1. 上海交通大学 人文艺术研究院, 上海 200240; 2. 上海市质量协会, 上海 200050
上海浦江人才计划(15PJC067),上海交通大学SMC晨星青年****奖励计划Impact of Crisis Response Strategies on the Purchase Intentions Based on the Moderator of the Enterprise Reputation
JI Dan1,GUO Zheng21. Institute of Arts and Humanities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China;2. Shanghai Association for Quality, Shanghai 200050, China
摘要: 采用实验设计法,考察坚决否认、置之不理与积极召回3种不同危机应对策略对消费者购买意愿的影响,并引入企业声誉进行干扰效果分析.研究结果发现:不同的企业危机应对策略对消费者购买意愿具有显著影响,置之不理是应对危机的最差策略.企业声誉在危机应对策略与消费者购买意愿之间具有调节作用,对声誉欠佳的企业,积极召回是最佳策略;对声誉较好的企业,坚决否认是最佳策略.
关键词: 危机应对策略, 消费者购买意愿, 企业声誉
Abstract: The impact of crisis response strategies on the purchase intentions is measured on 197 samples participating in a between-subjects experiment design which includes 3 response strategies (denial strategy, reticence strategy and recall strategy) and 2 reputations (good or bad). The results show that different response strategies have different effects on purchase intentions. However, the reticence strategy is the worst one. The enterprise reputation plays a moderating role in the relationship. The denial strategy is the best practice to the enterprise which has good reputation, while the recall strategy is the best practice to the enterprise which has bad reputation.
Key words: crisis response strategy, purchase intention, enterprise reputation