本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01
张鑫泉 副教授
教育背景 2008-2012 新加坡国立大学,机械工程(博士)
2004-2008 哈尔滨工业大学,机械设计制造及其自动化(学士)
工作经历 2019- 至今 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院,长聘副教授
2013-2019 新加坡制造技术研究院(SIMTech),研究科学家
2012-2013 新加坡国立大学,博士后研究员
研究方向 * 超精密智能制造(Ultra-precision Smart Manufacturing)
--"5+x"轴超精密加工("5+x" axis Ultra-precision Machining)
--多尺度微纳制造(Multiscale Micro/nano Fabrication)
--超声辅助制造(Ultrasonic Vibration Manufacturing)
* 智能光学系统(Smart Optical System)
--微结构光学(Microstructured Optics)
--自由曲面光学(Freeform Optics)
--增强/虚拟现实光学(AR/VR Optics)
科研项目 [1]国家自然科学基金(面上项目),“紫外辅助超声振动抑制黑色金属切削中金刚石刀具化学磨损的机理与方法研究”,2021-2024,负责人
[3]新加坡国立大学-新加坡制造技术研究院 联合研究项目,“Machining of High-precision Roller Molds”,2013-2015,负责人
[4]新加坡制造技术研究院 内部研究项目,“Machining of High-precision Roller Molds for Roll-to-roll Embossing and Gravure Printing”,2015-2016,负责人
[5]新加坡制造技术研究院 内部研究项目,“Plasma-assisted Cutting of Non-diamond-machinable Materials”,2016-2017,负责人
[6]企业联合研究项目,“CIP on Customised Tool Grinding, Edge Finishing & In-situ Measurement”,2016-2017,负责人
[7]南洋理工大学-新加坡制造技术研究院 联合研究项目,“Development of electrochemical mechanical polishing of tungsten carbide for glass lens molding”,2016-2019, 负责人
[8]新加坡国立大学-新加坡制造技术研究院 联合研究项目,“Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Enhanced Surface Processing”,2017-2019,负责人
[9]新加坡制造技术研究院 内部研究项目,“Machining of Optic Molds for Glass Molding”,2017-2019,负责人
代表性论文专著 期刊论文 (*通讯作者)
【1】Zhang, X.*, Deng, H., Liu, K., 2019, Oxygen-shielded ultrasonic vibration cutting to suppress the chemical wear of diamond tools, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 68/1.
【2】Zhang, X.*, Huang, R., Kumar, A.S., Liu, K., 2018, High-efficiency swinging-rotating diamond shaping of Fresnel lenses on roller molds, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 67/1:121–124.
【3】Huang, R., Zhang, X.*, Rahman, M., Kumar, A.S., Liu, K., 2015, Ultra-precision machining of radial Fresnel lens on roller moulds, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 64/1:121–124.
【4】Zhang, X., Tnay, G.L., Liu, K., Kumar, A.S., 2018, Effect of apex offset inconsistency on hole straightness deviation in deep hole gun drilling of Inconel 718. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 125:123–132.
【5】Zhang, X.*, Arif, M., Liu, K., Kumar, A.S., Rahman, M., 2013, A model to predict the critical undeformed chip thickness in vibration-assisted machining of brittle materials. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 69:57–66.
【6】Wang, F., Zhang, X., Deng H., 2019, A comprehensive study on electrochemical polishing of tungsten, Applied Surface Science, 475, 587-597.
【7】Zhang, X., Huang, R., Liu, K., Kumar, A.S., Deng, H., 2018, Suppression of diamond tool wear in machining of tungsten carbide by combining ultrasonic vibration and electrochemical processing, Ceramics International, 44(4):4142–4153.
【8】Huang, R., Zhang, X.*, Neo, W.K., Kumar, A.S., Liu, K., 2018, Ultra-precision machining of grayscale pixelated micro images on metal surface, Precision Engineering, 52:211-220.
【9】Huang, W., Yu, D., Zhang, X., Zhang, M., Chen D., 2018, Ductile-regime machining model for ultrasonic elliptical vibration cutting of brittle materials, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 36:68-76.
【10】Zhang, X., Huang, R., Liu, K., Kumar, A.S., Shan, X., 2018, Rotating-tool diamond turning of Fresnel lenses on a roller mold for manufacturing of functional optical film, Precision Engineering, 51:445–457.
【11】Huang, R., Zhang, X.*, Kumar, A.S., Liu, K., Rahman, M., 2017, Profile evaluation of radial Fresnel lens directly machined on roller molds by rotating-tool diamond turning. Precision Engineering, 50:44–52.
【12】Deng, H., Huang, R., Liu, K., Zhang, X.*, 2017, Abrasive-free polishing of tungsten alloy using electrochemical etching, Electrochemistry Communications, 82:80–84.
【13】Deng, H., Zhang, X.*, Liu, K., Yamamura, K., Sato, H., 2017, Polishing of Tungsten Carbide by Combination of Anodizing and Silica Slurry Polishing, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 164:E352–E359.
【14】Verkicharla, P.K., Ramamurthy, D., Nguyen, Q.D., Zhang, X., Pu, S.H., Malhotra, R., Saw, S.M., 2017. Development of the FitSight Fitness Tracker to Increase Time Outdoors to Prevent Myopia. Translational Vision Science & Technology, 6(3):20.
【15】Shan, X., Zhang, X., Huang, R., Liu, K., 2017, Micromachining of a roller mould and roll-to-roll imprinting to form large area optical films with radial Fresnel lens arrays, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 56:05EA02.
【16】Zhang, X.*, Liu, K., Sunappan, V., Shan, X., 2015, Diamond micro engraving of gravure roller mould for roll-to-roll printing of fine line electronics, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 225:337–346.
【17】Zhang, X.*, Liu, K., Kumar, A.S., Rahman, M., 2014, A study of the diamond tool wear suppression mechanism in vibration-assisted machining of steel, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214:496–506.
【18】Zhang, X.*, Liu, K., Shan, X., Liu, Y., 2014, Roll-to-roll embossing of optical linear Fresnel lens polymer film for solar concentration, Optics Express, 22(S7):A1835-A1842.
【19】Zhang, X., Kumar, A.S., Rahman, M., Liu, K., 2013, Modeling of the effect of tool edge radius on surface generation in elliptical vibration cutting, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 65:35–42.
【20】Zhang, X., Senthil Kumar, A., Rahman, M., Nath, C., Liu, K., 2012, An analytical force model for orthogonal elliptical vibration cutting technique, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 14:378–387.
【21】Zhang, X., Senthil Kumar, A., Rahman, M., Nath, C., Liu, K., 2011, Experimental study on ultrasonic elliptical vibration cutting of hardened steel using PCD tools. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 211:1701–1709.
教学工作 硕士课程(全英文):超精密智能制造技术 Ultra-precision Smart Manufacturing
软件版权登记及专利 国际专利:
Saw, S.M., Zhang, X., Pu, S.H., 2015, Device to prevent a condition or disease associated with a lack of outdoor time, International Application No.: PCT/SG2015/000089.
学术兼职 国际生产工程科学院(CIRP) 通讯会员
荣誉奖励 [1]国家人才计划(青年项目),2020
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