本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01
李鸿光 教授????
教育背景 1996-1999 东北大学 机械设计及理论专业 博士
1993-1996 大连理工大学 计算力学专业 硕士
1989-1993 大连理工大学 工程力学专业 学士
工作经历 2007- 至今??上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院?振动、冲击、噪声研究所?教授、博士生导师
出访及挂职经历 2007??国家自然科学基金委员会数理学部力学处?动力学与控制项目管理
研究方向 动力学分析与控制:非线性动力学、转子动力学、主被动隔振、机械系统减振降噪等;
科研项目 2014-2017?国家自然科学基金项目“航天器驱动机构的非线性动力学建模与参数识别方法研究”,负责人
代表性论文专著 【专著】
丁国良, 欧阳华, 李鸿光. 制冷空调装置数字化设计 [M]. 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社, 2008年11月
周生通, 李鸿光. 高速动平衡机随机可靠性分析方法 [M]. 厦门: 厦门大学出版社, 2020年12月
1 Li H G, Yang W P, Wen B C. Self-excited vibration in rolling mill with clearance and symmetric restoring force via asymptotic method and numerical method [A]. Wen B C. The Proceedings of the International Conference on Vibration Engineering [C]. Shenyang: Northeastern University Press, 1998. 292~295.
2 杨文平, 李应强, 李鸿光, 任立义. 螺旋叶片锥辊轧机的轧辊结构研究 [J]. 锻压机械, 1998, 33(2) : 24-26.
3 Yang W P, Li H G, Shi B Q, Guo Y S, Ren L Y. Analysis of vibration signals for large-power automobile engine based on wavelet packets theory [A]. Wen B C. The Proceedings of the International Conference on Vibration Engineering [C]. Shenyang: Northeastern University Press, 1998. 750-752.
4 李鸿光, 闻邦椿. 一类具有可动边界的机械振动系统的混沌行为 [J]. 东北大学学报, 1999, 20(4): 376-379.
5 李鸿光, 韩清凯, 杨文平, 闻邦椿. 具有振动边界的自激系统的混沌行为 [J]. 非线性动力学学报, 1999, 6(2): 110-116.
6 李鸿光, 杨文平, 闻邦椿. 消除初轧机系统自激振动的理论分析 [J]. 力学与实践, 1999, 21(6): 30-32.
7 李鸿光, 杨文平, 闻邦椿. 一类具有运动边界的机械系统自激振动分析 [J]. 振动与冲击, 1999, 18(3): 1-4.
8 Yuan H Q, Li H G, Wen B C. Study on stability and bifurcation behaviour of the rotor with local rubbing [A]. Starr A G, Leung A Y T, Wright J R, Sandoz D J. Integrating Dynamics, Condition Monitoring and Control for the 21st Century, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Integration of Dynamics, Monitoring and Control [C]. Manchester, 1999. 305-308. ( ISTP )
9 Yuan H Q, Wen B C, Li H G. Study on bifurcation and chaos behavior of the rotor with local rubbing [A]. Proceedings of APVC'99 [C]. Singapore, 1999. 898-902.
10 袁惠群, 李鸿光, 闻邦椿. 具有非孤立奇点转子碰摩的分叉行为的研究 [A]. 于万明, 杨春秋, 王守新. 力学应用与研究 [C], 大连: 大连理工大学出版社, 1999. 198-201.
11 袁惠群, 闻邦椿, 李鸿光. Jeffcott转子局部碰摩的稳定性及分叉行为的研究 [A]. 闻邦椿. 辽宁振动工程学会第七届学术会议论文集 [C]. 沈阳, 1999. 1-4
12 李鸿光, 闻邦椿. 具有间隙和振动边界的自激振动系统的非线性振动 [J]. 振动工程学报, 2000, 13(1): 122-127.
13 李鸿光, 杨文平, 闻邦椿. 具有可动边界和间隙的机械系统自激振动分析和数值模拟 [J]. 机械科学与技术, 2000, 19(2): 177-179.
14 李鸿光, 闻邦椿, 张建武. 具有间隙的双向对称滞回模型的研究 [A]. 闻邦椿, 张天侠, 徐培民. 振动与波利用技术的新进展 [C], 沈阳: 东北大学出版社, 2000. 208-212.
15 李鸿光, 张建武. 钢桥非线性动力学模型的数值与实验研究 [A], 张义民. 振动利用与控制工程的若干理论及应用 [C], 长春: 吉林科学技术出版社, 2000. 23-30.
16 袁惠群, 闻邦椿, 李鸿光. 非线性转子局部碰摩故障的分叉与混沌行为 [J]. 东北大学学报, 2000, 21(6): 610-613.
17 Li H G, Yang W P, Wen B C. Asymptotic method and numerical analysis for self-excited vibration in rolling mill with clearance [J]. Shock and Vibration, 2001, 8(1): 9-14. (SCI)
18 李鸿光, 张建武. 一类滞回系统混沌振动的数值分析 [J]. 非线性动力学学报, 2001, 8(1): 33-38.
19 Li H G, Zhang J W, Wen B C. Chaotic behaviors of a bilinear hysteretic oscillator with clearance [A]. Wen B C. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference [C]. Changchun: Jilin Science and Technology Press, 2001. 105~109. (ISTP)
20 赵和平, 黄宏成, 李鸿光, 张建武. 汽车非线性悬架动态特性研究 [J]. 系统仿真学报, 2001, 13(5): 649-651.
21 Liu Y Q, Zhang J W, Li H G. Hysteresis response for twin-tube hydraulic shock absorber [A]. Wen B C. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference [C]. Changchun: Jilin Science and Technology Press, 2001. 445~450.
22 Zheng L, Li Y N, Li H G, Wen B C. Bifurcation and chaotic motion of a piecewise linear vibration system in gear-pairs [A]. Wen B C. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference [C]. Changchun: Jilin Science and Technology Press, 2001. 491~495.
23 Li H G, Zhang J W, Wen B C. Chaotic behaviors of a bilinear hysteretic oscillator [J]. Mechanics Research Communications, 2002, 29(5): 283-289. (SCI)
24 李鸿光, 张建武. 一类桥梁横向水平振动固有频率的计算方法 [J]. 力学与实践, 2002, 24(2): 22-24.
25 Liu Y Q, Zhang J W, Li H G. Test and simulation of nonlinear dynamic response for double-tube hydraulic shock absorber [J]. SAE Technical Paper Series 2002-01-0320, SP-1654.
26 刘延庆, 张建武, 张利, 李鸿光. 车用双筒液压减振器动态响应的试验与仿真 [J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2002, 36(8): 1095-1099
27 李鸿光, 孟光. 基于经验模式分解的混沌干扰下谐波信号的提取方法 [J]. 物理学报, 2004, 53(7): 2069-2073(SCI)
28 李鸿光, 孟光, 闻邦椿. 带间隙的双线性滞回系统的非线性振动 [J]. 机械工程学报, 2004, 40(7): 10-13
29 李鸿光, 何旭, 孟光. Bouc-Wen滞回系统动力学特性的仿真研究 [J]. 系统仿真学报, 2004, 16(9): 2009-2011
30 李鸿光,静波,韩雪华. 基于实测数据的汽轮机轴承座动刚度估算方法 [A]. 2004 年全国振动工程及应用学术会议 ( 转子动力学、故障诊断、模态分析与试验、振动与噪声控制联合会议 )论文集, 2004, 528-530 (振动工程学报, 2004, 17(s): 528-530)
31 张文明, 孟光, 李鸿光. MEMS微悬臂梁激励耦合非线性动力特性分析 [A]. 2004 年全国振动工程及应用学术会议 ( 转子动力学、故障诊断、模态分析与试验、振动与噪声控制联合会议 )论文集, 2004, 664-667 (振动工程学报, 2004, 17(s): 664-667)
32 Zhang W M, Meng G, Li H G. Adaptive vibration control of micro-cantilever beam in MEMS [A]. IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference), v 3, IECON 2004 - 30th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Eelctronics Society, 2004, p 2430-2435
33 Zhang W M, Meng G, Li H G. Electrostatic micromotor and its reliability [J]. Microelectronics Reliability, 2005, 45(7-8):1230-1242(SCI)
34 Dong X J, Meng G, Li H G, Ye L. Vibration analysis of a stepped laminated composite Timoshenko beam [J]. Mechanics Research Communications, 2005, 32(5): 572-581(SCI)
35 何旭, 李鸿光. 利用经验模式分解提高短时傅立叶变换的分辨率 [J]. 广西师范大学学报, 2005, 23(1): 1-4
36 董兴建, 孟光, 李鸿光. 变截面压电层合梁自由振动分析 [J]. 振动工程学报, 2005, 18(2): 243-247
37 Zhang WM, Meng G. Li HG, Modeling and simulation of the squeeze film effect on the MEMS structures [A], Hong W et al: 2005 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, Vols 1-5 [C], Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, DEC 04-07, 2005, Suzhou, China, IEEE, 1332-1334 (ISTP)
38 Li H G, Meng G. Harmonic component extraction from a chaotic signal based on EMD method [J]. Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, 2006, 27(2): 221-225(SCI)
39 Zhang W M, Meng G, Li H G. Adaptive vibration control of micro-cantilever beam with piezoelectric actuator in MEMS [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2006, 28 (3-4): 321-327(SCI)
40 Li H G, Meng G. Detection of harmonic signals from chaotic interference by empirical mode decomposition [J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractal, 2006, 30(4): 930-935(SCI)
41 李鸿光, 孟光. 基于EMD方法的混沌信号中周期分量的提取 [J]. 应用数学和力学, 2006, 27(2): 199-203
42 李惠清, 何 旭, 李鸿光. 经验模式分解及其在裂纹转子故障诊断中的应用[A]. 2006 年全国振动工程及应用学术会议(故障诊断、振动与噪声控制专辑)论文集, 2006, 305-307 (振动与冲击, 2006, 25(s): 305-307)
43 蔡继清, 朱克兵, 丁麒, 应广驰, 李鸿光. 考虑弯曲效应的弯管高精确度模态分析 [J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2006, 26(3): 44-46
44 朱克兵, 李鸿光, 蔡继清, 丁麒, 应广驰. 弯管塑性分析及其在模态分析中的应用 [J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2006, 26(4): 23-25
45 Li H G, Meng G. Nonlinear dynamics of a SDOF oscillator with Bouc-Wen hysteresis [J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractal, 2007, 34(2): 337-343(SCI)
46 Li H G, Meng G, Meng Z Q, Wen BC. Effects of boundary conditions on a self-excited vibration system with clearance [J]. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2007, 8(4): 571-579(SCI)
47 Meng ZQ, Meng G, Li HG, Zhu J. Investigation on the nonlinear response of a balanced flexible rotor-bearing system [J]. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2007, 8(1): 21-30(SCI)
48 Zhang XG, Guo KJ, Li HG, Hua HX, Meng G. Nonlinear rate dependent friction dynamics: Experiment and theoretical modeling [A], Wen TD: Conference Proceedings of ISTM/2007 VOLS 1-7 [C], 7th International Symposium on Test and Measurement, AUG 05-08, 2007, Beijing, China, International Academic Publishers Ltd, 4379-4382 (ISTP)
49 Zhang XG, Guo KJ, Li HG, Meng G. Experimental and theoretical investigations on friction modeling concerning accelerations in elevator systems [A], Batra RC et al: Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics 2007, Vols 1 And 2 [C], International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, NOV 05-07, 2007, Wuxi, China, Science Press USA INC, 1066-1072 (ISTP)
50 郭亚娟, 李惠清, 孟光, 李鸿光. 粘弹性自由层阻尼悬臂梁的有限元模型 [J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2007, 41(9): 1538-1541
51 郭亚娟, 李鸿光, 孟光. 粘弹性材料的ADF模型研究 [J]. 振动与冲击, 2007, 26(10): 145-147
52 赵三星, 孟光, 荆建平, 李鸿光. 汽封力作用下的转子-轴承系统稳定性研究 [J]. 汽轮机技术, 2007, 49(4): 280-284
53 李惠清, 郭亚娟. 李鸿光. 阻尼材料的配置对弯管固有频率的影响 [J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2007, 27(5): 56-59
54 宋文明, 李鸿光. 焊锡中气泡对电子元件热传导的影响 [J]. 电子元件与材料, 2007, 26(10): 70-73
55 周传勇, 李鸿光. 基于Bouc-Wen模型的电梯导靴摩擦力试验建模和参数辨识 [A], 孟光等: 2007年第四届“工程与振动”科技论坛论文集 [C], 2007, 81-82. (振动与冲击, 2007, 26(S): 81-82)
56 彭海阔, 孟光, 李鸿光. 沉管隧道结构有限元建模及模型有效性研究 [J], 噪声与振动控制, 2007, 27(6): 1-3
57 Guo K J, Zhang X G, Li H G, Meng G. Application of EMD method to friction signal processing [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2008, 22(1): 248-259(SCI)
58 Guo K J, Zhang X G, Li H G, Meng G. A New Dynamical Friction Model [J]. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2008, 22(8): 967-980(SCI)
59 Guo K J, Zhang X G, Li H G, Meng G. Non-reversible Friction Modeling and Identification [J]. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2008, 78(10): 795-809(SCI)
60 Zhang X G, Guo K J, Li H G, Meng G. A new friction model for the slide guide in elevator systems: experimental and theoretical investigations [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2008, 222(11): 2177-2189(SCI)
61 Gao S H; Meng G; Li H G; Jin, J P; Long X H. Non-linear dynamics of an unbalanced machine-tool spindle system supported by ball bearings [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 2008, 222(3): 201-214(SCI)
62 Guo K J, Li H G, Meng G. A two-dimensional model for a slide guide system subjected to lateral displacement excitation [A]. He J H: 2007 International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics, October 2007, Shanghai, China [C], Institute of Physics and IOP Publishing Limited: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2008
63 Zhang X G, Li H G, Meng G. Experimental investigation of nonlinear frictional dynamics of the slide guide in elevator systems [A]. He J H: 2007 International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics, October 2007, Shanghai, China [C], Institute of Physics and IOP Publishing Limited: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2008
64 郭亚娟, 李鸿光, 孟光. 基于GA-BFGS混合算法的多目标粘弹性模型参数优化 [J]. 振动工程学报, 2008, 21(1): 84-90
65 郭亚娟, 李惠清, 孟光, 李鸿光. 粘弹性自由层阻尼管的有限元建模与试验研究 [J]. 振动与冲击, 2008, 27(5): 99-102
66 Gao S H, Long X H, Li H G, Meng G. Nonlinear behavior of the machine-tool spindle system supported by ball bearing with clearance [A]. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts USA. 2008
67 郭克尖, 李鸿光, 孟光. 滑动导向系统振动建模及动力学仿真研究 [J]. 振动与冲击, 2008, 27(10): 39-42
68 Guo Y J, Meng G, Li H G. Parameter determination and response analysis of viscoelastic material [J]. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2009, 79(2): 147–155(SCI)
69 Meng G, Zhang W M, Huang H, Li H G, Chen D. Micro-rotor dynamics for micro–electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) [J], Chaos, Solitons & Fractal, 2009, 40(2): 538–562(SCI)
70 郭亚娟, 李鸿光, 孟光. 基于正交试验设计的空间弯管阻尼配置优化[J]. 应用力学学报, 2009, 26(2): 338-342
71 丁麒, 孟光, 李鸿光. 基于Hilbert-Huang变换的梁结构损伤识别方法研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2009, 28(9): 180-183
72 游进, 孟光, 李鸿光, 王淼. 随机激励下框架梁结构能量有限元分析[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2009, 43(10): 1632-1635
73 游进, 李鸿光, 孟光. 耦合板结构随机能量有限元分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2009, 28(11): 43-46
74 谢孟恺, 游进, 李鸿光.基于稳态能量法的全程数字模拟的振动预测方法[J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2009, 29(5): 4-7
75 景蓓蓓, 李鸿光. 基于微分的经验模式方法在转子裂纹和碰摩故障诊断中的应用[J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2009, 29 (5): 66-69
76 金长明, 王赣城, 高康, 陈婷艳, 李鸿光. 充液管道的传递矩阵法分析[J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2009, 29 (6): 30-33
77 You J, Li H G, Meng G. Validity investigation of random energy flow analysis for beam structures [A]. 2nd International Conference on Vibro-Impact Systems, JAN 06-09, 2010 Sanya, PEOPLES R CHINA
78 Zhang Z Y, Chen Y, Li H G , Hua H X. Simulation and experimental study on vibration and sound radiation control with piezoelectric actuators [A]. 2nd International Conference on Vibro-Impact Systems, JAN 06-09, 2010 Sanya, PEOPLES R CHINA
79 游进, 孟光, 李鸿光. L型耦合板相关激励下高频随机能量流分析[J]. 振动工程学报, 2010, 23(1): 60-63
80 王赣城, 金长明, 陈云文, 张进, 李鸿光. 吊杆式船载起重机吊绳非线性动力学建模与分析[J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2010, 30 (2): 23-26
81 王赣城, 焦素娟, 孙靳雅, 李鸿光. 弹性胶泥阻尼器的冲击实验研究及建模分析[J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2010, 30 (6): 56-57
82 游进, 孟光, 李鸿光. 三维框架结构随机能量流分析[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2010, 44(8): 1150-1154
83 胡光军, 金长明, 李鸿光. 高静低动隔振器设计与分析[A], 2010年全国振动工程及应用学术会议(暨第十二届全国设备故障诊断学术会议、第二十三届全国振动与噪声控制学术会议)论文集 [C], 2010
84 You J, Meng G, Li H G. Random energy flow analysis of coupled beam structures and its correlation with SEA [J]. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2011, 81(1): 37-50(SCI)
85 You J, Li H G, Meng G. Validity investigation of random energy flow analysis for beam structures [J]. Shock and Vibration, 2011, 18( 1-2): 269-280(SCI)
86 Zhang Z Y, Chen Y, Li H G, Hua H X. Simulation and experimental study on vibration and sound radiation control with piezoelectric actuators[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2011, 18( 1-2): 343-354(SCI)
87 You M Y, Li H G, Meng G. Control-limit preventive maintenance policies for components subject to imperfect preventive maintenance and variable operational conditions [J]. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2011, 96(5): 590-598(SCI)
88 Zhou Y, Li H G. Adaptive noise reduction method for DSPI fringes based on bi-dimensional ensemble empirical mode decomposition [J]. Optics Express, 2011, 19(19): 18207–18215(SCI)
89 Guo Y J, Meng G, Li H G. Dynamic response research of U shaped pipe with viscoelastic damping layer [J]. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2011, 25(32): 4697-4708 (SCI)
90 Zhang T, Li H G, Zhao J J. Vibration control and Dynamical Model of a Thermal – Electrical - Mechanical Coupled Smart Cantilevered Beam [A]. 2011 International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology (2011 ICMIT), Advanced Engineering Forum (Volumes 2 - 3): 535-540
91 Yang B T, Zhang T, Li J Q, Li F C, Li H G, Meng G. Research on giant magnetostrictive actuator for low frequency adaptive vibration control [A], The Seventh International Conference on VIBRATION ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY OF MACHINERY (VETOMAC-VII), Shanghai, CHINA, November 21-24, 2011.
92 Zhou S T, Sun Z H, Liu Y, Li H G. Dynamics stiffness analysis and modal identification on bearing support of high-speed dynamic balancing machine [A]. The Seventh International Conference on VIBRATION ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY OF MACHINERY (VETOMAC-VII), Shanghai, CHINA, November 21-24, 2011.
93 张新刚, 李鸿光, 孟光. 电梯导靴摩擦特性的实验研究[J]. 机械强度, 2011, 33(4): 528-533
94 胡光军, 周生通, 李鸿光. 一种非线性隔振器的静力分析与实验研究 [J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2011, 31(6): 69-71
95 游 进, 孟 光, 李鸿光. 声振系统中高频能量流分析法研究进展[J]. 振动与冲击, 2012, 31(11): 62-69
96 白晖宇, 朱瑞, 孟光, 李鸿光. 透平膨胀机转子系统振动故障分析与处理[J]. 深冷技术, 2012, (2): 59-63
97 朱瑞, 白晖宇, 孟光, 李鸿光. 透平压缩机常见振动故障分析与处理[J]. 深冷技术, 2012, (4): 60-65
98 刘兴星, 李鸿光, 孟光. 椭圆轴承-双悬臂转子系统的非线性振动特性[A], 第10届全国转子动力学学术讨论会(ROTDYN’2012)论文集 [C], 2012, 320-326. (振动与冲击, 2012, 31(S): 320-326)
99 李明, 李鸿光, 孟光. 基于Modelica/MWorks的转子动力学建模仿真平台[A], 第10届全国转子动力学学术讨论会(ROTDYN’2012)论文集 [C], 2012,. (振动与冲击, 2012, 31(S))
100 陆雯, 周生通, 李鸿光. 基于动态子结构法的转子系统动力学分析及编程实现[A], 第10届全国转子动力学学术讨论会(ROTDYN’2012)论文集 [C], 2012. (振动与冲击, 2012, 31(S))
101 Zhou Y, Li H G. A denoising scheme for DSPI fringes based on fast bi-dimensional ensemble empirical mode decomposition and BIMF energy estimation [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2013, 35(1-2): 369-382 (SCI)
102 Zhang T, Yang B T, Li H G, Meng G. Dynamic modeling and adaptive control of a giant magnetostrictive actuator for vibration control [J]. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2013, 190: 96 - 105 (SCI)
103 Qu Y G, Long X H, Li H G, Meng G. A variational formulation for dynamic analysis of composite laminated beams based on a general higher-order shear deformation theory [J]. Composite Structures, 2013, 102: 175 - 192 (SCI)
104 Zhou Y, Zhou S T, Zhong Z Y, Li H G. A de-illumination scheme for face recognition based on fast decomposition and detail feature fusion [J]. Optics Express, 2013, 21(9): 11294 - 11308 (SCI)
105 Zhang T, Li H G. Adaptive pole placement control for vibration control of a smart cantilevered beam in thermal environment [J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2013, 19(10) 1460 - 1470 (SCI)
106 Zhang T, Li H G, Cai G P. Hysteresis Identification and Adaptive Vibration Control for a Smart Cantilever Beam by a Piezoelectric Actuator [J]. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2013, 203: 168 - 175 (SCI)
107 Zhou Y, Li H G. Enhancement strategy based on three-layer filtering for a single fringe pattern [J]. Optics Letters, 2013, 38(20): 4124-4127 (SCI)
108 Li M, Wang Y, Li F C, Li H G, Meng G. Modelica-based object-orient modeling of rotor system with multi-faults [J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2013, 26 (6): 1169-1181 (SCI)
109 Wan Z, Meng G, Li H G, Jing J P. Nonlinear Dynamics and Stability Analysis of a Multi-Disk Rotor-Bearing System with Flexible Coupling Misalignment [J]. Advances in Vibration Engineering, 2013, 12 (6): 541-558 (SCI)
110 Zhou S T, Sun Z H, Liu Y, Li H G, Dynamics stiffness analysis and modal identification on bearing support of large-scale high-speed dynamic balancing machine [J]. Advances in Vibration Engineering, 2013, 12 (6): 587-609 (SCI)
111 Zhu R, Meng G, Li H G, Jing J P, Ren J X, Bai H Y, Li M. Transient Characteristics Analysis of Thermal-Stress inStart-Stop Condition for Rotor System in Gas Turbine [J]. Advances in Vibration Engineering, 2013, 12 (6): 571-586 (SCI)
112 Yang B T, Zhang T, Li J Q, Li F C, Li H G. Research on Giant Magnetostrictive Actuator for Low Frequency Adaptive Vibration Control [J]. Advances in Vibration Engineering, 2013, 12 (6): 611-622 (SCI)
113 Zhu R, Meng G, Li H G. Development of parts family manage system based on PDM in large-scale air separation equipment [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 605-607: 288-291
114 Sun Z H, Li F C, Li H G. A numerical study of non-collinear mixing of three-dimensional nonlinear waves in an elastic half-space [A], Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (ICA 2013 Montreal), Montreal, CANADA, June 2–7, 2013.
115 Zhou S T, Zhong Z Y, Li H G, Li C. Comprehensive Comparisons of Random Space Transformation Methods between Rackwitz-Fiessler and Nataf-Pearson in Theory and Algorithm [C]. Proceedings of ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2013, San Diego, California, USA, November 15-21, 2013.
116 朱瑞, 孟光, 李鸿光, 朱彦. 基于CATIA的轴承三维参数化标准件库的开发 [J]. 上海电力学院学报, 2013, 29(2): 155-157
117 刘兴星, 孟再强, 李明, 李鸿光, 孟光. 可倾瓦轴承的油膜力模型及其特性分析 [J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2013, 33 (4): 59-63
118 李富才, 苗晓婷, 孙学伟, 李鸿光, 孟光. 基于导波的圆柱结构损伤识别方法 [J]. 机械工程学报, 2013, 49 (6): 52-59
119 孟再强, 刘兴星, 李鸿光, 孟光. 透平膨胀机转子系统在耦合应力下的强度分析 [J]. 计算机仿真, 2013, 30 (10): 257-261
120 殷小涛, 孟再强, 刘兴星, 肖心想, 李鸿光. 非规则弹性片高静低动的隔振特性 [J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2013, 33(6): 45-48
121 董兴建, 李鸿光, 孟光. 岸桥起重机随机风振疲劳可靠性分析 [J]. 振动工程学报, 2013, 26(6): 901-907
122 Zhong Z Y, Zhang W M, Zhou Y, Meng G, Li H G. Frequency shift of a nanowaveguide resonator driven by the tunable optical gradient force [J]. Journal of the Optical Society of America B - Optical Physics, 2014, 31(4): 96-104 (SCI)
123 Zhang T, Li H G, Cai G P, Li F C. Experimental Verifications of Vibration Suppression for a Smart Cantilever Beam with a Modified Velocity Feedback Controller [J]. Shock and Vibration, 2014, 2014(172570):1-9 (SCI)
124 Bai H Y, Liu X X, Li H G, Zhang W M, Meng G, Li M, Wang X H. Nonlinear dynamic characteristics of a large?scale tilting pad journal bearing?rotor system [J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2014, 16(8): 4045-4064 (SCI)
125 周生通, 李鸿光. 考虑相关性的Rackwitz-Fiessler随机空间变换方法 [J]. 工程力学, 2014, 30(1): 105-114
126 周生通, 李鸿光, 刘 岩, 静 波. 重型动平衡机摆架的动刚度测试与动力特性预计[J]. 机械工程学报, 2014, 50(8): 1-9
127 李明, 李富才, 李鸿光, 孟光. 浅裂纹转子特性的动态圣维南原理解释[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2014, 48(6): 870-876
128 周生通, 李鸿光. 基于广义Rackwitz-Fiessler方法的广义一次可靠度方法[J]. 机械工程学报, 2014, 50(16): 6-12
129 屈中阳, 李鸿光. 一种改进的集合平均经验模态分解去噪方法 [J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2014, 34 (5): 171-176
130 周生通, 李鸿光, 张群. 基于INTESIM和ARPACK的三维实体转子系统的有限元实现[J]. 系统仿真学报, 2014, 26(6): 1391-1399
131 周生通, 陆雯, 张华, 李鸿光. 动平衡机摆架主弹性支承的应力疲劳寿命估计[C]. 第11届全国转子动力学学术讨论会ROTDYN2014, 大连, 8月, 2014
132 周生通, 李鸿光. 基于自适应步长参数的快速一次可靠度计算方法[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2014, 48(11): 1574-1579
133 Li F C, Liu Z Q, Sun X W, Li H G, Meng G. Propagation of guided waves in pressure vessel [J]. Wave Motion, 2015, 52: 216-228 (SCI)
134 Li M, Li C, Liu X B, Li H G, Li F C, Meng G. Nonlinear rotor dynamics on turbo expander with unbalanced bearing force caused by temperature difference [J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2014, 17(1): 33-46 (SCI)
135 Wang X H, Li H G, Li M, Bai H Y, Meng G, Zhang H. Dynamic characteristics of magnetorheological fluid lubricated journal bearing and its application to rotor vibration control [J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2015, 17(4): 1912-1928 (SCI)
136 Qu Y G, Wu S H, Li H G, Meng G. Three-dimensional free and transient vibration analysis of composite laminated and sandwich rectangular parallelepipeds: Beams, plates and solids [J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2015, 73: 96-110 (SCI)
137 Chen L X, Li S H, Liu K, Cai G P, Li H G. Time delay control of hysteretic composite plate [J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2015, 24(4): 045046 (SCI)
138 Li M, Li F C, Jing B B, Bai H Y, Li H G, Meng G. Multi-fault diagnosis of rotor system based on differential-based empirical mode decomposition [J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2015, 21(9): 1821-1837 (SCI)
139 Li F C, Sun X W, Qiu J X, Zhou L M, Li H G, Meng G. Guided wave propagation in high-speed train axle and damage detection based on wave mode conversion [J]. Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2015, 22: 1133-1147 (SCI)
140 Zhang T, Li H G, Zhong Z Y, Cai G P. Hysteresis model and adaptive vibration suppression for a smart beam with time delay [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2015, 358: 35-47 (SCI)
141 Zhang Z, Li H G, Meng G, Liu C. A novel approach for the prediction of the milling stability based on the Simpson method [J]. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2015, 99: 43-47 (SCI)
142 Sun Z H, Li F C, Li H G. Two way collinear interaction of longitudinal waves in an elastic medium with quadratic nonlinearity [J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2014, 17(7): 3988-3997 (SCI)
143 Li F C, Sun Z H, Li H G, Zhou L M. A Nonlinear Ultrasound Method for Fatigue Evaluation of Marine Structures [J], Materials Science Forum, 2015, 813:116-23
144 Lu W, Li H G, Zhang H. Modeling and identification of nonlinear torsion in harmonic drives[C]. the 7th International Conference on Vibration Engineering, Shanghai, China, 2015.
145 Sun Z H, Li F C, Li H G. Non-collinear mixing of two-dimensional nonlinear waves in an elastic half-space using a finite difference scheme[C]. the 7th International Conference on Vibration Engineering, Shanghai, China, 2015
146 Li C, Liu Z L, Li M, Li H G, Li Y, Liu W K. Subharmonic Resonance of Geometrical Nonlinear Structure in 2-D Periodic Elastic System for Mechanical Wave Filtering [C]. 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, US, 2015
147 Zhao J J, Miao X T, Li F C, Li H G, A Novel Probabilistic Diagnostic Algorithm-Based Damage Localization for Aluminum Plate with Non-uniform Section [C]. 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, US, 2015
148 Li M, Liu X X, Zhu R, Wang X H, Bai H Y, Li F C, Li H G, Meng G. Rotor dynamics behavior of tilting pad bearing supported turbo-expander considering temperature gradient [J]. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 11(2): 021004-1-16 (SCI)
149 Li H G, Li M, Zhou S T, Wang X H, Zhu R, Bai H Y, Li F C, Meng G. Rotor dynamics behavior of turbo-expander involving droplet impact [J]. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 2016, 22(5): 444-462 (SCI)
150 Zhang Z, Li H G, Meng G, Tu X T, Cheng C M. Chatter detection in milling process based on the energy entropy of VMD and WPD [J]. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2016, 108: 106-112 (SCI)
151 Sun Z H, Li F C, Li H G. A numerical study of non-collinear wave mixing and generated resonant components [J]. Ultrasonics, 2016, 71: 245-255 (SCI)
152 Li M, Bai H Y, Wang X H, Li H G, Li F C, Meng G. Dynamic Saint-Venant principle for rotor system with undetectable initial crack [J]. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2016, 86(11): 1841-1851 (SCI)
153 Lu W, Li H G, Li X J, Li C. Modeling and analysis of clearance in a gear assembly for solar array drive assembly [J]. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2016, 4(5): 467-474 (SCI)
154 周义, 李鸿光. 快速自适应经验模态分解方法的基本原理及其性能评估 [J], 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(3): 14-19
155 周生通, 李鸿光, 张龙, 周新建. 基于嵌入式谱随机有限元法的转子系统随机不平衡响应特性分析 [J], 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(19): 45-49
156 陈凯, 李富才, 李鸿光. 快速自适应经验模态分解方法及轴承故障诊断 [J], 振动、测试与诊断, 2016, 36(4): 647-652
157 周生通, 李鸿光, 李富才. 考虑不平衡量随机特性的转子动力学分析[C]. 第十届动力学与控制学术会议, 成都, 5月, 2016
158 Li H G, Hu Y, Li F C, Meng G. Succinct and fast empirical mode decomposition [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2017, 85: 879-895 (SCI)
159 Li H G, Li M, Li C, Li F C, Meng G. Multi-faults decoupling on turbo-expander using differential-based ensemble empirical mode decomposition [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2017, 93: 267-280 (SCI)
160 Hu Y, Li F C, Li H G, Liu C L. An enhanced empirical wavelet transform for noisy and non-stationary signal processing [J]. Digital Signal Processing, 2017, 60: 220-229 (SCI)
161 Zhu R, Zhang Y R, Ren J X, Li H G, Han Q K. Nonlinear dynamics study of a high-temperature rotor-bearing-seal system in gas turbine [J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2017, 19(1): 629-640 (SCI)
162 Zhang Z, Li H G, Meng G, Ren S, Zhou J W. A new procedure for the prediction of the cutting forces in peripheral milling [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 89(5-8): 1709-1715 (SCI)
163 Li F C, Li H G, Qiu J X, Meng G. Guided wave propagation in H-beam and probability-based damage localization [J]. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2017, 24(5): e1916 (SCI)
164 Lu W, Li H G, Li X J, Li C. Bifurcations and chaos in a gear assembly with clearances for solar array drive assembly [J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2017, 19(4): 3030-3039 (SCI)
165 Zhou S T, Wu X, Li H G, Sun Y Y. Critical speed analysis of flexible rotor system with stochastic uncertain parameters [J]. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2017, 5(4): 319-328 (SCI)
166 Zhang Z, Li H G, Meng G, Ren S. Milling chatter suppression in viscous fluid: a feasibility study [J]. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2017, 120: 20-26 (SCI)
167 Wang X H, Li H G, Lu W, Meng G. Stiffness and damping properties of (semi) floating ring bearing using magnetorheological fluids as lubricant [J]. Journal of Tribology – Transactions of the ASME, 2017, 139(5): 051701-1-11 (SCI)
168 Wang X H, Li H G, Meng G. Rotordynamic coefficients of a controllable magnetorheological fluid lubricated floating ring bearing [J]. Tribology International, 2017, 114: 1-14 (SCI)
169 Hu Y, Tu X T,Li F C, Li H G, Meng G. Hu Y, Li F C, Li H G, Liu C L. An enhanced empirical wavelet transform for noisy and non-stationary signal processing [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2017, 409: 241-255 (SCI)
170 王小虎, 陆雯, 李鸿光, 孟光. 磁流变液润滑浮环轴承及其在转子振动控制中的应用 [J], 振动与冲击, 2017, 36(12): 17-24
171 李志深, 周华, 李鸿光. 基于连接特性识别的子结构综合法 [J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2017, 37 (3): 1-7
172 张术臣, 赵昕海, 李鸿光, 李富才. 流体管道超声导波无损检测 [J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2017, 37 (3): 197-202
教学工作 课程名称:机械动力学与振动,授课对象:本科生2年级,学时数:48,学分:3
软件版权登记及专利 【发明专利】
学术兼职 2011-?中国振动工程学会理事
2016- 《International Journal of Smart Engineering》编委
荣誉奖励 2008?教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”
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