

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27



所属系别: 自动化系

研究方向: 复杂系统分析与控制

联系电话: 86-21-62932344,62933782

E-Mail: xfwang@sjtu.edu.cn

实验室主页: http://automation.sjtu.edu.cn/xfwang/xfwang.html

教育及工作经历: 1982.9 --- 1986.7 苏州大学数学系基础数学专业本科生
1988.9 --- 1991.7 南京师范大学数学系计算数学专业硕士研究生

1993.10 --- 1996.10 东南大学自动化所控制理论与控制工程专业博士研究生
1996.11 --- 1998.7 南京理工大学自动化系博士后
1998.8 ---1999.8 南京理工大学自动化系副教授
1999.8 ---2000.8 香港城市大学电子工程系助理研究员
2000.10---2001.12 英国Bristol大学机械工程系博士后
2002.1至今 上海交通大学自动化系教授
(2002.9---2003.1 香港城市大学电子工程系研究员)

社会及学术兼职: Associate Editor, IEEE Transaction on Circuits & Systems-II

Associate Editor, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems-B

IEEE 非线性电路与系统技术委员会委员



主讲课程: 1 硕士生学位课:线性系统

2 博士生选修课:混沌控制与复杂网络

主要研究领域: 1. 复杂网络理论及其应用

2. 混沌控制及其在信息加密与隐藏中的应用

科研项目: (a) 国家自然科学基金重点项目:非线性动力学网络复杂性研究
起止年月:2005年1月至2008年12月 获资助金额:150万元人民币 (排名第二)
(b) 国家杰出青年基金:复杂网络控制与同步理论
起止年月:2003年1月至2006年12月 获资助金额:100万元人民币
(c) 教育部优秀青年教师资助计划:连续时间系统反馈混沌化理论及应用
(d) 国家自然科学基金课题:复杂动态网络同步机理研究
起止年月:2003年1月至2005年12月 获资助金额:15万元人民币
(e) 国家自然科学基金课题: 反馈混沌化控制理论及其用于多媒体信息加密的研究
起止年月:2002年1月至2004年12月 获资助金额:19万元人民币
(f) 教育部高等学校博士点基金:复杂网络控制理论研究
起止年月:2004年1月至2005年12月 获资助金额:7万元人民币
(g) 国防科工委国防基础研究课题:信息安全与对抗技术研究—多媒体信息隐藏保密通信技术研究
起止年月:2000年1月至2002年9月 获资助金额:30万元人民币

发表论文: [1] Xiao Fan Wang & Zhi Quan Wang (1998). A Global Synchronization Theorem for a Class of Chaotic Systems. International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 8(6): 1363-1369.

[2] Xiao Fan Wang & Zhi Quan Wang (1998). Synchronization of Chua"s Circuits with the Third State as the Driving Signal. International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 8(7): 1599-1603.

[3] Xiao Fan Wang & Zhi Quan Wang (1998). Synchronizing Chaos or Hyperchaos with any Scalar Transmitted Signal. IEEE Trans. Circuits & Systems, 45(10): 1101-1103.

[4] Xiao Fan Wang, Zhi Quan Wang & Guanrong Chen (1999). A new criterion for synchronization in coupled chaotic oscillators with application to Chua"s circuits. International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 9(6): 1169-1174.

[5] Xiao Fan Wang & Guanrong Chen (1999). On feedback anticontrol of discrete chaos. International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 9(7): 1435-1441.

[6] Xiao Fan Wang & Guanrong Chen (2000). Chaotification via arbitrarily small feedback controls: Theory, Methods and Applications. International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 10(3): 549-570.

[7] Xiao Fan Wang & Guanrong Chen (2000). Chaotifying a Stable Linear System via Tiny Feedback Control. IEEE Trans. Circuits & Systems, 47(3): 410-415.

[8] Xiao Fan Wang & Guanrong Chen (2000). Chaotifying a stable map via smooth small-amplitude high-frequency feedback control. Int. J. Circuit Theory & Application, 28(3): 305-312.

[9] Xiao Fan Wang, Guanrong Chen & Xinghuo Yu (2000). Anticontrol of chaos in continuous-time systems via time-delay feedback. Chaos, 10(4): 771-779.

[10] Xiao Fan Wang, Guanrong Chen & K. F. Man (2001). Making a continuous-time minimum-phase system chaotic by using time-delay feedback. IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems I, 48(5): 641-645.

[11] Xiao Fan Wang, G-Q Zhong, K-S Tang, K. F. Man & Z-F Liu (2001). Generating chaos in Chua’s circuit via time-delay feedback. IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems I, 48(9): 1151-1156.

[12] Junguo Lu, Rong Wei, Xiaofan Wang & Zhiquan Wang. IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems I, 2001, 48(11): 1359-1363.

[13] Xiao Fan Wang & Guanrong Chen (2002). Synchronization in scale-free dynamical networks: robustness and fragility. IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems I, 49(1): 54-62.

[14] Xiao Fan Wang, Guanrong Chen & K-T Ko (2002). A stability theorem for Internet congestion control. Systems & Control Letters, 45(2): 81-85.

[15] Xiao Fan Wang & Guanrong Chen (2002). Synchronization in small-world dynamical networks. International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 12(1): 187-192.

[16] Xiao Fan Wang (2002). Complex networks: topology, dynamics and synchronization. International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 12(5): 885-916.

[17] Xiao Fan Wang (2002). Slower speed and stronger coupling: Adaptive mechanisms of chaos synchronization. Physical Review E, 65 (6): 067202.

[18] Xiao Fan Wang & Guanrong Chen (2002). Pinning control of scale-free dynamical networks. Physica A, 310, 521-531.

[19] Xiao Fan Wang & Zhi Quan Wang (2003). A robust demodulation approach to communications using chaotic signals. International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 13(1): 227-231.

[20] Xiao Fan Wang (2003). On the equivalence of chaos control systems. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, 15 (2): 265-269.

[21] Xiao Fan Wang et al. (2003). Bifurcation tailoring via Newton flow-aided adaptive control. International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 13(3): 677-684.

[22] Xiao Fan Wang & Guanrong Chen (2003). Generating topologically conjugate chaotic systems via feedback control. IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems I, 50(6): 812-817.

[23] Xiao Fan Wang (2003). Generating chaos in continuous-time systems via feedback control. LECTURE NOTES IN CONTROL AND INFORMATION SCIENCES 292: 179-204.

[24] Xiao Fan Wang & Guanrong Chen (2003). Complex Networks: Small-world, scale-free and beyond. IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, 3(1), 6-20.

[25] Xiao Fan Wang & Jian Xu (2004). Cascading failures in coupled map lattices, Physical Review E, 70: 056113.

[26] Kai Jiang, Xiao Fan Wang & Yugeng Xi (2004). Nonlinear analysis of RED - a comparative study. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 21(5):1153-1162.

[27] Xiang Li, Xiao Fan Wang & Guanrong Chen (2004), Pinning a complex dynamical network to its equilibrium. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular Paper, 51(10): 2074-2087.

[28] Liang Chen, Xiao Fan Wang & Zhengzhi Han (2004), Controlling bifurcation and chaos in Internet congestion control model. International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 14(5): 1863-1876.

[29] Liang Chen, Xiao Fan Wang & Zhengzhi Han (2004), Controlling chaos in Internet congestion control model. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 21(1): 81-91.

[30] Kai Jiang, Xiao Fan Wang & Yugeng Xi (2004). Controlling Internet congestion with time-delayed state feedback. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems-B, 11: 128-135

[31] Jian Xu & Xiao Fan Wang (2005). Cascading failures in scale-free coupled map lattices, Physica A, 349: 685-692

[32] Jin Fan & Xiao Fan Wang (2005). On synchronization in scale-free dynamical networks. Physica A, 349: 443-451

