

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01

韦向植 讲师

教育背景 2010.09-2013.01香港科技大学 工业工程及物流管理系博士
2008.02-2010.01香港科技大学 工业工程及物流管理系硕士
2003.09-2007.07 北京交通大学 测控技术与仪器系学士
Education: Dr. Wei Received his PHD and MPHIL degrees from the Hong Kong university of Science and Technology in 2013 and 2010 respectively.

工作经历 2015.03-现在 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 智能制造与信息工程研究所 讲师,博士生导师,硕士生导师
2013.02-2015.02 香港科技大学 工业工程及物流管理系 博士后研究员
2010.02-2010.08 香港科技大学 工业工程及物流管理系 研究助理
2015.03-now, Asssitant Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

出访及挂职经历 2010.03-2010.04 University of Maryland, College Park, US
2012.07 and 2013.07 Cheng Kong University, Taiwan

研究方向 1. 视觉测量
2. 智能优化算法:粒子群优化算法、蚁群优化算法、神经网络算法等
3. 计算几何学:几何数据结构与算法、时空复杂度分析
Research Areas: Machine Vision, Artificial Intelligence Algorithms, and Computational Geometry

科研项目 1. 国家自然科学基金(青年项目),增材制造填充与支撑结构拓扑和参数自适应优化的计算几何学理论及技术研究,2017.01-2019.12,主持;
2. 上海市科学技术委员会“扬帆计划”项目,3D打印工艺条件下复杂机器零件质量-强度比优化设计的研究,2016.06-2019.05,主持;
3. 上海市国际科技合作基金项目,多尺度复杂三维模型智能分块快速增材与减材制造的研究,2018.10-2021.09,主持;
4. 企业横向,基于工业相机矩阵的高精度三维几何建模技术的开发,2018.10-2019.03,主持。
5. 航天先进技术联合研究中心创新项目,金属三维打印数据处理软件系统研究与开发,2015.09-2018.07, 执行负责人。
6. 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室课题,基于最小化Hausdorff 距离的平板零件特征相似性的研究,2015.01-2016.12, 主持;
7.***, 非接触式指纹采集系统的研发及其应用示范(Jing 用),2020.10-2021.10,主持。
8.***, 中小学人工智能及教材研发与出版,2020.10-2021.10,主持。
1. 完成面向激光选区熔化技术的三维模型数字化处理 CAD 软件一套,完整包含了大型模型修复、切层、交互与自动化的支撑结构生成、基于输出敏感型算法的多模式路径规划、激光参数设置等模块,现正应用于上海航天设备制造总厂有限公司对外销售的商业化金属增材制造设备上;
2. 掌握新一代指纹采集技术(Jing 用),现正展开示范应用。

代表性论文专著 期刊论文:
Journal Publication:
Ruilaing Feng, Xianda Li, Atul Thakur, Xiangzhi Wei*, An Improved Two-Level Support Structure for Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Accepted.
1. Xiangzhi Wei, Xianda Li, Shanshan Wen, Yu Zheng, Yaobin Tian, Channel Design for 3D Models with Applications in Powder-bed Additive Manufacturing, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 25(9): 1536-1544, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1108/RPJ-06-2018-0156.
2. Lin Zhu, Ruiliang Feng, Xianda Li, Xiangzhi Wei*, A Tree-Shaped Support Structure for Additive Manufacturing Generated by Using A Hybrid of Particle Swarm Optimization and Greedy Algorithm, ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 19(4): 041010, 2019.
3. Lin Zhu, Ruiliang Feng, Xianda Li, Xiangzhi Wei*,Design of lightweight tree-shaped internal support structures for 3D printed shell models,Rapid Prototyping Journal,25(9):1552-1564, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1108/RPJ-04-2019-0108
4. Xiangzhi Wei, Yaobin Tian, Shanshan Wen, Design and Locomotion Analysis of a Novel Modular Rolling Robot, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 133:23-43, 2019.
1. Xiangzhi Wei, Siqi Qiu, Lin Zhu, Ruiliang Feng, Yaobin Tian, Youyi Zheng, Toward Support-free 3D Printing: A Skeletal Approach for Partitioning Models, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(10): 2799-2812, 2018.
2. Xianda Li, Jie Zhao, Ren He, Yaobin Tian, Xiangzhi Wei*, Parametric Design of Scalable Mechanisms for Additive Manufacturing, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 140(2), 022302, 2018.
3. Xiangzhi Wei* , Jie Zhao, Siqi Qiu, Circle-Point Containment, Monte Carlo Method for Shape Matching Based on Feature Points Using the Technique of Sparse Uniform Grids, ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 18(1), 011008, 2018.
1. Xiangzhi Wei*, Bao Zhao, and Ajay Joneja. On the Polygon Containment Problem on an Isometric Grid. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 14(2):1075 - 1083, 2017.
1. Xiangzhi Wei, Yaobin Tian, Ajay Joneja. A study on Revolute Joints in 3D-Printed Non-assembly Mechanisms. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 22(6): 901 - 933, 2016.

1. Xiangzhi Wei, Ajay Joneja, and Kai Tang. An Improved Algorithm for the Automated Design of
Large-Scaled Robot Skin, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 12(1):372-
377, 2015.
1. Xiangzhi Wei, Ajay Joneja, Yaobin Tian, and Yan-An Yao. Monotone Descent Path Queries on
Dynamic Terrains, Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Computing and Information Science in
Engineering, 14(1): 011008, 2014.
2a. Xiangzhi Wei and Ajay Joneja. On Computing the Shortest Path in a Multiply-Connected Domain Having Curved Boundaries, Computer-Aided Design, 48: 39-41, 2014.
2b. Xiangzhi Wei and Ajay Joneja. Response to "Clarification on the short communication "On
computing the shortest path in a multiply-connected domain having curved boundaries"", Computer-Aided Design, 52: 66, 2014.
3. Yaobin Tian, Xiangzhi Wei, Ajay Joneja, and Yan-An Yao. Sliding-Crawling Planar Parallelogram
Mechanism, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 78: 201–228, 2014.
4. Yaobin Tian, Xiangzhi Wei, Ajay Joneja, and Yan-An Yao. Design and Rolling Analysis of a Novel
Deformable Polyhedron Robot, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 11(175): 1-
10, 2014.
Before 2014:
1. Xiangzhi Wei, Ajay Joneja, and David M. Mount. Optimal Uniformly Monotone Partitioning of
Polygons with Holes, Computer-Aided Design, 44(12): 1235–1252, 2012.
2. Xiangzhi Wei and Ajay Joneja. On Minimum Link Monotone Path Problems, Transactions of the
ASME, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 11(3): 031002, 2011.

3. Xiangzhi Wei and Ajay Joneja. An Improved Algorithm for the Shortest Descending Path on a
Convex Terrain, Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 19: 52-56, 2013.
4. Xiangzhi Wei, Yan-An Yao, Yaobin Tian, and Rui Fang. A New Method of Creating Expandable
Structure for Spatial Objects, IMechE, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,
220(12): 1813-1818, 2006.

1. Peng Jiang, Xue Dong, Xiangzhi Wei*. Precise Shape Matching Using Hausdroff Distance Based on Circle-point Containment[C]. The 6th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Harbin, China, 2015.
2. Zhu, L., Feng, R., Xi, J., Li, P., & Wei, X. (2019). Design of Tree-shaped Support Structuresfor SLM. In Proceedings of CAD’19 (pp. 222–226). Singapore. https://doi.org/10.14733/cadconfp.2019.222-226.
3. Feng, R., Zhu, L., Li, P., & Wei, X. (2019). An Output-sensitive Algorithm for Generating Island Scanning Paths with Applications in SLM Additive Manufacturing. In Proceedings of CAD’19 (pp. 227–231). Singapore. https://doi.org/10.14733/cadconfp.2019.227-231.

教学工作 1. 课程名称:计算机图形学(英文,学院重点品牌课程),授课对象:研究生,学时数:48,学分:3,授课时间:秋季学期;
2. 课程名称:计算几何学(算法学理论),授课对象:研究生,学时数:48,学分:3,授课时间:春季学期;
3. 课程名称:3D打印:计算与制造,授课对象:本科生,学时数:16,学分:1,授课时间:2016年秋季学期;
Teaching Course for Postgraduate students: Computer Graphics, fall semester; Computational Geometry, Spring semester.

软件版权登记及专利 软件著作权:
1. 面向金属三维打印工艺的数据处理软件系统v1.0, No. **, 2017.
2. 面向金属三维打印工艺的模型内部支撑结构功能软件, No. **, 2017.
3. 面向SLM增材制造工艺的多种路径规划软件, No. 2017SR642114, 2017.
4. 韦向植,贾佳宇,陈恺,张文浩,李先达,实用新型专利:软体食品3D打印机,专利号:ZL 2018 2 **.4

学术兼职 1. EI 检索国际期刊 Computer-Aided Design and Applications 助理主编 (2019.11-2022.11)
2. 2018.04-现在 国家自然科学基金面上项目通讯评议专家
Assistant Editor: Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2019.11-2022.11.

荣誉奖励 2018 上海交通大学优秀班主任
2016 上海市青年科技英才“扬帆计划”
2015 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院年度考核优秀
2010 Teaching Assistant Excellent Award (最佳教学助理奖) 香港科技大学 工业工程及物流管理系
2009 Teaching Assistant Award (优秀教学助理奖) 香港科技大学 工业工程及物流管理系

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