摘要: 目的 · 了解上海市浦东新区外来男性建筑工人自杀意念的发生情况,并基于社会认知理论分析其影响因素。方法 · 整群随机
抽取上海市浦东新区 3 个建筑工地的 1 850 名外来男性建筑工人进行问卷调查。采用单因素和多因素 Logistic 回归分析其自杀意念
的相关因素,包括消极心理、负面认知和高危行为。结果 · 在完成调查的 1 580 名外来男性建筑工人中,有 126 人 (8.0%) 存在自杀
素;经多因素分析进一步筛选,发现酒精使用 (ORm=2.15,95% CI 为 1.42 ~ 3.24)、抑郁 (ORm=2.47,95% CI 为 1.17 ~ 5.21)、广
泛性焦虑 (ORm=2.24,95% CI 为 1.50 ~ 3.35)、孤独 (ORm=2.09,95% CI 为 1.28 ~ 3.40) 以及领悟社会支持 (ORm=1.84,95% CI 为
1.20 ~ 2.83) 是该人群发生自杀意念的关键因素。结论 · 上海市浦东新区外来男性建筑工人的自杀意念在其消极心理、负面认知和高
关键词: 外来男性建筑工人, 自杀意念, 社会认知理论
Objective · To understand the suicidal ideation among migrant construction male workers in Pudong New Area, Shanghai, and analyze the influence factors based on social cognitive theory. Methods · Surveys were carried out among 1 850 migrant construction male workers from 3 randomly chosen construction sites using cluster random sampling. Univariate and multivariate Logistic regressions analysis were used to explore the association between suicidal ideation and its related factors such as negative psychology, negative cognition and high-risk behavior. Results · Among the total 1 580 respondents completed the survey, 126 (8.0%) reported having suicidal ideation. In the univariate Logistic regression analysis, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, depression, generalized anxiety and loneliness were risk factors for suicidal ideation, while perceived social support was a protective factor. Five of the six variables, alcohol abuse (ORm=2.15, 95%CI 1.42–3.24), depression (ORm=2.47, 95%CI 1.17–5.21), generalized anxiety (ORm=2.24, 95%CI 1.50– 3.35), loneliness (ORm=2.09, 95%CI 1.28–3.40) and perceived social support (ORm=1.84, 95%CI 1.20–2.83) were selected by the multivariate Logistic regression analysis. Conclusion · Suicidal ideation among migrant construction male workers in Pudong New Area, Shanghai occurs under the influence of negative psychology, negative cognition and high-risk behavior. For the crowds, family and society should be actively promoted and mental health interventions should be strengthened, which could effectively prevent suicide ideation.
Key words: migrant construction male workers, suicidal ideation, social cognitive theory