

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27


所属系别: 自动化系

研究方向: Discrete event systems and hybrid dynamic systems, their modeling, analysis and engineering application.

Soft-computing algorithms for engineering planning and scheduling

联系电话: 86-21-6293 2070

E-Mail: ziminwu@sjtu.edu.cn


教育及工作经历: 1954.9-1959.7 Undergraduate in Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Jiao-tong University

1958.12-1978.12 Instructor in Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU for short in the follows)

1979.1--1965.5 Lecturer in Dept. of E.E. and then in Dept. of Automatic Control, SJTU

1985.6---- Professor in Dept. of Automation, SJTU



主讲课程: 1. Computer integrated manufacturing system

2. Discrete event system

3. Control engineering

主要研究领域: 1. Dynamic semantics and their uses in control software specification.

2. Soft-computing for engineering system planning and scheduling.

3. Design and synthesis of engineering system keeping expected performances and verified properties.

科研项目: The Main Research Projects:

(I) The projects supported by CNSF

1. The stability and symbolic verification of hybrid dynamic systems, 2001-2003

2. Genetic algorithm and its application in manufacturing systems, 2001-2003

3. Virtual manufacturing system, theory and key technology, 1999-2002

4. Concurrent model of multi-thread discrete event system, 1993-1995

5. The application of simulation software with expert system and Petri net, 1991-1992

6. Design of multivariable system via functional analysis approach

7. Geometrical design methods for multivariable control system

8. The linear multivariable system design package of CSCAD, 1984-1987

(II) 863 High-Tech Projects

1. Object-oriented design method and simulation for discrete event system, 1992-1993

2. Flexible manufacturing system modeling with discrete event system, 1990-1991

发表论文: 12. Zhiming Wu, Modeling and simulation of an intelligent flexible manufacturing system via high level object Petri nets (HLOPN), International Journal of Production Research, Vol-43, No.7, 2005, pp. 1443-1463

11.Wei-jun Xia and Zhiming Wu, An effective hybrid optimization approachfor multi-objective job shop scheduling problems, Computer and Industrial Engineering, Vol.48, No. 2, 2005, pp.409-425

10. Zhong-hua Huang and Zhiming Wu, Deadlock-free scheduling in advanced manufacturing system with multiple resources requests, ICICE Trans. Fundamentals of Electronics, Communication and Computer Science, Vol. E87-A, No.11, 2004, pp.2844-2851

9. Gang Xu and Zhiming Wu, Deadlock-free scheduling strategy for automated production cell,IEEE Trans. on System Man and cybernetics, Part A. Vol.34, No. 1, 2004, pp 113-122 (SCI-IDS-764LX)

8. Wei Zhang, Zhiming Wu and Genke Yang, Chaotic network attractor in packet traffic series, Computer Physics Communication, Vol. 161, No. 3, 2004 pp129-142 (SCI-IDS-843PL)

7. M.M. Gao, M.C. Zhou, X.G. Wang and Z.M. Wu, Fuzzy reasoning Petri nets,

IEEE Trans. On System, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, Vol.33, No.3, 2003, pp 314-324 (SCI-IDS-719FA, EI-03427675216)

6. H.H. Yang and Z.M. Wu, Study on the dynamic scheduling in FMS real time production environment, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol.16, 2003, No.6, 382-397 (SCI-IDS-701AR, EI-03457715482)

5. H.H.Yang and Z.M.Wu, GA based integrated approach to FMS part type selection and machine loading problem, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.40, No.16, 2002, pp (SCI-IDS-630PT, EI-03027317082)

4. M.M. Khan and Z.M. Wu, A function-based approach for modeling multi-module PWM DC-DC distributed converter systems, International Journal of Electronics, Vol89, No2, 2002, pp:171-190 (SCI-IDS-540XZ, EI-02256980364)

3. Zhao Chunwei, Wu Zhiming. “A Genetic Algorithm to the Scheduling of FMS with Multiple Routes”, International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing System, Vol 13, No.1, 2001, pp 71-88 (SCI-IDS-410VE)

2. Zhiming Wu, Chunwei Zhao, Genetic algorithm approach to job shop scheduling and its use in real time case, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol.14, No.6, 2000, pp, (SCI-IDS-347LR)

1. Zhao Chunwei, Zhiming Wu, A genetic algorithm for manufacturing cell formation with multiple routes and multiple objectives, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.38, No.2, 2000, pp 385-395 (SCI-IDS-274GE)

