教学大纲 Chapter 1 Introduction and Definition of Terms (4学时)Content of the chapteroTerms in thermodynamics:oSystemsoPropertiesoStateoState functionsoEquilibriumoZeroth law: temperatureoPhase oPhase diagramChapter 2 The First and Second Law of Thermodynamics(4学时)Content of the chapteroInternal Energy and The First Law of ThermodynamicsoHeat capacity Cv and CpoDifferent processes: Adiabatic, Isothermal, Isobaric...oSecond law of ThermodynamicsChapter 3 The Statistical Interpretation of Entropy(4学时)Content of the chapteroEntropy: Statistical interpretation oMicrostatesoMost probable microstatesoThermal and configurational entropyChapter 4 Auxiliary Functions(6学时)Content of the chapteroAuxiliary functions oHelmholtz free energyoGibbs free energyoMaxell's equationoGibbs Helmholtz equationChapter 5 Heat Capacity, Enthalpy, and the Third Law of Thermodynamics(6学时)Content of the chapteroHeat capacity (Einstein, Debye models)oEnthalpyoThird law of thermodynamicsChapter 6 Phase Equilibria in a One-Component System(6学时)Content of the chapteroThe chemical potentialoPhase equilbrium oGibbs phase ruleChapter 7 The Behavior of Gases(6学时)Content of the chapteroThe behavior of 'Real gas'oThe Van der Vaals gasoCresponding state and lawoEquation of statesoMixing of ideal gasesChapter 8 The Behavior of Solutions(5学时)Content of the chapteroThe behavior of solutionsoRaoult's law and Henry's lawoGibbs-Duhem equationoIdeal solution, non-ideal solution and regular solutionoQuasi-chemical model for solutionsMidterm examination (2学时)Final examination(2学时)Oral presentations(6学时) |