

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-03

金径惠 讲师 部门:翻译系

主要经历 Qualifications
PhD Translation and Intercultural Studies, CTIS, The University of Manchester, UK, 2013
MA Translation and Interpreting Studies, CTIS, The University of Manchester, UK, 2009
MA English Language and Literature (English Translation), BA-MA co-terminal programme,
Sookmyung Women’s University, South Korea, 2007
BAEnglish Language and Literature/Telecommunications, Sookmyung Women’s University,
South Korea, 2006
Current position
Lecturer in Translation and Intercultural Studies
Jiao Tong Baker Centre for Translation & Intercultural Studies, School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
A supervisor and tutor for open distance learning postgraduate programmes
Department of Modern Languages,University of Birmingham, UK
Previous employment/appointments held
20 March – 20 June 2018
Rutherford strategic international fellow
Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick, UK
April 2014 – April 2016
Post-doctoral research fellow
Centre for Translation Studies and Lexicography, School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
August 2013 – February 2014
Part time lecturer in Translation Studies
School of English Language and Literature, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea

教学科研 Grants, Awards and Fellowships
2019. 上海交通大学外国语学院“双一流”学科建设项目 (一般项目/自由申报项目)Title: Internationalization of language and translation programs in the institutions of higher education in China
2018. 上海交通大学外国语学院教学研究项目Title: MTI International Students and Training: the Opportunities and Challenges
2018. 外院优秀青年教师奖励计划协议书一等资
2017. 上海交通大学“新进青年教师启动计划”
2017. 外国语学院首届2017年度贡献奖

2020. (with Helen Spencer-Oatey) ‘Metapragmatic comments on relating across cultures Korean students’ uncertainties over relating to UK academics’. Pragmatics.https://benjamins.com/catalog/prag.20004.kim
2020. (with Jinsil Choi and Jonathan Evans) ‘Fingersmith and The Handmaiden: transformation, adaptation, and translation’, Translation and Interpreting Studies.http://doi.org/10.1075/tis.19075.cho
2020. ‘Museum Translation as a political act: narrative engagement for affective experiences in the War and Women’s Human Rights Museum in Seoul’, Museum Management and Curatorshiphttps://doi.org/10.1080/**.2020.**
2020. (with Feng Pan and Tao Li) ‘Institutional Versus Individual Translations of Chinese Political Texts: A Corpus-based Critical Discourse Analysis’, Jostrans.https://jostrans.org/issue34/art_pan.php
2020. (with Yifan Zhu) Researching Translation in the Age of Technology and Global Conflict, Routledge.
2019. The entry on ‘Critical Discourse Analysis’, in Mona Baker and Gabriela Saldanha (eds) Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, 3rd edition, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 119-124.
2019. (with Yifan Zhu) ‘The Individual on the move: Redefining ‘individualism’ in China’, Translation and Interpreting Studies.https://doi.org/10.1075/tis.19052.zhu
2019. (with Jinsil Choi) ‘Eroticism in the Colonial Context: The Handmaiden’, ??????? [Mirae English Language and Literature]. 24(4): 1-15.
2019. (With Ji-Hae Kang and Han-Nae Yu) ‘??? ????? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??: ‘?? ?? ??’? ‘??’ ??? ???? [Responsibility and Community Translation as a Political Act: Based on the ‘Social Connection Model’], ??? ?? [Journal of Translation Studies], 20(2): 7-32. http://www.kats.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=s0302&wr_id=718
2019. (with Kaibao Hu) Corpus-based Translation and Interpreting Studies in Chinese contexts: present and future, Palgrave Macmillan. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/95#aboutBook
2019. (with Ji-Hae Kang) ‘Collaborative translation: an instrument for commercial success or neutralizing a feminist message?’, Mapping Contemporary Audiovisual Translation in East Asia, Perspectives Special issue. https://doi.org/10.1080/**X.2019.**
2019. ‘Translators as Active Agents and Translation as an Anti-hegemonic Tool in the Civil Sphere: The NewsPro Case’, in Ji-Hae Kang and Judy Wakabayashi (eds) Translation in Korean Contexts: Engagement with Asian and Western Others, Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies series, Chapter 9, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 147-165.
2018. ‘Book Review: Cho, Heekyoung (2016). Translation’s Forgotten History: Russian Literature, Japanese Mediation, and the Formation of Modern Korean Literature’, Journal of Translation Studies 2(1): 193-197.
2018. ‘Retranslation as a socially engaged activity: in the case of Rape of Nanking’, Perspectives 26(3): 391-404.
2017. ‘Newsweek discourses about China and their Korean translations: a corpus-based approach’, Discourse, Context & Media 15: 34-44.
2017. ‘Reframing the Victims of WWII through Translation: So Far from the Bamboo Grove and Yoko Iyagi’, Target 29(1): 87-109.
2014. ‘Examining US News Media discourses about North Korea’, Discourse and Society 25(2): 221-244.
2014. Mediating American and South Korean News Discourses about North Korea through Translation: A Corpus-based Critical Discourse Analysis, unpublished PhD Thesis. Manchester: University of Manchester.
2012. (Editor, with Abou-Bakr et al.) New Voices in Translation Studies 8, https://www.iatis.org/index.php/new-voices-in-translation-studies/item/488-issue8-2012
2010. ‘Book review: Lexis and Creativity in Translation: A Corpus-based Study by Dorothy Kenny’, FORUM 8(2).

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