摘要: 铂类药物是治疗儿童实体肿瘤的重要化学治疗药物,耳毒性是其剂量限制毒性之一。铂类药物诱导的耳毒性可阻碍儿童患者的语言学习进程及行为能力发展。目前国际上已开展多项关于铂类耳毒性拮抗药物的临床试验,提示硫代硫酸钠、氨磷汀、N- 乙酰半胱氨酸等药物均可能降低听力损伤的发生风险。在不影响抗肿瘤活性的前提下,预防性使用听力损伤拮抗药物,将提高儿童肿瘤患者的生存质量及治疗依从性。
关键词: 铂类药物, 耳毒性, 预防, 儿童
Platinum compounds are crucial chemotherapy drugs for children with solid tumor, and the ototoxicity is one of the dose-limiting toxicities. Platinum-induced hearing loss is detrimental to language learning and social development especially for children. Several clinical trials of drugs against platinum-based ototoxicity have been carried out, the results prompted that sodium thiosulfate, amifostine and N-acetylcysteine potentially reduce the occurrence risk of hearing loss. Without affecting the therapeutic effect, preventive use of antagonists on platinum-based ototoxicity will improve the life quality and treatment compliance of pediatric patients with tumor.
Key words: platinum compounds, ototoxicity, prevention, children