

上海交通大学 免费考研网/2012-12-27


课程讨论时数0 (小时)课程实验数0 (小时)

本课程主要内容包括了计算机支持的协同工作(CSCW)基本原理、体系结构与系统模型、群组通信原理;群件的原理以及新型的远程协作系统。 计算机支持的协同工作(CSCW)的基本原理部分主要是了解CSCW的发展背景、定义、分类以及安全方面。通过了解CSCW的基本原理,让学生可以对CSCW有一个基本的理解。这一部分是CSCW高级原理的基础。 课程的第二部分是CSCW的系统模型和体系结构,这一部分可以让同学们对CSCW有一个比较全面的理解。CSCW的系统模型讲述了CSCW应用系统与底层的关系,给出了一个层次模型。并讲述了以用户与开发者的角度来看的CSCW系统应该有的体系结构,让同学们对CSCW系统的使用和开发有比较深刻的理解。 在了解了CSCW系统的整体架构之后,我们对CSCW的协作模式和控制机制等做了详细地介绍。协作模式讲述CSCW系统如何来进行多方的协作,这是CSCW的核心模块。控制机制则描述了CSCW系统中的同步、异步机制以及并发控制。控制机制保证了CSCW系统能很好地完成协作。 在CSCW系统中,协作成员之间的通信必不可少。与网络中的端对端通信不同的是,CSCW系统更需要多方同时通信。因此,本课程讲述了CSCW的群组通信原理,讨论点对多点和多点对多点通信模型下的路由问题、可靠传输问题和安全问题。 群件的定义是给人们提供一个访问某共享环境的界面以支持他们去完成某个总体目标或任务的计算机应用系统。本课程讲述了群件的相关概念、体系结构和并发控制等内容,使得同学们能更好地理解CSCW系统地实现。 由于远程协作的研究已经开展了很多年,现在也出现了许多新型的协作系统,其中P2P网络是比较典型的。本课程讲述了P2P网络的特征、与其他分布式系统的比较以及发展状况,分析了P2P网络中分布式数据管理的原理。同时,我们介绍了具有代表性的P2P系统,并讲述了P2P系统中的信任管理问题。


The contents of this course include the basic theory, architecture and system model, group communication of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), the theory of groupware and new cooperative systems.The basic theory of CSCW contains the background, definition, type and security. The students will have primary concepts about CSCW after studying the basic theory. This part is the base of the other parts of the course. The second part of the course is the system model and architecture of CSCW. The students will have the general view of CSCW through studying these contents. The system model of CSCW describes the relations of CSCW applications and other low layers. They form a hierarchy model. We also give the architecture of CSCW in the view of users and developers.After describing the framework of CSCW, we introduce the cooperative and control mechanisms of CSCW. The cooperative mechanisms are the core of CSCW. The control mechanisms guarantee the success of the cooperative operations.The communication among cooperative members is necessary in CSCW. Different with point-to-point communication in network, CSCW need group communication. This course introduces the theory of group communication of CSCW. We discuss the route, reliable transfer and security problems under point-to-multipoint, multipoint-to-multipoint communication.Groupware is the computer application that supports the users to complete an object or task by providing an interface that can accessing the share environment. We introduce some concepts, architecture and control of groupware.Now there are many new CSCW systems after ten year research of CSCW. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) is a typical kind of CSCW applications. This course gives the position of the P2P in the design space of distributed systems. The students will get an overview of state-of-the art P2P systems and understand the problem of decentralized data management in this course. We introduce several typical P2P systems, and discuss the problem of trust management in P2P.







参 考 文 献
  • 1. 史美林,等.计算机支持的协同工作理论与应用[M].电子工业出版社,2001,32. 李建华,等.计算机支持的协同工作, 机械工业出版社, 即将出版3. K.Aberer,M.Hauswirth.Peer-to-peer information systems:Concepts and models,state-of-the-art,and future system.Workshop on Distributed Data and Structures (ICDE2002),San Jose,California,20024. Stoica I, Morris R, Karger D, Kaashoek F, Balakrishnan H. Chord: A scalable peer-to-peer lookup service or internet applications. In: Proc. of the ACM SIGCOMM 2001. 2001. 149-160.