

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27


所属系别: 自动化系

研究方向: 系统建模、优化和先进控制

联系电话: 021-62932163 (China); (972)745-8748 (USA)

E-Mail: y.lu@ieee.org;yzlu@sjtu.edu.cn


教育及工作经历: 2003-至今: 上海交大自动化系顾问教授、博导;

1991-2003: 美国Bethlehem Steel Co., i2 Technologies, Inc., Pavilion Technologies, Inc 高级顾问等职;

1984-1992: 浙江大学工控所教授、博导、所长。

1980-1982 Visiting Associate Professor, Purdue University, USA


社会及学术兼职: 1996-1999: President of IFAC (国际自控联主席);
1991-2000: 中国自动化学会副理事长;

获奖情况: 国际奖项:

1998年当选为IEEE Fellow;

获1996年AISE (美国钢铁学会)Kelly奖(二等奖)

获1995年AISE (美国钢铁学会)Kelly奖(三等奖)

获1989年ISA(美国仪器仪表学会)UOP Technology奖






主讲课程: Evolutionary Computation (PhD Course)

主要研究领域: System modeling, optimization and intelligent control;
Data mining and machine learning (Neural networks and support vector machine, etc.);
Evolutionary computations;
Supply chain management;

科研项目: Honeywell joint project: Advanced optimization technology for steel industry;

Production scheduling and real-time dispatch for semiconductor wafer fabrication;

System modeling with support vector machine.

发表论文: 中英文专著:

(1) Yong-Zai Lu, Industrial Intelligent Control: Fundamentals and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996;

(2) 吕勇哉著,工业过程模型化及计算机控制, 化学工业出版社, 1986年第1版,1994年第2版,获第一届国家图书奖提名奖;

(3) Yong-Zai Lu and T.J. Williams, Modeling, Estimation and Control of Soaking Pits, ISA Publisher, Research Park, NC, 1983.


(1) Yong-Zai Lu, “Profit driven manufacturing enterprise optimization: Problems and solutions“, Plenary presentation at 2004 Automatic Control Conference, China;

(2) Yong-Zai Lu and S. Markward, “Development and applications of an integrated neural systems for an HDCL“, IEEE Trans on Neural Networks, vol.8, no. 6, 1997;

(3) Yong-Zai Lu, et al, “Fuzzy modeling and expert optimization control for industrial processes“, IEEE Trans on Control System Technology, vol.5, no.1, 1997;

(4) C.Xu and Yong-Zai Lu “Fuzzy model identification and self-learning for dynamic systems“, IEEE Trans on SMC, vol.17, no.4, 1987;

(5) Yong-Zai Lu “The new generation of advanced process control“, Control Engineering (USA), March, 1992

(6) J. Lin and Yong-Zai Lu “Decomposition algorithm of dynamic programming for large scale time-delay systems“, Int. J. of System Sciences, 19(3), 1988.

(7)S.Wang and Yong-Zai Lu “Knowledge-based successive LP for linearly constrained optimization“, in Gaines, B.R. (ed), Machine Learning and Uncertain Reasoning, Academic Press, London, 1990

(8)T.Wu and Yong-Zai Lu “A feasible interaction prediction approach to large scale systems optimal controls”, Large Scale Systems, 12, 35-46, 1987.

(9)Y. Yang and Yong-Zai Lu “Dynamic model based optimization control for slab reheating furnaces”, Computers in Industry, 7, 151-156, 1988.

(10) Yong-Zai Lu, Williams, T.J. “Computer control strategies of optimal state feedback methods for control of steel mill soaking pits, ISS Trans, 2, 35-43, 1983.

专利: Yong-Zai Lu, et al , Universal process control using artificial neural networks, US Patent # 5,159,660, 1992