

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27




所属系别: 计算机系

研究方向: 计算数论与应用密码学新理论、网络与信息安全技术、电子商务与电子政务中的安全问题等

联系电话: 021-62835602

E-Mail: zfcao@cs.sjtu.edu.cn

实验室主页: http://tdt.sjtu.edu.cn

教育及工作经历: 1983年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学计算机系,获工学学士学位;同年留校任教。1984年和1985年分别在四川大学数学系和中国科学院数学研究所进修数论专业研究生课程和参加王元院士主持的“丢番图逼近”讨论班。1987年和1991年分别被破格由助教越级晋升为副教授和破格晋升为正教授。1999年组建哈尔滨工业大学信息安全研究所,并出任所长。同年12月哈尔滨工业大学数学系博士研究生毕业,获理学博士学位。2000年7月被评为博士生导师。2002年1月起调任上海交通大学计算机系教授、博士生导师。2002年9月组建上海交通大学可信任数字技术实验室。曾多次赴日本Tsukuba大学、香港浸会大学、香港科技大学和台湾新竹交通大学等访问讲学。

社会及学术兼职: 担任2004 和2005 Global Mobile Congress技术委员会成员, 2004 ACM International Conference on Information Security程序委员会成员、第一至第八届(1990-2004)中国密码学学术会议程序委员会委员/副主席、美国Mathematical Reviews和德国Zentralblatt fur Mathematik的长期评论员、国际杂志Computers and Security 副编辑(Associate Editor)、Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 无线网络安全专刊的客座编辑、中国密码学学会理事、中国组合与图论学会理事以及一些高校的兼职教授和学报编委等。

获奖情况: 获得中国科学院青年奖励研究基金(1986)、霍英东高校青年教师奖(1990)、哈尔滨市“十大杰出青年”(1996)、中国高校自然科学奖一等奖(排名第一,2001)、国家杰出青年科学基金(2002)、徐光启科技奖章金奖(2003)和华东地区IT英才奖(2004)等。还曾于1987-2001期间独立获得其它省部级科技进步奖二等、三等奖4次。

主讲课程: 博士生课程“现代密码算法”;



主要研究领域: 计算数论与应用密码学新理论、网络与信息安全技术、电子商务与电子政务中的安全问题等

科研项目: 当前正在主持以下科研项目的研究:






发表论文: 1999--, Selected Publications


[1] Zhenfu Cao. A note on the Diophantine equation $a^x+b^y=c^z$. Acta Arith., 91(1): 85-93, 1999.

[2] Zhenfu Cao. On the security of the RSA based on a polynomial over finite fields $/Bbb F_p$ and a new analog of the RSA. Journal of China Institute of Communications, 20(6): 15-18, 1999 (in Chinese).

[3] Zhenfu Cao. Diophantine equations and its applications. Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, Shanghai, 2000 (in Chinese).

[4] Zhenfu Cao. On the Diophantine equation $x^p+2^{2m}=py^2$. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 128(7): 1927-1931, 2000.

[5] Zhenfu Cao, S. Mu and Xiaolei Dong. A new proof of a conjecture of Antoniadis. J. Number Theory, 83(2): 185-193, 2000.

[6] Zhenfu Cao and Zhang Biao. MC public key cryptosystem based on Chinese remainder theorem. Advances in cryptology-CHINACRYPT"2000, Sci. Press, Beijing, 29-33, 2000 (in Chinese).

[7] Zhenfu Cao. The multi-dimension RSA and its low exponent security. Science in China Series E, 43(4): 349-354, 2000.

[8] Zhenfu Cao and Xiaolei Dong. Diophantine equations and class number of imaginary quadratic fields. Discuss. Math.-Algebra and Applications, 20(2): 199-206, 2000.

[9] Zhenfu Cao and Aleksander Grytczuk. Some remarks on Fermat"s equation in the set of matrices. Acta Acad. Paed. Agriensis-Sectio Mat., 27: 39-46, 2000.

[10] Zhenfu Cao and A. Grytczuk. Some classes of Diophantine equations connected with McFarland"s and Ma"s conjectures. Discuss. Math.-Algebra and Applications, 20(2): 193-198, 2000.

[11] Zhenfu Cao. A threshold key escrow scheme based on public key cryptosystem. Science in China Series E, 44(4): 441-448, 2001.

[12] Zhenfu Cao. On Whiteman"s and Storer"s difference sets. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 94(2): 147-154, 2001.

[13] Zhenfu Cao and Xiaolei Dong. The Diophantine equation $x^2+b^y=c^z$. Proc. Japan Acad. Series A, 77(1): 1-4, 2001.

[14] Xiaolei Dong and Zhenfu Cao. Diophantine equations and class number of real quadratic fields. Acta Arith., 97(4): 313-328, 2001.

[15] Y. Bugeaud, Zhenfu Cao and M. Mignotte. On simple $K_4$-groups. J. Algebra, 241(2): 658-668, 2001.

[16] Zhenfu Cao. Error analysis and high-precision realization of fast speed recursive DFT"s. Acta Electronica Sinica, 29(1): 133-135, 2001 (in Chinese).

[17] Zhenfu Cao and Xiaolei Dong. Digital signature and public key cryptosystem in two primes product order subgroup of $/Bbb Z^*_{pq}$. Journal of Electronics and Information Technology, Vol. 23 Suppl., 111-115, 2001 (in Chinese).

[18] Zhenfu Cao and Jiguo Li, A threshold key escrow scheme based on ElGamal cryptosystem, Chinese Journal of Computers, 25(4): 346-350, 2002 (in Chinese)

[19] Zhenfu Cao, Xiaolei Dong, On the Terai-Jesmanowicz conjecture, Publ. Math.-Debrecen, 61(3-4): 253-265, 2002.

[20] Zhenfu Cao, Xiaolei Dong and Zhong Li, A new conjecture concerning the Diophantine equation $x^2+b^y=c^z$, Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A, 78A(10): 199-202, 2002.

[21] Xiaolei Dong, Zhenfu Cao, Class number problem of some real quadratic fields and quadratic field cryptosystem, Advance in Cryptology-Chinacrypt"02, Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 210-219, 2002.

[22] Zhenfu Cao, Two classes of robust threshold key escrow schemes, Journal of Software, 14(6): 1164-1171, 2003 (in Chinese).

[23] Zhenfu Cao, Jiguo Li and Jianzhong Li, A new (t, n) threshold signature encryption scheme with the specified receiver, Journal of China Institute of Communications, 24(5): 8-13, 2003 (in Chinese).

[24] Zhenfu Cao and Xiaolei Dong, An application of a lower bound for linear forms in two logarithms to the Terai–Je?manowicz conjecture, Acta Arith., 110 (2): 153-164, 2003.

[25] Jiguo Li, Zhenfu Cao, Yichen Zhang, Nonrepudiable proxy multi-signature scheme, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 18(3): 399-402, 2003.

[26] Qingshui Xue, Zhenfu Cao and Haifeng Qian. A generalized proxy signature scheme based on the RSA cryptosystem. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.3320, pp. 662-665, 2004.

[27] Zhenchuan Chai and Zhenfu Cao. Factoring-Based Proxy Signature Schemes with Forward-Security. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.3314, pp. 1034-1040, 2004.

[28] Qingshui Xue and Zhenfu Cao. A threshold proxy signature scheme using self-certified public keys. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.3358, pp. 715-724, 2004.

[29] Zhenfu Cao. The divisibility of the class number of imaginary quadratic fields. Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A, 25(3): 397-406, 2004.

[30] Haifeng Qian, Zhenfu Cao and Qingshui Xue. A new threshold proxy signature scheme from bilinear pairings, Science in China Ser. E, 34(6): 711—720, 2004;Science in China Ser. F, 47(5): 612-622, 2004.

[31] Zhenfu Cao, Chuan I Chu and Wai Chee Shiu. The exponontial Diophantine equation $AX^2 + BY^2 = k^Z$ and its applications, Technical report, Hong Kong Baptist University, Math-374, 1-16, July 2004.

[32] Kejun Chen, Zhenfu Cao and Dianhua Wu. Existence of APAV(q,k) with q a prime power ≡ 5 mod 8, Discrete Mathematics, 279(1-3): 153-161, 2004.

[33] Rongxing Lu, Zhenfu Cao and Yuan Zhou. Threshold undeniable signature scheme based on conic. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 162(1): 165-177, 2005.

[34] Rongxing Lu and Zhenfu Cao. Non-interactive deniable authentication protocol based on factoring. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 27(4): 401-405, 2005.

[35] Yuan Zhou, Zhenfu Cao and Rongxing Lu. Provably secure proxy-protected signature schemes based on factoring. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 164(1): 83-98, 2005.

[36] Rongxing Lu, Zhenfu Cao and Yuan Zhou. Proxy blind multi-signature scheme without a secure channel. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 164(1): 179-187, 2005.

[37] Haifeng Qian, Zhenfu Cao, Qingshui Xue. Efficient Pairing-Based Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme with Known Signers. INFORMATICA, 16(2): 261-274, 2005.

[38] Haiyong Bao, Zhenfu Cao and Shengbao Wang. Remarks on Wu–Hsu’s threshold signature scheme using self-certified public keys. Journal of Systems and Software, 78(1): 56-59, 2005.

[39] Kejun Chen, Zhenfu Cao and Ruizhong Wei. Super-simple balanced incomplete block designs with block size 4 and index 6. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 133(2): 537-554, 2005.

[40] Zhenfu Cao and Qingshui Xue. New results and directions in cryptography. Computer Education, (1): 19-21, 2005 (in Chinese).

[41] Zhenfu Cao. New directions in the information security. Shanghai Informatization, (2): 12-14, 2005 (in Chinese).
