金露 博士、助理教授,管理高等研究院
研究兴趣:创新管理、新型市场组织间关系、营销战略 等
2005-2009 浙江大学管理学院 电子商务 学士
2009-2012 浙江大学管理学院 管理科学与工程 硕士
2012-2017 香港大学商学院 战略与国际商务 博士
Bi, Jingyu, En Xie, and Jason Lu Jin (金露). Ties’ repeatedness, partners’ social value, and alliance portfolio performance in emerging economy: The moderating roles of firm-government linkages. Industrial Marketing Management, forthcoming.
Wang, Liwen, Jason Lu Jin (金露), Defeng Yang, and Kevin Zheng Zhou (2020). Inter-partner control, trust, and radical innovation of IJVs in China: A contingent governance perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 80, 70-83 (all the authors contribute equally).
Wang, Liwen, Jason Lu Jin (金露)*, Kevin Zheng Zhou, Caroline B. Li, and Eden Yin (2020). How does customer participation hurt NPD performance? Customer role, new product features, and conflict. Journal of Business Research, 109, 246-259 (* corresponding author).
Wang, Liwen, Jason Lu Jin (金露)*, and Kevin Zheng Zhou (2019). Institutional forces and customer participation in NPD: A Yin-Yang perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 82, 188-198. (* corresponding author).
Jason Lu Jin (金露), Chengli Shu, and Kevin Zheng Zhou (2019). Product newness and product performance in new ventures: Contingent roles of market knowledge breadth and tacitness. Industrial Marketing Management, 76 (1), 231-241.
Wang, Liwen, Jason Lu Jin (金露)*, and David Banister (2019), Resources, state ownership and innovation capability: Evidence from Chinese automakers. Creativity and Innovation Management, 28 (2), 203-217 (* corresponding author).
Ju, Min, Jason Lu Jin (金露)*, and Kevin Zheng Zhou (2018). How can international ventures utilize marketing capability in emerging markets? Its contingent effect on new product development. Journal of International Marketing, 26(4), 1-17 (* corresponding author).
Shu, Chengli, Jason Lu Jin (金露), and Kevin Zheng Zhou (2017). A contingent view of partner coopetition in international joint ventures. Journal of International Marketing, 25(3), 42-60.
Yang, Defeng, Jason Lu Jin (金露)*, and Shibin Sheng (2017). Is more knowledge always better? The effect of knowledge breadth and depth on new product performance. International Journal of Market Research, 59(4), 517-536 (*corresponding author).
Jason Lu Jin (金露), Kevin Zheng Zhou, and Yonggui Wang (2016). Exploitation and exploration in international joint ventures: Moderating effects of partner control imbalance and product similarity. Journal of International Marketing, 24(4), 20-38.
Jason Lu Jin (金露) and Kevin Zheng Zhou, 2019. Is ambidexterity strategy beneficial to international joint venture performance? Evidence from China. Presented at Asia Academy of Management Conference, Bali, Indonesia
Jason Lu Jin (金露) and Kevin Zheng Zhou, 2018. Is ambidexterity strategy beneficial to international joint venture performance? Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA.
Jason Lu Jin (金露) and Kevin Zheng Zhou, 2016. Ambidexterity in international joint ventures: Moderating roles of institutional and relational factors. Presented at the Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Hong Kong.
Jason Lu Jin (金露), Chengli Shu, and Kevin Zheng Zhou, 2016. Product innovativeness and product performance of new ventures in China. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, USA.
Wang, Liwen, Jason Lu Jin (金露), and Shibin Sheng, 2016. Institutional forces and customer participation in new product development: Moderating roles of ownership and prior experience. Presented at the Consortium for International Marketing Research Annual Conference.
Jason Lu Jin (金露) and Kevin Zheng Zhou. 2015. Exploitative-explorative strategy in IJVs: Moderating roles of partner competition and coordination. Presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Jason Lu Jin (金露), Shibin Sheng, and Kevin Zheng Zhou, 2014. Market knowledge tacitness and SMEs' new product performance. Presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA.
地方政府创新激励政策与企业创新能力发展的关系研究,上海市浦江人才奖励计划,主持人:金露,2019. 11~2021.10
2019~ Reviewer, Management and Organization Review, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation
2017~ Reviewer, Journal of International Marketing
2016 Program Session Chair - “Innovation in Emerging Markets: Institutional Perspective”, Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Hong Kong
2016 BPS Program Session Chair - “Alliances, Property Rights and Innovation”, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, USA
2015~ Reviewer, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of Management & Organization
2016~2020 Reviewer, Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting
2014~2017 Reviewer, AoM Annual Meeting (BPS, TIM Division)
2014~2018 Reviewer, AIB Annual Meeting; IACMR Biennial conference
2016,2017 Best Reviewer Award, AoM Technology and Innovation Management Division
2016 Outstanding Reviewer Award, AoM Business Policy and Strategy Division
2016 Best Reviewer Award, International Association for Chinese Management Research
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-12
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