

上海交通大学 免费考研网/2012-12-27


课程讨论时数2 (小时)课程实验数0 (小时)

本课程针对新入学博士和硕士研究生进入科研工作的要求,以汇集国际光通信研究领域的知名学者所编著的Optical Fiber Telecommunications V(2008版)为参考教材。课程内容包括:光接入网与无源光网络,高速传输与先进码型,超长距离光纤传输,可重构光分插复用,光交叉连接,光分组与突发交换,光/电路由器与能耗分析,未来光网络发展趋势,光通信研究仿真工具等。授课方式包括:采用全英文电子书,中文课堂讲授,开展讨论型教学,鼓励研究生自主阅读参考文献,为研究生尽早进入研究课题提供基础。


Reference Book: Optical Fiber Telecommunications V (A&B) is the fifth in a series that has chronicled the progress in the research and development of lightwave communications since the early 1970s. Written by active authorities from academia and industry, this edition not only brings a fresh look to many essential topics but also focuses on network management and services. This book is ideal for R&D engineers and managers, optical systems implementers, university researchers and students, network operators, and the investment community. For nearly three decades, the OFT series has served as the comprehensive primary resource covering progress in the science and technology of optical fiber telecom. It has been essential for the bookshelves of scientists and engineers active in the field. OFT V provides updates on considerable progress in established disciplines, as well as introductions to new topics. It is a comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the latest research advances and development trends in the field, while upholding the highest standards of scholarly exposition and practical perspective. Volume (A) is devoted to components and subsystems, including: semiconductor lasers, modulators, photodetectors, integrated photonic circuits, photonic crystals, specialty fibers, polarization-mode dispersion, electronic signal processing, MEMS, nonlinear optical signal processing, and quantum information technologies. Volume (B) is devoted to systems and networks, including: advanced modulation formats, coherent systems, time-multiplexed systems, performance monitoring, reconfigurable add-drop multiplexers, Ethernet technologies, broadband access and services, metro networks, long-haul transmission, optical switching, microwave photonics, computer interconnections, and simulation tools. Course Contents and Outline: Chapter 1 Advanced optical modulation formats Chapter 2 Technologies for global telecommunications using undersea cables Chapter 3 Optical Ethernet: Protocols, management, and 1–100G technologies Chapter 4 Fiber-based broadband access technology and deployment Chapter 5 ROADMs and their system applications Chapter 6 Microelectromechanical Systems for Lightwave Communication Chapter 7 Global landscape in broadband: Politics, economics, and applications Chapter 8 Metro networks: Services and technologies Chapter 9 Commercial optical networks, overlay networks, and services Chapter 10 Future optical networks Chapter 11 Optical burst and packet switching Chapter 12 Optical and electronic technologies for packet switching Chapter 13 Optical interconnection networks in advanced computing systems Chapter 14 Simulation tools for devices, systems, and networks Assessment: Students are expected to grasp the course contents. Assessment is conducted mainly through written exams. Students are also required to write and present selected reference summary . Course attendance is required.


教学内容安排与学习要求本课程为面向研究生(含博士生)的非学位选修课。由于光纤通信是现代通信专业的重要分支之一,因为本课程的目的和任务是教授通信专业的研究生了解并掌握数字光纤通信系统的有关基础分析理论、设计方法及工程应用技术等,培养他们具有较扎实的光纤通信基础理论和较宽广的专业知识以及阅读参考文献的能力,并对光纤通信的研究前沿有所了解。 本课程选择Optical Fiber Telecommunications V(2008版)为参考教材,该教材汇集了国际光通信研究领域的知名学者。主要课程内容包括: 第1讲:先进光调制格式 第2讲:基于海底电缆全球电信技术 第3讲:光以太网协议与管理,1- 100G技术 第4讲:基于光纤的宽带接入技术和部署 第5讲:光分插复用和光交叉连接系统与应用 第6讲:光波通信的微机电系统 第7讲:全球宽带:政治,经济和应用 第8讲:城域网络服务和技术 第9讲:商用光纤网络,层叠网络和服务 第10讲:未来光网络 第11讲:光突发和光分组交换 第12讲:光学和电子技术的分组交换 第13讲:先进计算系统中的光互连网络 第14讲:光通信器件、系统和网络的仿真工具授课方式和考试:采用最新版OFT英文电子教材,中文授课,面向新入学博士生和硕士生。结全学生阅读文献和课堂讨论。考试采用笔试、闭卷,综合平时讨论课和作业成绩。





参 考 文 献
  • 参 考 文 献 1. Ivan P. Kaminow, Tingye Li, Alan E. Willner, ed. 《Optical Fiber Telecommunications V》, Volume A Components and Subsystems, Volume B Systems and Networks, Feb. 2008 2. 赵梓森,《光纤通信工程(修订本)》,人民邮电出版社,1998 3. 韦乐平,《光同步数字传输网》,人民邮电出版社,2001