Method with Business Games: Student Evaluations," Simulation & Gaming (Sage), 24 (3), 336-355. (SSCI)
Li, E.Y.*, McLeod, R., Jr., and Rogers, J.C. (1993 Summer) " Marketing Information Systems in the Fortune 500 Companies: Past, Present, and Future," Journal of Management Information Systems (ME Sharpe), 10 (1), 165- 192. (SSCI)
Li, E.Y.* and Rogers, J.C. (1991.1) "An Information System Profile of U.S. Companies," Information & Management (Elsevier), 21 (1), 19-36. (SSCI)
Li, E.Y.* and Shani, A.B. (1991 Spring) " Stress Dynamics of Information Systems Managers: A Contingency Approach," Journal of Management Information Systems (ME Sharpe), 7 (4), 107- 130. (SSCI)
Li, E.Y.* (1990.8) " Software Testing in a System Development Process: A Life Cycle Perspective," Journal of Systems Management (U.S.A.), 41 (8), 23-31. (SSCI)
Li, E.Y.* (1990.4) "Structural Software Testing: The Complexity-Based Approach," Quality Data Processing (U.S.A.), 4 (2), 34-38.
Li, E.Y.* (1989 Fall) "Software Testing Techniques in Information Systems Curricula," The Journal of Computer Information Systems (U.S.A.), 30 (1), 54-61. (SCI)
Li, E.Y.* (1989.7) "Structured Testing in the System Development Life Cycle," Quality Data Processing (U.S.A.), 3 (3), 11-19. (Winner of the "Best Article 1989" award.)
Li, E.Y.* (1987.7) "On the Cyclomatic Metric of Program Complexity," Quality Data Processing (U.S.A.), 1 (3), 15-23.
Rogers, R.E.*, Li, E.Y., and Shani, A.B. (1987.6) "Perceptions of Organizational Stress Among U.S. Military Officers in Germany: An Exploratory Study," Group & Organization Studies (Sage), 12 (2), 189-207. (SSCI)
Li, E.Y.* (1979.5) "Test of Normality of the Betas in the (U.S.) Stock Market," Journal of International Trade (Taiwan) No. 27, 39-44.
Li, E.Y.*, Li, H.L., Eds. (2019).Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Electronic Business, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, December 8-12, 573 pages. (EI/Scopus)
Li, E.Y.*, Chang, F.K., Eds. (2018).Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Electronic Business, Guilin, Guangxi, China, December 2-6, 832 pages. (EI/Scopus)
Li, E.Y.*, Shen, K.N., Eds. (2017) Proceedings of the 17th International conference on Electronic Business , Dubai, UAE, December 4-8. (EI/Scopus)
Li, E.Y. , Ed. (2017) Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Information Management (in Chinese), National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 13, 2017.
Li, E.Y. , Ed. (2014) Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Electronic Business, Taipei, Taiwan, December 8-12, 359 pages, ISSN: 1683-0040. (EI/Scopus)
Li, E.Y. and Sharma, R.S., Eds. (2013) Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Electronic Business, Singapore, December 1-4, 275 pages, ISSN: 1683-0040. (EI/Scopus)
Li, E.Y. , Ed. (2011) Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Decision Sciences Institute and the 16th Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute , Taipei, Taiwan, July 12-16, 668 pages, ISSN: 1539-1191.
Li, E.Y. and Yuan, S.T., Eds. (2007) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Electronic Business, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2-6, 518 pages, ISSN: 1683-0040. (EI/Scopus)
Li, E.Y. and Yen, H.J., Eds. (2005) Proceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting of Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Taipei, Taiwan, June 28 - July 2, 932 pages, ISSN: 1539-1191.
Wild, R.H. and Li, E.Y., Eds. (2001) Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute, Vancouver, Canada, April 3-7, 900+ pages, ISSN: 1098-2248. Madison, Wisconsin: Omnipress.
Li, E.Y., Loh, S., Evans, C., and Lorenzi, F., Eds. (2013) Organisations and Social Networking: Utilizing Social Media to Engage Consumers, IGI Global Press, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 423 pages, ISBN: 69.
Head, M. and Li, E.Y., Eds. (2009) Mobile and Ubiquitous Commerce: Advanced E-Business Methods, IGI Global Press, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 359 pages, ISBN: 61.
Li, E.Y. and Yuan, S.T., Eds. (2008) Agent Systems in Electronic Business, IGI Global Press, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 387 pages, ISBN: 87.
Li, E.Y. and Du, T.C., Eds. (2006) Advances in Electronic Business, Volume 2 (Semantic Webs and Intelligent Web Services), IGI Press, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 332 pages, ISBN: 85.
Li, E.Y. and Du, T.C., Eds. (2005) Advances in Electronic Business, Volume 1 (Collaborative Commerce), IGI Press, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 343 pages, ISBN: 14.
Li, E.Y. , Ed. (1997) Selected Readings in Information Systems Design and Implementation, El Corral Bookstore, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, 301 pages.
Book Chapters
Li, E.Y.(2018.08) "Chapter 3: Theoretical Foundation of Cross-Border Electronic Commerce(in Chinese)," in C.H. Hseih (Ed.)Cross-Border Electronic Commerce: Theory and Practice, Tsang Hai Publishing, Taichung, Taiwan, 376 pages. ISBN: 23.
Li, E.Y. and Chang, F.K. (2016) "Design Factors of a Mobile Museum Navigation System: The Case of National Palace Museum in Taiwan," in R.H. Tsaih and T.H. Han (Eds.) Managing Innovation and Cultural Management in the Digital Era: The Case of the National Palace Museum, Routledge, Oxon & New York, 230 pages, pp. 167-199. eISBN: 978-1-315-71564-3.
Li, E.Y. and Chang, S.H. (2013) "User Intention of Sharing Video Clips on Web 2.0 Social Networking Websites," in E.Y. Li, et al. (Eds.) Organisations and Social Networking: Utilizing Social Media to Engage Consumers, IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 2013, pp. 153-173.
Li, E.Y. (2009) "Innovating Values in Cultural Industry through Artwork Licensing Services (in Chinese)," in H.J.R. Yen (Eds.) Lecture Notes on Service Science with 10 Cases, Bestwise Publishing, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009, pp. 186-195.
Du, T.C. and Li, E.Y. (2006) "Building Dynamic Business Process in P2P Semantic Web," in E.Y. Li and T.C. Du (Eds.) Advances in Electronic Business, Volume 2 (Semantic Webs and Intelligent Web Services), IGI Press, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 2006, pp. 180-198.
Lee, H.C., Huang, S.W., and Li, E.Y. (2006) "Web Mining for Protein-to-Protein Interaction Information," in E.Y. Li and T.C. Du (Eds.) Advances in Electronic Business, Volume 2 (Semantic Webs and Intelligent Web Services), IGI Press, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 2006, pp. 280-309.
Li, E.Y. and Du, T.C. (2005) "Collaborative Commerce," in E.Y. Li and T.C. Du (Eds.) Advances in Electronic Business, Volume 1 (Collaborative Commerce), IGI Press, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 2005, pp. 1-18.
Li, E.Y. and Chen, H.G. (1995) "Basic Knowledge in Information Technology (in Chinese)," in Kai Sung (Ed.) Localizing Teaching Materials for Information Management, Office of Science and Technology Consultation, Ministry of Education, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., 1995, pp. 27-79.
Li, E.Y., Shani, A.B., and Perners, L. (1991) "Information Systems Satisfaction among IS Managers," in J. M. Carey (Ed.) Human Factors in Information Systems: An Organizational Perspective, Ablex Publisher, Norwood, NJ., 1991, pp. 179-194.
Conference Papers:
Juan, S.J., Lin, W.T. & Li, E.Y. (2020).Tacit Knowledge Acquisition in Organizations. InProceedings of The 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. PACIS 2020, Dubai, UAE, June 20-24. (pp. 1-8)
Guo, H., Zhou, H. & Li, E.Y. (2019).Constructing an emergency intelligence system: A multi-level framework. InProceedings of The 19th International Conference on Electronic Business. ICEB2019, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, December 8-12. (pp. 108-115)
Xu, X.Y., Chang F.K. & Li, E.Y. (2018). "Exploring consumer value path of cross-border e-commerce: a perspective of means-end theory,"Proceedings of The 18th International Conference on Electronic Business, Guilin, China, December 2-6. (pp. 284-294).
Li, E.Y., Chang, L.F.K., and Huang, Min-Chi (2018) "A Long-term Care Service Process Improvement with Application of Double Diamond Design Model and Customer Journey Map,"Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Mercure Bangkok Makkasan, Bangkok, Thailand, July 16-20.
Li, E.Y., and Wang, W.-H. (2018) "Adopting IoT application platform to construct smart building,"Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, April 3-6, cr270, 1-6.
Li, E.Y., Wang, W.-H., and Hsu, Y.-S. (2017) "Adopting IoT Technology to Optimize Intelligent Water Management,"Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Electronic Business, Dubai, UAE, December 4-8.
Lou, A.T.F., andLi, E.Y.(2017) "Integrating Innovation Diffusion Theory and the Technology Acceptance Model: The Adoption of Blockchain Technology from Business Managers' Perspective,"Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Electronic Business, Dubai, UAE, December 4-8.
Hsieh, K.-H., andLi, E.Y.(2017) "Progress of Fintech Industry from Venture Capital Point of View,"Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Electronic Business, Dubai, UAE, December 4-8.
Li, E.Y., Hung, W.H., Chang, L.F.K., Tsai, Y.S. (2017) "Exploring Determinants and the Moderating Role of Shopping Orientation of Purchase Intention of Cross-Border Online Shopping,"Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute(pp. 230-236). APDSI, Seoul, Korea, July 21-25.
Li, E.Y., and Li, J.P. (2016) "Information Security Challenges in the New Era of Fintech,"Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Electronic Business, Xiamen, China, December 4-8.
Hung, W.H., Chang, I-C, Yang, Z.C., andLi, E.Y.(2016) "Critical Acceptance Factors of Cloud-based Public Health Records,"Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Electronic Business, Xiamen, China, December 4-8.
Li, E.Y., Chang, L.F.K., and Huang, P.C. (2016) "Exploring the Deterministic Factors of Purchase Intention and Behavior of Cross-Border Online Shopping,"Proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference of Decision Sciences Institute, Austin, Texas, USA, November 19-22.
Li, E.Y., Chang, L.F.K. (2015) "Design Factors Of Museum Navigation System On The Mobile Smart-Phone App,"Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Electronic Business, Hong Kong, China, December 6-10, p. 192.
Li, E.Y., Chao, K.K., and Liu, C.C. (2015) "The Effects of Internal Marketing on Market Orientation and Its Antecedents: A Hierarchical Linear Model,"Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of Decision Sciences Institute, Seattle, USA, November 21-24, 5 pages.
Li, E.Y., Huang, X.J., Chang, S.H. (2014) "User's Motivation of Using IoT Products: A Case of Smart Home,"Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Electronic Business, Taipei, Taiwan, December 8-12, p. 290.
Li, E.Y., Liu, Y.C., Chao, K.K. (2014) "The Effects of Sensory Stimuli on The Purchase of Online Luxury Product,"Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Electronic Business, Taipei, Taiwan, December 8-12, p. 240.
Li, E.Y., Nieh, C.Y., Chao, K.K. (2014) "Evaluate The Impact of Waiting on Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction by Kano Model,"Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Electronic Business, Taipei, Taiwan, December 8-12, p. 118.
Li, E.Y., Chen, C.-Y., Chang, F.K. (2014) "Building and Evaluating Museum Mobile Navigation System with Design Science Research Method: A Case of National Palace Museum,"Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Electronic Business, Taipei, Taiwan, December 8-12, pp. 81-82.
Lee, S.Y.,Li, E.Y.(2014) "Application of SaaS to Interactive Media Marketing in Public Transportation,"Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Electronic Business, Taipei, Taiwan, December 8-12, p. 54.
Cheng, C. Y.,Li, E.Y.(2014) "Identifying the Most Persuasive Messages to Convert Non-Mobile Shoppers into Mobile Shoppers,"Proceedings of the 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Chengdu, China, June 24-28, 12 pages.
Chiu, M. C.,Li, E.Y.(2014, June) "Investigating the Academic Trend of Balanced Scorecard from Bibliometric Approach,"Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control (IS3C), Taichung, Taiwan, June 10-12, pp. 694-697.
Liu, C. C.,Li, E.Y., and Wu, S. C. (2014, June) "A Research Growth of Tourism Innovation from Bibliometric Perspective,"Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control (IS3C), Taichung, Taiwan, June 10-12, pp. 1148-1151.
Weng, T.C., Huang, Y.S., Hsu, C.H., andLi, E.Y.(2014) "Smart Commerce Analysis for Click and Mortar of Integration Platform,"Proceedings of International Conference on Business Tourism and Applied Sciences, London, Paris, 19-26 March; Boston, 1-3 May, pp. 61-67.
Li, E.Y., Chen, C.Y., and Chang, L.F.K. (2013) "A Mobile Museum Navigation System Designed for Visitors' Usability,"Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Electronic Business, Singapore, December 1-4, pp.170-171.
Li, E.Y., Huang, X.J., and Weng, T.C. (2013) "Applying Customer Knowledge Management to Alignment and Integration of Strategy Maps,"Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Electronic Business, Singapore, December 1-4, pp.233-239.
Li, K.,Li, E.Y., and Du, T.C. (2013) "Can Legitimacy Help SMES in B2B Commerce?,"Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Electronic Business, Singapore, December 1-4, p.14.
Li, E.Y., Tung, C.Y., Chang, S.H. (2013) "Prediction Market System for Epidemic Disease Prediction,"Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute, Baltimore, MD, November 16-19, pp. 671859-1-671859-8. (NSC-99-2410-H-004-157-MY3)
Shen, C.L. andLi, E.Y.(2013) "Apply Ant Colony Algorithm to Test Case Prioritization,"Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of Decision Sciences Institute and the 18th Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Bali, Indonesia, July 9-13, pp.1096-1102.
Li, E.Y., Yen, H.J.R., Liu, C.C., Chang, L.F.K. (2013) "From Structural Assurances to Trusting Beliefs: Validating Persuasion Principles in the Context of Online Shopping," Presented atthe 17th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Jeju Island, Korea, June 18-22.
Li, E.Y., Tung, C.Y., Chang, S.H. (2012) "Prediction Market System Usage and Performance: An Extension of Theory of Planned Behavior,"Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute, San Francisco, CA, November 17-20, pp. 62501-62507. (NSC-99-2410-H-004-157-MY3)
Cheng, C.Y.,Li, E.Y., Shu, W. (2012) "The Effect of Affinity Design on Review Helpfulness: An Experimental Study of Online Review in the Airline Industry,"Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Electronic Business, Xi'an, China, October 12-16, pp. 147-153.
Li, E.Y., Yen, H.J.R., Ruan, J.W., and Chang, L.F.K. (2012) "A Study of Partner Relationship Management within e-Procurement Platform by System Simulation,"Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Chiang Mai, Thailand, July 22-26, pp. 375-382.
Avital, M., Levina, N., Agarwal, R., Bjorn-Andersen, N., Grover, V.,Li, E.Y.. Te'eni, D. (2011) "Nurturing a Thriving Information Systems Discipline: A Call to Action,"Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Information Systems, Shanghai, China, December 4-7, 8 pages.
Li, E.Y., Chen, C.H., Chiang, C.H., and Chang, L.F.K. (2011) "IT Enabled Service Innovation in E-Government: The Case of Taiwan Drug Abuse Reduction Service,"Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Electronic Business, Bangkok, Thailand, November 29 - December 2, pp. 148-153.
Li, E.Y., Yen, H.J.R., Chang, S.H. (2011) "Factors Affecting New Service Development Performance: An Exploratory Study,"Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute, Boston, MA, November 19-22, pp. 4931-4936. (NSC-99-2410-H-004-157-MY3)
Li, E.Y., and Chen, P.C. (2011) "A System of Health Exam Data Standardization for Improving Performance of Employee Health Management (in Chinese),"Proceedings of 17th Cross-Strait Academic Conference on Development and Strategies of Information Management, Nanjing, China, September 1-2, 8 pages.
Li, E.Y., and Lin, Y.C. (2011) "User Interface Design of a Mobile Navigation System - A Case Study of Taipei Zoo (in Chinese),"Proceedings of 17th Cross-Strait Academic Conference on Development and Strategies of Information Management, Nanjing, China, September 1-2, 8 pages.
Li, E.Y., Chang, L.F.K., and Huang, S. Y. (2011) "The Interaction Effect of User Participation on IT Service Providing Process,"IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS), Wuhan, China, August 12-14, pp. 1-4.
Yen, H.J.R.,Li, E.Y., Hu, P., and Hsu, H.Y.S. (2011) "A Multilevel Approach to Examining Continuance Usage of Information Systems,"Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Decision Sciences Institute and the 16th Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Taipei, Taiwan, July 12-16, p. 660.
Li, E.Y., Chen, L.W., Shen, C.L., and Liu, C.C. (2011) "Measuring the Core Competencies of Service Businesses: A Resource-Based View,"Proceedings of 2011 Annual SRII Global Conference (SRII 2011), San Jose, California, USA, March 30 - April 2, pp. 222-231.
Li, E.Y., and Hsieh, J.H. (2010) "From Intention to Use: A Longitudinal Investigation on Customer Readiness and Facilitating Conditions for Self-Service Technology,"Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Electronic Business, Shanghai, China, December 1-4, 2010, pp. 111-120.
Shen, C.L., Liang, Y.C., andLi, E.Y.(2010) "The Impact of Experience in Service Virtualization on Travel Intention - The Case of Forbidden City Tour,"Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Electronic Business, Shanghai, China, December 1-4, pp. 101-110.
Li, E.Y., Hsiao, C.C., Chung, C.S., and Yen, H.J. R. (2010) "A Process-Based Taxonomy of Customer Knowledge Management and Its Impact on Organizational Performance: A Perspective of Dynamic Capabilities,"Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute, San Diego, California, November 20-23, pp. 3311-3316. (NSC-96-2416-H-004-009-MY3 and NSC-96-2416-H-007-012-MY3)
Li, E.Y., and Lin, Y.C. (2010) "E-Learning Innovation: A Framework of RFID-based system for Implementing Personalized Ubiquitous Learning (in Chinese),"Proceedings of 16th Cross-Strait Academic Conference on Development and Strategies of Information Management, Hong Kong, China, August 5-6.
Li, E.Y., and Juan, C.W. (2010) "B2B Partner Relationship Management Under Service Oriented Architecture: System Implementation and Performance Evaluation (in Chinese),"Proceedings of 16th Cross-Strait Academic Conference on Development and Strategies of Information Management, Hong Kong, China, August 5-6.
Li, E.Y., and Wu, Y.C. (2010) "The Development and Applications of Customer Knowledge Management System: Analyzing the Difference between Product Positioning and Perceived Value in Mobile Phone Industry (in Chinese),"Proceedings of 16th Cross-Strait Academic Conference on Development and Strategies of Information Management, Hong Kong, China, August 5-6.
Li, E.Y., Chen, L.W., and Shen, C.L. (2010) "A Framework for Service Innovation Capability Maturity Model,"Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management(Joint withProceedings of the 15th Conference of Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute), Hong Kong, China, July 25-31, pp. 529-534.
Li, E.Y., Hsiao, C.C., and Yang, A.J. (2010) "Customer Loyalty toward Convenience Stores: Testing the Mediating Effect of Social Bond and the Moderating Effect of Service Familiarity (in Chinese),"Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Information Management, May 22, Tainan, Taiwan, 16 pages.
Li, E.Y., Hsiao, J.C.C., Yang, J.A.J., Yen, H.J.R. (2009) "Examining the Antecedents of Repurchase Intention in Convenience Stores: A Perspective of Expectation-Disconfirmation Theory,"Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Electronic Business, Macau, China, November 30 - December 4, pp. 1001-1007.
Yen, H.J.R.,Li, E.Y., Hsu, H.Y.S, and Liao, C.H. (2009) "Sustainability of Information System Success: A Multilevel Analysis of IS Usage Continuance,"Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 14-17, pp. 1151-1156.
Li, E.Y., Chung, C.S., and Hsiao, C.C. (2009) "Effect of Customer Knowledge Management on Customer Response Capability and Firm Performance (in Chinese),"Proceedings of 15th Cross-Strait Academic Conference on Development and Strategies of Information Management, Shanghai, China, August 20-21, pp. 490-496. (NSC-96-2416-H-004-009-MY3)
Hsiao, J.C.C., Yen, H.J.R., andLi, E.Y.(2009) "A Means-End Framework of Customer Relational Benefits in China,"Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Shanghai, China, July 4-7.
Li, E.Y., Lin, C.C. and Chang, S.H. (2009) "A Study of Web-Community Service Quality Using the Kano Two-Dimensional Model,"Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Decision Sciences Institute, Nancy, France, June 24-27.
Hsiao, C.C., Yen, H.J.R., andLi, E.Y.(2008) "Developing a Value-Driven Hierarchy of Multi-Channel Shopping,"Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, November 22-25, pp. 2921-2926.
Yen, H.J.R.,Li, E.Y., and Cheng, C.Y.J. (2008) "Understanding the Gap between Website Value and Consumer Shopping Orientation: An Application of Task-Technology Fit Theory to Online shopping Values,"Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Electronic Business, Big Island, Hawaii, September 30 - October 2, pp. 185-197.
Li, E.Y., Chang, S.H., Lin, C.C. (2008) "A Study of User Intention on Video Sharing Website (in Chinese),"Proceedings of 14th Cross-Strait Academic Conference on Development and Strategies of Information Management, Chungli, Taiwan, July 15-16.
Li, E.Y., Yen, H.J.R. and Cheng, C.Y.J. (2007) "Working with the Right Partner in a Pair-Programming Setting,"Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, November 17-20.
Li, E.Y., Tseng, P.T.Y., Ho, T.H. (2007) "Partner Relationship Management in SCM & B2B E-Commerce (in Chinese),"Proceedings of 13th Cross-Strait Academic Conference on Development and Strategies of Information Management, Beijing, China, August 18-20, pp. 280-287.
Li, E.Y., and Yen, H.J.R. (2007) "A Fit-Gap Analysis of E-Business Curricula and Job Markets in Taiwan and the U.S.,"Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Decision Sciences Institute and the 12th Conference of Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Bangkok, Thailand, June 11-15.
Li, E.Y., Tseng, P.T.Y., Lu, E. (2007) "Measuring the Strength of Partner Relationship in B2B EC: An Exploratory Research,"Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Management, Taipei, Taiwan, May 26.
Yen, H.J. andLi, E.Y.(2006) "Does Organizational Citizenship Behavior Lead to Information System Success?,"Proceedings of the 11th Annual Meeting of Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Hong Kong, June 14-18, pp. 245-247.
Li, E.Y., Chen, H.G., and Du, T.C. (2006) "Software Process Management in Taiwan's Top 1000 Companies: A Longitudinal Analysis,"Proceedings of the 11th Annual Meeting of Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Hong Kong, June 14-18, pp.20-23.
Yen, H.J.,Li, E.Y., and Song, Y.P. (2005) "The Impacts of National Cultures on Customer Relational Benefit - Loyalty Link: A Study of the Chinese Community,"Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Electronic Business, Hong Kong, December 5-9.
Chen, H.G., Chen, C.C., andLi, E.Y.(2005) "The Efficacy of Pseudonym in Securing Online Privacy,"Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute, San Francisco, November 19-22.
Yen, H.J. andLi, E.Y.(2005) "Trustworthiness of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on the Corporate-Sponsored Website: A Moderating Model,"Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of Decision Sciences Institute, Barcelona, Spain, July 3-6, pp. 474-480.
Li, E.Y.and Chang, F.K. (2005) "A Comparative Fit-Gap Analysis of E-Business Curricula vs. Industry Need,"Proceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting of Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Taipei, Taiwan, June 28-July 2, p. 8-28.
Chen, J.S., Ching, R.K.H.,Li, E.Y., and Liao, Y.L. (2004) "An Exploratory Study of the Effects of CRM Practices on CRM Effectiveness and Business Performance,"Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Electronic Business, Beijing, December 6-9.
Chen, H.G., Hung, M.C., Yen, D.C., andLi, E.Y.(2004) "A Model of Supply Chain Management Information System Adoption in Taiwan,"Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute, Boston, November 20-23.
Li, E.Y.and Yen, H.J. (2004) "The Impact of Organizational Characteristics on Information System Quality: The Mediating and Moderating Effects,"Proceedings of the 9th Annual Meeting of Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Seoul, Korea, July 1-4.
Du, T.C.,Li, E.Y., Wang J.W. (2003) "Collaborative Commerce,"Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Electronic Business, Singapore, December 9-13.
Bai, L., Yen, D.C., Chou, D.C., andLi, E.Y.(2003) "Current Development and Future Analysis of Mobile Commerce,"Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute, Washington, D.C., November 22-25.
Li, E.Y.(2003) "Current State of Usage and Application of Mobile Commerce in Taiwan," presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute, Washington, D.C., November 22-25.
Wild, R., Griggs, K., andLi, E.Y.(2003) "A Web Portal/Simulation Architecture to Support Collaborative Policy and Planning Decision Making,"Proceedings of the AMCIS 2003, Tampa, FL, USA, August 4-6.
Chen, H.G.,Li, E.Y., Hornik, S., and Jiang, J.J. (2003) "A Gap Analysis of Communication Skills in IS Providers,"Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute, Kauai, Hawaii, April 15-19.
Du, T.C., Wang, J.W., Chen, C.A., andLi, E.Y.(2003) "Document Sharing in Collaborative Workflows,"Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute, Kauai, Hawaii, April 15-19.
Chen, J.K.C. andLi, E.Y.(2002) "Multiple Phases of Adopting Extranet by Business Networks: A Study of Plastics Industry in Taiwan,"Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Electronic Business, Taipei, December 10-13.
Chen, H.G., Jiang, J.J. andLi, E.Y.(2002) "Software Project Process Management Maturity and Project Performance: An Examination of Taiwan's Software Companies,"Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute,San Diego, November 23-26.
Wang, F.K., Du, T.C., andLi, E.Y.(2002) "Applying Six-Sigma to Supplier Development,"Proceedings of the 7th Annual Meeting of Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Bangkok, Thailand, July 24-27, p. 175.
Dhir, K.S., Mallette, P., Jenson, R.L., andLi, E.Y.(2002) "Conference Planning At The Western Decision Sciences Institute: A Look Behind The Scenes,"Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2-6, p. 127.
Du, T.C.,Li, E.Y., and Wei, E. (2001) "A Mobile Agent-Based Electronic Marketplace,"Proceedings of the First International Conference on Electronic Business, Hong Kong, December 19-21, pp. 218-220.
Li, E.Y., Chen, H.G., and Lee, T.S. (2001) "A Comparative Analysis of Software Development Capability in Taiwan's Top 1000 Companies,"Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute, San Francisco, November 17-20.
Li, E.Y., Chen, H.G., and Lee, T.S. (2001) "A Longitudinal Study of Software Process Management in Taiwan's Top 1000 Companies,"Proceedings of the 6th Annual Meeting of Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Singapore, July 18-21, p. 83.
Li, E.Y.(2001) "A Structured Approach to Measuring MIS Journal Quality,"Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute, Vancouver, Canada, April 3-7, pp. 562-564.
Cheung, W.M., Yee, L.W., andLi, E.Y.(2000) "Multimedia-Based Learning System for Database Modeling and Design (Using a Case),"Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute, Maui, Hawaii, April 18-22, pp. 1080-1082.
Li, E.Y.,Chen, H.G., and Lee, T.S. (2000) "Software Process Management in Taiwan,"Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute, Maui, Hawaii, April 18-22, pp. 1065-1067.
Hagan, A.J.,Li, E.Y., and Rogers, J.C. (2000) "Marketing Information Systems in Fortune 500 Companies: A Descriptive Study,"Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute, Maui, Hawaii, April 18-22, pp. 751-753.
Li, E.Y.(1999) "Beyond Y2K Compliance: A System Approach to Year-Digit Problem,"Proceedings of the 1999 Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Pudong, Shanghai, China, June 9-12, pp. 472-474.
Li, E.Y.(1999) "Total Quality Management in Software Development Process,"Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, April 6-10, pp. 774-776.
Li, E.Y.(1998) "Measuring Faculty Performance: An Example of Designing Objective Criteria and Procedure,"Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 21-24, p. 362.
Li, E.Y.(1998) "Marketing Information System Usage in Taiwan and U.S.: A Comparison of Top Companies,"Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute, Reno, Nevada, April 7-11, pp. 409-411.
Li, E.Y.(1997) "Information System Quality and Stress: A Causal Model,"ACME Transactionsof the 1977 ACME VII International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, August 10-12, 1997, pp. 1-10.
Li, E.Y.(1997) "The Current Status of Marketing Information System in Taiwan,"Proceedings of the 4th International Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Part II,Sydney, Australia, July 20-23, pp. 807-809.
Li, E.Y.(1997) "A Structured Approach to Developing Test Plans,"Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute,Kamuela, Hawaii, March 25-29, pp. 797-799.
Li, E.Y.and Rogers, J.C. (1996) "Organizational Characteristics and Information System Quality: A Comparative Analysis,"Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute,Orlando, Florida, November 23-26, pp. 856-858.
Li, E.Y., Hsieh, K.D., and Chen, H.G. (1996) "Software Process Maturity and Its Related Factors of Large Scale Companies in Taiwan (in Chinese),"Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Management,Chungli, Taiwan, R.O.C., May 24-25, pp. 752-761.
Li, E.Y., Li, C.N., and Chen, H.G. (1996) "Organizational Characteristics and Marketing Information Systems: A Study of Large Scale Companies in Taiwan,"Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Management,Chungli, Taiwan, R.O.C., May 24-25, pp. 74-84. (in Chinese)
Chen, H.G., Chang, C.M., andLi, E.Y.(1996) "TQM-Based Primary School Administration Information System (in Chinese),"Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Management,Chungli, Taiwan, R.O.C., May 24-25, pp. 474-480.
Chen, H.G., Chiou, H.S., andLi, E.Y.(1996) "An Integrated ISO 9000 Information Model: A Study of ISO 9000 Certified Companies in Taiwan (in Chinese),"Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Management,Chungli, Taiwan, R.O.C., May 24-25, pp. 458-466.
Li, E.Y.(1996) "Perceived Importance of Information System Success Factors,"Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute,Seattle, Washington, U.S.A., April 2-6, pp. 405-408.
Li, E.Y.(1995) "A Comparative Analysis of MIS Graduate Curricula in Taiwan,"Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute,San Francisco, California, April 11-15, pp. 454-457.
Biggs, J.R., Thies, E.A., andLi, E.Y.(1995) "The Management of Capacity,"Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute,San Francisco, California, April 11-15, p. 619.
Geringer, J.M., Tallman, S.B., andLi, E.Y.(1994) "Using Resource-Based Theory to Assess Internationalization Theories," presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Dallas, August 16. (Abstract).
Tallman, S.B., Geringer, J.M., andLi, E.Y.(1994) "The Resource-Based View of the Firm and Internationalization: A Structural Equation Model,"Proceedings of the Michigan International Organizational Studies Conference,Ann Arbor, Michigan, February 4-6, 1994, Volume 2, pp. 794-830.
Li, E.Y.(1993) "A Profile of Marketing Information Systems in Small Million-Dollar U.S. Companies,"Proceedings of the First International Conference on POM/MIS,Hong Kong, December 19-21.
Li, E.Y.(1993) "The Perception of Information System Satisfaction: An Empirical Analysis of the Differences Between IS Managers and the Users,"Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute,Washington, D.C., November 21-23, pp. 885-887.
Li, E.Y.(1993) "Neural Network Applications in Business"ACME Transactions 1993,the 1993 ACME III/ICCM VI Joint International Conference on Technology Transfer/Comparative Management, Los Angeles, August 6-8, pp. 34-39.
Biggs, J.R.,Li, E.Y., and Schultz, C.J. (1993) "Top Management Support: Who Needs It?,"Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute,San Diego, California, March 30-April 3, p. 389.
Rogers, R.E.,Li, E.Y., and Ellis, R. (1992) "Perceptions of Organizational Stress among Female Executives in the U.S. Government: An Exploratory Study,"Proceedings of the American Psychological Association/National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (APA/NIOSH) Conference,Washington, D.C., November 19-22.
Li, E.Y., McLeod, R., Jr., and Rogers, J.C. (1992) "Marketing Information Systems: Current Trends,"Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on System Research, Informatic & Cybernetics,Baden, Germany, August.
Li, E.Y.(1992) "Decision Styles of Information Systems Executives and Business Executives: A Comparative Analysis,"ACME Transactions 1992,the 1992 ACME II International Conference of Pacific Region Management, Washington, D.C., August 7-9, pp. 53-59.
Li, E.Y.and Chang, H.A. (1992) "Testing Spreadsheet Models: A Case Study,"Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute,Reno, Nevada, March 24-27, pp. 350-351.
Biggs, J.R.,Li, E.Y., and Thies, E.A. (1992) "Incremental Amount of Flexible Capacity: The Effect on Production System Performance,"Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute,Reno, Nevada, March 24-27, p. 413.
Li, E.Y., Rogers, J.C., and Chang, H.A. (1991) "An Empirical Assessment of the Measure of Information System Sophistication,"ACME Transactions 1991,the 1991 ACME I International Conference, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, August 9-11, pp. 71-84.(Winner of the first-prize "Best Paper 1991" award.)
Biggs, J.R., Rogers, J.C., andLi, E.Y.(1991) "The Management of Backorders and Its Effect on Customer Service, Sales and Production Performance: A Marketing and Production Interface,"Proceedings of the First International Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute,Brussels, Belgium, June 24-26.
Chang, H.A., Lin, J.T.M.,Li, E.Y.(1991) "Information Systems Design and Transborder Data Flows: A Strategic View,"Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of Western Decision Sciences Institute,Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii, March 19-22, p. 360.
Thies, E.A., Biggs, J.R., andLi, E.Y.(1990) "Incremental Additions of Capacity: The Effect on System Performance," presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Diego, California, November.
Li, E.Y., Chang, H.A., and Lai, S.C. (1990) "Strategic IS Planning for a Commercial Bank,"Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute,Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, March 13-16, p. 266.
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Li, E.Y.(1988) "Software Testing Techniques for the Information Systems Professional: A Curriculum Perspective,"Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference on Information Systems,Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 30-December 3, pp. 119-128.
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Li, E.Y.and Shani, A.B. (1988) "Stress Dynamics of the Information Systems Professionals: An Exploratory Inquiry,"Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute,Kona, Hawaii, March 30-31, April 1, p. 257.
Li, E.Y.(1987) "A Measure of Program Nesting Complexity,"Proceedings of the 1987 AFIPS National Computer Conference (NCC),56, Chicago, Illinois, June, pp. 531-538.
Li, E.Y.(1986) "Software Testing: A System Analyst's Perspective,"Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute,Phoenix, Arizona, March, pp. 126-128.
Li, E.Y.(1986) "Using Simulation to Teach Application Prototyping,"Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute,Phoenix, Arizona, March, pp. 240-242.
Li, E.Y.(1986) "Structured Testing: An Introduction," presented at the TIMS/ORSA 1986 Joint National Meeting, Los Angeles, April 14-16..
Li, E.Y., Gaspari, A., and Armijo, R. (1985) "Structured Testing for Systems Development,"Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the Western American Institute for Decision Sciences,Monterey, California, March, pp. 432-434.
Rogers, R.E. andLi, E.Y.(1984) "Stress Pattern among United States Military Officers in Germany," presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Western American Institute for Decision Sciences, Oahu, Hawaii, March.
Li, E.Y.(1983) "Analysis of Medical School Pre-Admission and Achievement Records Using Two-Group Discriminant Functions,"Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of the Western American Institute for Decision Sciences,Reno, Nevada, March, pp. 159-161.
Callarman, T.E., Sil, S, andLi, E.Y.(1981) "Buffering Techniques in Material Requirements Planning (MRP) with Demand Uncertainty,"Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of the Southwest American Institute for Decision Sciences,New Orleans, Louisiana, March.
1989/1-1989/4,美国IBM Corp.客座软件科学家
1984/6-1984/9,美国Bechtel Corp.之软件质量专家
英国Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.六本期刊的创办人兼荣誉主编:International Journal of Electronic Business (IJEB)、International Journal of Information and Computer Security (IJICS)、International Journal of Information Systems and Management (IJISAM)、International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management (IJIEM)、International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising(IJIMA)、International Journal of Technology Policy and Law (IJTPL)
美国Journal of Business and Management主编
Communications of the ICISA(美国)、Information & Management(荷兰)、International Journal of Technology Diffusion(美国)、International Journal of Management Theory and Practice(美国)、Journal of e-Business(台湾)、The Journal of Quality Assurance Institute(美国)、Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce(美国)期刊编辑委员
Decision Support Systems(荷兰)、International Journal of Service Industry Management(英国)、Journal of Global Information Management(美国)、Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce(美国)、Total Quality Management (英国)等期刊特刊编辑
2012-至今,美国IGI Global Publisher之Advances in Marketing、Customer Relationship Management、and E-Services(AMCRMES)的丛书创办人兼总编辑
2012-至今,香港中文大商学院Chinese EPTH & EMBA学程外审委员
2003-至今,创办了「国际电子商务研究中心」(Global Electronic Business Research Center)兼任中心主任
1998/3-至今,香港行政特区Research Grant Council研究计划之外审委员
2014,名列Who's Who in the West, Marquis Who's Who, New Providence, NJ, sincethe 24th Edition, 1993-1994.
2012,名列Who's Who in the World, 29th Silver Anniversary Edition, Marquis Who's Who LLC., New Providence, NJ.
2007,名列Who's Who in the World, 25th Silver Anniversary Edition, Marquis Who's Who LLC., New Providence, NJ.
1999,名列Who's Who in Mediaand Communications, 1st Edition, Marquis Who's Who LLC., New Providence, NJ, 1998-99.
1994,名列Who's Who in American Education, Marquis Who's Who, New Providence, NJ, since the 4th Edition.
1994,名列Men of Achievement, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge CB23QP, England, since the 16th Edition, Winter.
1986,名列Who's Who in Technology, Research Publications, Woodbridge, Connecticut, since the 5th Edition.
1982,候选The Most Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation, American Institute for Decision Sciences, nominated by Texas Tech University.
1998,The Journal of Quality Assurance Institute期刊第一名论文奖
1991,First International Conference of the Association for Chinese Management Educators第一名论文奖
1989,Quality Data Processing第一名论文奖
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-12
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