上海交通大学 海洋工程国家重点实验室; 高新船舶与深海开发装备协同创新中心, 上海 200240
2018-03-28Effect of Submergence Depth on the Resistance of a Small Waterplane Area Twin-Hull with Inclined Struts
MAO Lifu,WEI Chengzhu,LI Yinghui,YI HongState Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering;Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Ship and Deep-Sea Exploration, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
摘要: 以DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) 公开的Suboff潜艇模型作为鱼雷体并以NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) 翼型生成支柱构建了一艘斜支柱小水线面双体船.以此为基础,考虑黏性,通过求解RANS方程,系统地和针对性地研究了浸深分别对高速斜支柱小水线面双体船鱼雷体和整船阻力的影响,揭示了不同航速下各阻力成分与浸深之间的关系.通过研究发现:浸深对高速斜支柱小水线面双体船阻力影响显著,航速越高,浸深对整船阻力的影响越显著;虽然在近水面由于兴波的存在,鱼雷体阻力随浸深的减小而增大,但是整船阻力还是随着浸深的减小而减小.
关键词: 高速斜支柱小水线面双体船, 浸深, 阻力, 黏性, 鱼雷体
Abstract: A small waterplane area twin-hull (SWATH) ship with inclined struts and the DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) Suboff model as torpedoes and an NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) airfoil as the strut cross section is developed. Based on this design, a systematic and targeted study based on CFD has been conducted to figure out how the torpedo submergence depth impacts the resistance of the torpedo and the entire ship of the SWATHmodel above. Viscidity was consi-dered. It is found that, through the study, the torpedo submergence depth has a significant impact on the hull resistance of a SWATH with inclined struts, and the impact increases with speed rising. Although the wave makes resistance of torpedoes near the free surface increase obviously with the torpedo submergence depth decreasing, the total resistance of the whole ship decrease obviously with the torpedo submergence depth decreasing.
Key words: small waterplane area twin-hull (SWATH) with inclined struts, submergence depth, resis-tance, viscosity, torpedo hull