

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27



所属系别: 自动化系

研究方向: 目标检测和识别




联系电话: 62933739

E-Mail: jieyang@sjtu.edu.cn

实验室主页: www.pami.sjtu.edu.cn

教育及工作经历: 男,1964年生。1985年和1988年分别获上海交通大学自动化专业本科学位和“模式识别与智能系统”硕士学位,1989年作为优异生获国家奖学金被选派德国汉堡大学计算机系攻读博士学位,以独创性成果“Prioritized Justification-Based Nonmonotonic Logics and its Applications”取得博士学位,并在德国发表专著。1994年回国在上海交通大学图象处理与模式识别研究所工作,1997年被破格评聘为教授,1998年被评聘为博士生导师,自1998年起担任主管科研和研究生培养的所领导。先后入选教育部“跨世纪优秀人才计划”“资助优秀教师计划”“骨干教师计划”和上海市“曙光计划”“曙光跟踪计划”。

社会及学术兼职: 信息产业部 “十一五”规划专家组成员、上海市技术预见专家、上海系统仿真学会理事和智能信息处理专业委员会主任、上海图象图形学会理事和模式识别专业委员会主任、全国仿真机学会副秘书长和期刊计算机仿真编委、中国宇航学会光电技术分会理事和期刊红外与激光工程光机电信息编委。

获奖情况: 2002年中国高校科技进步二等奖




主讲课程: 计算智能

主要研究领域: 目标检测和识别




科研项目: 上海市 曙光计划跟踪项目“ 结合医学影像分析和重建以及数据挖掘的整复外科辅助设计”,2005年1月-2006年12月
上海交大农科基金项目“基于 Web-GIS 的上海地区主要农作物重大病虫害预警决策可视化技术研究”,2005年1月-2006年12月
中日政府间国际合作项目 “智能机器人的脑功能开发”,2004年9月-2006年9月
与飞利浦公司国际合作项目 “基于分布式数据挖掘的传感器网络框架研究”,2004年7月-2005年12月
与飞利浦公司国际合作项目 “基于数据挖掘的光盘读片性能的分析”,2003年6月-2004年12月
中法先进研究计划(PRA)项目,“基于MRI分割和重建的颅面整复手术辅助设计研究”,2004年1 月-2005年12 月
上海市科委SARS专项科研项目“SARS疑似病人远程会诊系统”,已通过鉴定,并在上海市三家医院试用取得满意效果. 2003年5月-2003年7月
上海市科委重点项目“中医舌脉象检测与辅助诊断系统的研制”(与上海中医药大学合作), 2002年5月-2004年8月
上海市科委重点项目“基于图象分析和重建的医学影像处理及其临床应用”, 2002年5月-2004年8月
中法信息、自动化和应用数学联合实验室LIAMA基金项目(与法国里昂国立科学技术学院合作)“Image-based modeling and application to analysis of brain magnetic resonance images”, 2000年6月-2001年12月
国家863-CIMS主题项目(863-511-945-005)“面向冶金化工行业建模、优化的数据挖掘技术”, 1999年4月-2000年12月,负责,已完成并通过鉴定(国际先进水平,部分成果达到国际领先水平)。成果入选国家八六三计划十五周年成果展。获得2001年中国高校科技进步二等奖。
国家经贸委项目(与上海贝岭微电子股份有限公司合作)“模糊控制智能开发系统”,1997年10月 - 1999年6月

发表论文: 共发表论文200多篇,其中SCI检索56篇,EI检索87篇。


1. Yang Jie, Ye Chenzhou “Dminer-I: A Software Tool of Data Mining and its Applications”, Robotica,vol.20:499-508,2002
2. Yang Jie,Ye Chenzhou “An Expert system shell for fault diagnosis”Robotica ,19(5):669-674,2001。
3. Yang Jie, Guo Yingkai, Huang Xin “A Software Development System for Fuzzy Control” Robotica,vol.18(4):375-380,July 2000
4. Yang Jie “A new method for Explanation-Based Learning” Journal of Expert Systems with Applications. Vol.10 No.3/4,pp435-439,1996
5. Yang Jie, ling Xufeng “Cephalometric image analysis and measurement for orthognathic surgery” ?Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. ,39(3), May 2001:279-284
6. Huang Xin, Yang Jie “Decision Tree Method Applied to Computerized Prediction of Ternary Intermetallic Compounds”Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 11(1):128-131,2001
7. Yao LX Yang J Ye CZ “Regularities of formation of binary intermetallic compounds between transition and non-transition elements ”, Chinese SCI BULL, 46(21):1845-1848,Nov. 2001。
8. Yao LX Yang J Ye CZ “Regularities of formation of ternary intermetallic compounds between transition elements”, J MATER SCI TECHNOL 17:S183-S185, Suppl. 1 2001.
9. Yao LX Chen NY Yang J “Regularities of formation of ternary intermetallic compounds between one transition element and two non-transition elements ” J MATER SCI TECHNOL 17(6):597-600,2001.
10. Yao LX Chen NY Yang J “Regularities of formation of ternary intermetallic compounds between two transition elements and one non-transition element” SCI CHINA SER E, 44(1):42-46, FEB. 2001
11. Al-rawi M., Yang J “Practical fast computation of zernike moments”, Journal of computer science and technology”, 17(2):181-188,2002.
12. Ye Chenzhou, Yang Jie, Yao lixiu etc. “Regularities of formation and lattice distortion of perovskite-type compounds”, Chinese Science Bulletin,47(6):458-460,2002.
13. Ye Chenzhou, Yang Jie, Geng Daoying etc. “Fuzzy Rules to Predict Malignant Degree of Brain Glioma”, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing.40(2):145-152,2002
14. Quan Yong, Yang Jie “Identical matrix design of the optimal decoupling control system with kernel methods”, Proc of 2002 Intern. Conf. On machine learning and cybernetics, V. 3,2002:1272-1278
15. Wang zhenxiao, YANG Jie, An Improved Branch & Bound Algorithm in Feature Selection. Proc. 9th International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC"2003, Chongqing, China, May 26-29, 2003). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Spring Verlag, 2003
16. Quan Yong, YANG Jie, An Improved Parameter Tuning Method for Support Vector Machines. Proc. 9th International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC"2003, Chongqing, China, May 26-29, 2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Spring Verlag, 2003
17. Quan Yong, YANG Jie, Successive Overrelaxation for Support Vector Regression. Proc. 9th International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC"2003, Chongqing, China, May 26-29, 2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Spring Verlag, 2003
18. Yuzhong Wang,Jie Yang. Peng Ningsong “Synergism in color image segmentation”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Spring Verlag, 2004。
19. Yuzhong Wang,Jie Yang. “GradientVector Flow Snake with Embedded Confidence”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Spring Verlag, 2004。
20. L. Zhi,Y. Jie “Interactive video object segmentation: fast seeded region merging approach”, Electronics Letters. 40(5),2004:302-304
21. Hong-bin Shen , Shi-tong Wang , Jie Yang “Fuzzy Taxonomic, Quantitative Database and Mining Generalized Association Rules”,RSCTC 2004,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 3066:610-617 ,Spring Verlag, 2004
22. Quan Yong, YANG Jie, A study of tuning hyperparameters for support vector machine. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 2667:1006-1015, Spring Verlag, 2003
23. YE Chen-zhou, YANG Jie, Yao Li-xiu, CHEN Nian-yi, Improving Performance of Decision Tree Algorithms with Multi-Edited Nearest Neighbor Rule. Proc. PAKDD-2003,Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, v. 2637:394-398,Spring Verlag, 2003
24. Deng Zhipeng, Yang Jie, Quan Yong, The robust image regirstration method by combining feature and spatial-temporal relationship, J. Infrared Millim. Waves,22(6),2003:447-451
25. Li Gang ,Yang Jie “Research on the Collusion Estimation”,5th Internation Conference on Information and Communications Security, ICICS(2003),Lecture Notes in Computer Scvience, 2836, Spring Verlag, 2003
26. Al-rawi M., Yang J,“Multi-Band Correlation Functions for Illumination Invariant Recognition of Color Texture ”,.J. Infrared Millim. Waves, 22(5),2003:321-326
27. 李国正,杨杰, “电解质溶液Pitzer离子互作用系数与电解质离子结构参数的关系”,Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 14:,2004
28. Li Guozheng, Yang Jie. “Degree Prediction of Malignancy in Brain Glioma Using Support Vector Machines”. COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDCINE.
29. N.S. Peng , J. Yang, Z. Liu. Mean Shift Blob Tracking with Kernel Histogram Filering and Hypothesis Testing. Pattern Recognition Letter, 26(2),2005
30. Liu Zhi, Yang Jie, Peng Ningsong. Semi-automotic video object segmentation using seeded region merging and bidirection projection, Pattern Recognition Letter, 26(2),2005
31. N.S. Peng , J. Yang. Mean Shift Blob Tracking with Kernel-Color Distribution Estimate and Adaptive Model update Criterion. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 3347, 2004
32. Liu Zhi, Yang Jie, Peng Ningsong. A new tracking mechanism for semi automatic video object segmentation. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 3332: 824-832, 2004
33. Shen HB, Yang J, Wang ST, Outlier detecting in fuzzy switching regression models LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 3192: 208-215 2004
34. Li GZ, Yang J, Lu J, et al. On multivariate calibration problems LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 3173: 389-394 2004
35. Zheng YJ, Yang J, Zhou Y Unsupervised image segmentation with fuzzy connectedness LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 3157: 961-962 2004
36. Li GZ, Yang J, Liu GP, et al. Feature selection for multi-class problems using support vector machines LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 3157: 292-300 2004
37. Zheng YJ, Yang J, Zhou Y Unsupervised segmentation, on image with JSEG using soft class map , LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 3177: 197-202 2004
38. Yang Jie, M. Alrawi, Illumination Invariant recognition of three-dimensional texture in color images, Journal of computer science and technology
39. Wang YZ, Yang J Gradient vector flow snake with embedded edge confidence LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 3157: 778-786 2004
40. LI Guo-Zheng, YANG Jie, ZHANG Liang-miao, etc. Relationships between Piter’s ion interaction coefficients and ionic parameters of eletrolyte solutions,Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 14(5): 1029-1032,2004
41. Liu Zhi, Yang Jie, Peng Ningsong.An efficient face segmentation algorithm based on binary partition tree. Signal Processing: Image Communication
42. Li Gang, Yang Jie “watermarking for the printed images” Chinese Journal of Electronics, 13(3):544-547,2004
43. L. Yang, J,Yang and K.Yang. Adaptive Detection for Infrared Small Target under Sea-Sky Complex Background. Electronics Letters, Vol. 40, No. 17, 19th August, 2004
44. N.S. Peng , J. Yang. Kernel-Bandwidth Adapation for Tracking Object hanging in Size. LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 3212: 581-588 2004.
45. Yonggang Wang, Yue Zhou, Jie Yang , An Image Analysis System for Tongue Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine , Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Volume 3314/2004
46. Yonggang Wang, Yue Zhou, Jie Yang , JSEG Based Color Separation of Tongue Image in Traditional Chinese Medicine , Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Volume 3287/2004
47. Meng Wang,Jin-song Yao,ZhenDe Huang,etc.” A New Nucleotide-composition Based Fingerprint of SARS-CoV with Visualization Analysis ”, Medicinal Chemistry (Bentham Science Publishers),2005 , 1 ( 1 ): 39 - 47
48. Meng Wang, Jie Yang, Zhi-Jie Xu, etc. SLLE for predicting membrane protein types. Journal of theoretical Biology, 232 ( 1 ): 7-15 , 2005
49. Meng Wang, Jie Yang, Guo-Ping Liu etc. Weighted-support vector machines for predicting membrane protein types based on pseudo-amino acid composition. Protein Engineering, Design & Selection, 17(6):509-516,2004

50. Li, Guo-Zheng ; Yang, Jie ; Song, Hai-Feng ; Yang, Shang-Sheng ; Lu, Wen-Cong ; Chen, Nian-Yi Semiempirical quantum chemical method and artificial neural networks applied for λ max computation of some azo dyes,Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences , v 44, n 6, November/December, 2004, p 2047-2050
51. Yongliang Zhang, Jie Yang, Hongtao Wu, and Yunfeng Xue,"Phase-Correlation Based Registration of Swipe Fingerprints", Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 3338,2004
52. Ding Siyi , Yang Jie , Xu Qing, Color Texture Analysis Using Wavelet-Based Hidden Markov Model , Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Volume 3339 / 2004 , p.1043 - 1047
53. Xu Qing, Yang Jie , Ding Siyi , Unsupervised Multiscale Image Segmentation Using Wavelet Domain Hidden Markov Tree , Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Volume 3157 / 2004 , pp.797 - 804
54. Zhonglong Zheng, Jie Yang. Extended Locally Linear Embedding with Gabor Wavelet for Face Recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Volume 3339 / 2004 , p.955 - 960

55. Zhonglong Zheng, Jie Yang, Meng Wang and Yonggang Wang. A novel method for eye features extraction. International Symposium on Computational and Information Sciences , LNCS 3314 , pp : 1002 ~ 1006 , 2004
56. Kong wei , Zhou yue , Yang jie , An Extended Speech Denoising Method using GGM-based ICA feature extraction , LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE , v.3287,2004

专利: 发明专利:


梁栋,杨杰,姚莉秀,卢进军,基于非负矩阵分解的相关反馈图像检索算法 (公开号:1581164)

王猛,黄振德,杨杰,刘国平,徐志节,姚莉秀,RNA序列可视化分析方法 (公开号:1584027)


杨杰,家庭远程医疗监护和咨询智能系统(公开号:1291749 )

杨杰 叶晨洲 耿道颖“基于数据挖掘的脑部胶质瘤计算机辅助诊断系统的实现方法”,(专利申请批准号: 200310109069.X)。
