青岛理工大学 机械工程学院, 山东 青岛 266520
国家自然科学基金项目(51775286, 51405525)Characteristics of Lubrication Film in Slider-on-Disc ContactUnder Limited Lubricant Supply
ZANG Shuyan,GUO Feng,LI Chao,LI XinmingSchool of Mechanical Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266520, Shandong, China
摘要: 利用面接触润滑油膜测量系统,在限量润滑油供给条件下研究了润滑油膜特性.同时,定义了相对油膜厚度,即限量供油与充分供油条件下的油膜厚度之比,用于表征限量供油下润滑油膜承载力的变化情况.结果表明,在限量供油条件下,随着玻璃盘的速度增大,油膜厚度先增加,随后,乏油的出现使得油膜厚度几乎保持不变.由于在润滑轨道上没有充分的润滑油回充,润滑油的黏度和回流时间对润滑膜的形成影响很大.只有当乏油变得严重时,入口乏油区才会承受一定载荷.
关键词: 限量供油, 动压润滑, 油膜厚度, 面接触
Abstract: Using an optical slider-bearing test rig, the characteristics of lubrication film were studied under condition of limited lubricant supply. A relative film thickness, that is the ratio between the measured film thickness with limited lubricant supply and that with full lubricant supply, was defined to assess the reduction of load-carrying capacity by limited lubricant supply. It was found that when a small quantity of lubricant is supplied, the film thickness increases at first and then remains nearly unchanged with increasing speeds due to development of starvation. Results show that the lubricant viscosity and the reflow time between two slide-overs can markedly affect the film building due to the inadequate lubricant replenishment on the lubrication track. The inlet starvation area may bear some load only when the starvation becomes severe.
Key words: limited lubricant supply, hydrodynamic lubrication, film thickness, slider-on-disc contact