本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01
吴海军 副教授
教育背景 2006.09—2013.07上海交通大学,机械设计及理论博士
工作经历 硕士生导师,博士生导师
2018.01—至今 上海交通大学,振动冲击噪声研究所,副教授
2015.09—2017.12 上海交通大学,振动冲击噪声研究所,讲师
2013.09—2015.09 上海交通大学,振动冲击噪声研究所,博士后
出访及挂职经历 2013.12—2014.12,香港科技大学,机械与航空系,研究助理
2009.09—2010.09,辛辛那提大学,机械工程系, 联培博士
研究方向 声学分析的高性能科学计算方法:
1. 边界元法的理论及快速计算方法(快速多极子、矩阵压缩等);
2. 有限元法的理论及其高性能计算(等几何分析、并行计算等);
3. 结构、流体和声学耦合分析方法
1. 声学逆向重建理论和算法(远场、近场声全息理论)
2. 声源智能辨识理论及应用(卷积/循环神经网络、深度学习等)
3. 阵列设计与重建算法融合匹配噪声源测试分析技术(机器听觉)
1. 声学辐射模态、声学灵敏度、主动降噪
2. 基于高性能计算的声学优化设计(刚度、阻尼、拓扑形状优化等)
3. 其它...
科研项目 1. 2018.08—2022.07 工信部两机专项,***噪声的快速预测方法和声源测试分析技术研究,负责人
2. 2019.01—2022.12 国家自然科学基金(面上项目),基于源/场模式映射关系的近场声全息理论与测试方法研究,负责人
3.2017.10—2018.10 气动噪声控制重点实验室开放课题,旋翼噪声识别的近场声全息测试技术研究, 负责人
4.2017.08—2018.08 中船七〇八研究所,***测试技术的仿真研,负责人
5.2017.01—2019.12 医工交叉课题,基于计算机三维图像重建技术的人工耳蜗植入手术诊疗研究,第二负责人
6.2016.09—2020.12 工信部,船用低速柴油机振动噪声控制技术研究,子课题负责人
7.2016.10—2020.12 十三五预研课题,***振动与噪声控制设计指南,子课题负责人
8.2016.01—2017.12 国家重点实验室自主课题“基于模态映射关系的近场声全息方法与实验研究”,负责人
9.2015.01—2016.11 中国科学院空间应用工程与技术中心,高微重力科学实验柜悬浮实验双层结构声固耦合影响分析,负责人
10.2015.01—2017.12 国家青年自然科学基金“大规模结构-声学耦合问题的高精度快速计算方法研究”,负责人
11.2015.01—2015.06 XX预研课题“重型燃气轮机辐射噪声快速预报方法”,负责人
12.2015.07—2016.07 中国博士后科学基金第八批特别资助项目,负责人
13.2014.04—2015.09 中国博士后科学基金第五十五批面上资助项目,负责人
代表性论文专著 <期刊论文>
1.Dou Li, Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, An inverse patch transfer functions method based on a free field Green's function. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020. 479.
2. Haijun Wu, Xinyue Wei, Yang Zha, and Weikang Jiang, Acoustic spatial patterns recognition based on convolutional neural network and acoustic visualization, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147(1),459–468, 2020
3. Jianzheng Gao, Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Dipole-based beamforming method for locating dipole sources with unknown orientations in three-dimensional domains, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147(1),125-136, 2020
4. Xingjian Pan, Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Multipole orthogonal beamforming combined with an inverse method for coexisting multipoles with various radiation patterns, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 463:114979,2019
5. Haijun Wu, Liang Yu, Weikang Jiang, A coupling FEM/BEM method with linear continuous elements for acoustic-structural interaction problems, Applied Acoustics, 150: 44-54, 2019
6. Liang Yu, Haijun Wu, Jerome Antoni,Weikang Jiang, Extraction and imaging of aerodynamically generated sound field of rotor blades in the wind tunnel test. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 116:1017-1028, 2019.
7.Haijun Wu, Wenjing Ye, Weikang Jiang, A collocation BEM for 3D acoustic problems based on a non-singular Burton-Miller formulation with linear continuous elements. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 332:191-216, 2018.
8.Hao Jiang, Haijun Wu, Liang Yu, Weikang Jiang, Force identification based on the reconstruction of distributed response with an optimized sensor placement. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 0(0): 6445, 2018.
9.Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Experimental study of the mapping relationship based near-field acoustic holography with spherical fundamental solutions. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 394:185-202, 2017.
10.Liuxiu Juan, Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Hybrid Approximation Hierarchical Boundary Element Methods for Acoustic Problems, Journal of Computational Acoustics, 25(3):**-25, 2017.
11.Yilin Zhang, Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Nicole Kessissoglou, Acoustic Topology Optimization of Sound Power using Mapped Acoustic Radiation Modes, Wave Motion, 40:90-100, 2017.
12.Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Haibin Zhang, A mapping relationship based near-field acoustic holography with spherical fundamental solutions for Helmholtz equation. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 373(7):66-88, 2016.
13.Haijun Wu, Wenjing Ye, Weikang Jiang, Isogeometric finite element analysis of interior acoustic problems, Applied Acoustics, 100:63-73, 2015
14.Haijun Wu, Yijun Liu, Weikang Jiang, A fast multipole boundary element method for three-dimensional half-space acoustic wave problems over an impedance plane, International Journal of Computational Methods, 12(1):**-25, 2015.
15.吴海军,张一麟,蒋伟康,水下圆柱壳结构表面振速插值方法及其辐射声场预测,声学学报,40(5):631-638, 2015.
16.Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Yilin Zhang, Wenbo Lu, A method to compute the sound power based on mapped acoustic radiation modes, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135(2):679-692, 2014.
17.Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Yijun Liu, Analyzing Acoustic Radiation Modes of Baffled Plates with A Fast Multipole Boundary Element Method," ASME: Journal of vibration and acoustics, 135(1):011007-7, 2013.
18.Haijun Wu, Yijun Liu, Weikang Jiang, A low frequency fast multipole boundary element method based on analytical integration of the hypersingular integral for 3D acoustic problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 37(2):309-318, 2012.
19.Haijun Wu, Yijun Liu, Weikang Jiang, A fast multipole boundary element method for 3D multi-domain acoustic scattering problems based on the Burton-Miller formulation, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 36(5):779-788, 2012.
20.Haijun Wu, Yijun Liu, Weikang Jiang, Analytical integration of the moments in the diagonal form fast multipole boundary element method for 3-D acoustic wave problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 36(2):248-254, 2012.
21.Wenbo Lu, Weikang Jiang, Haijun Wu, Junjian Hou, A fault diagnosis scheme of rolling element bearing based on near-field acoustic holography and gray level co-occurrence matrix, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331(15):3663-3674, 2012.
22.吴海军,蒋伟康, 二维声学多层快速多极子边界元及其应用,声学学报,37(1):55-61, 2012.
23.吴海军,蒋伟康,鲁文波,三维声学多层快速多极子边界元及其应用,物理学报,61(5):054301-8, 2012.
24.Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Yijun Liu, Diagonal form fast multipole boundary element method for 2D acoustic problems based on Burton-Miller boundary integral equation formulation and its applications, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 32(8):981-996, 2011.
25.Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Wenbo Lu, Analytical moment expression for linear element in diagonal form fast multipole boundary element method, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 25(7):1711-1715, 2011.
26.吴海军,蒋伟康,刘轶军,基于Burton-Miller边界积分方程的二维声学波动问题对角形式快速多极子边界元及其应用,应用数学和力学,32(8):920-933, 2011.
27.Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Yijun Liu, Analysis of numerical integration error for Bessel integral identity in fast multipole method for 2D Helmholtz equation, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 15(6):690-693, 2010.
28.吴海军, 蒋伟康, 李良军, 驻波管法四传声器测量隔声量的误差分析, 上海交通大学学报, 42(08): 1265-1268+1273, 2008.
29.周冠南, 蒋伟康,吴海军, 基于总传递力最小的发动机悬置系统优化设计. 振动与冲击, 27(08): p. 56-58+176-177, 2008.
1. 杨程,吴海军,蒋伟康,一种无背腔的微穿孔板吸声设计,中国声学学会2018年全国声学学术会议,北京,11.9-12,2018
2. Dou Li, Haijun Wu, Liang Yu, Weikang Jiang, An inverse patch transfer function method based on the Green’s function in free field, the Inter-noise 2018, Chicago, USA, Aug. 26-29, 2018.
3. Haijun Wu, Liang Yu, Weikang Jiang, et al. Bayesian formalism of mapping relationship based nearfield acoustical holography, the 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Shiroshima, Japan, Jul. 8-12, 2018.
4. Hao Jiang, Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Identification of the dynamic loads on machineries based on the reconstruction of distributed response with an optimized measurement setup, the Inter-noise 2017, Hong Kong, China, Aug. 27-30, 2017.
5. Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Error analysis and experimental invesitation of the mapping relationship based NAH with spherical solution, the 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, London, United Kingdom, Jul. 23-27, 2017.
6.吴海军,蒋伟康,基于球函数基本解映射关系的近场声全息方法研究, 中国声学学会2016年全国声学学术会议, 湖北武汉,10.28-31, 2016.
7.Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, An acoustic holography based on the mapping relationship between patterns on surfaces of structure and hologram, the Internoise 2015, San Francisco, USA, Aug.09-12, 2015.
8.Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Siwei Pan, Some research of mapped radiation modes and its application in analyzing the radiation surface of vibrating structures, the 21-st International Congress on Acoustics, Montréal, Québec, Canada, Jun.02-07, 2013.
9.Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Haibin Zhang, The procedures of nearfield acoustic holography based on mapped radiation mode analysis, the Noise-Con 2013. Denver, Colorado, USA, Aug.26-28, 2013.
10.Yilin Zhang, Weikang Jiang, Haijun Wu, Xingfu Zhou, Jianwen Xu, A topology optimization design of compressor housing to reduce acoustic noise base on fast BEM, the 20-th International Congress on Sound & Vibration, Bangkok, Thailand, Jul.07-11, 2013.
11.Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Analyzing acoustic radiation modes using fast multipole boundary element method, the Inter-noise 2011, Osaka, Japan, Sep.04-07, 2011.
12.Haibin Zhang, Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Procedures of the nearfield acoustic holography based on the inverse fast multipole boundary element method, the Internoise 2011, Osaka, Japan, Sep.04-07, 2011.
1.Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Analyzing interior acoustic problems with isogeometric finite element method, 12th International Conference on Theoratical and Computational Acoustics(ICTCA 2015), Hangzhou, china, October 11-16, 2015.
2.Xiujuan Liu, Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, A hierarchical boundary element method based on multipole expansion of Green’s function for Acoustic Problems, 12th International Conference on Theoratical and Computational Acoustics(ICTCA 2015), Hangzhou, china, October 11-16, 2015
3.Yijun Liu, Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, New developments in the fast multipole and ACA BEM for modeling large-scale 3-D acoustic problems, The Tenth National Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering, Changsha, May 25-28, 2012.
4.Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, Yijun Liu, On the computation of the half-space impedance Green’s function for 3-D Acoustic problems, The Tenth National Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering, Changsha, May 25-28, 2012.
5.Weikang Jiang, Haijun Wu, The fast multipole boundary element method for 3D acoustic problems, the International Symposium on Modern Acoustics, Nanjing, China, May 19-20, 2012.
6.Haijun Wu, Yijun Liu, Weikang Jiang, A fast multipole boundary element method for 3D multi-domain acoustic scattering problems, the Doctor Interdisciplinary Innovation Symposium, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, October 27-31, 2011.
7.Yijun Liu, M. Bapat, Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, New developments in the fast multipole and adpative cross approximate boundary element methods, the IABEM 2011 Symposium, Brescia, Italy, September 5-8, 2011.
8.Yijun Liu, M. Bapat, Haijun Wu, Weikang Jiang, New developments in the fast multipole and ACA boundary element methods, The 11th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, July, 25-28, 2011.
9.Haijun Wu, Yijun Liu, Weikang Jiang, The fast multipole boundary element method and its application in acoustic problems, The Second Doctoral Symposium, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univerisity, Shanghai, China, December 22-24, 2010.
教学工作 (ME6039) 《声学原理及计算方法》 研究生学位课 48学时 3学分
(GS00001)《学术写作、规范与伦理》 研究生学位课 16学时 1学分
(ME206 ) 《机械动力学与振动学》 本科生学位课 48学时 3学分
软件版权登记及专利 <软件著作权>:
1.三维声学快速多极子边界元软件v1.0, 登记号:2015SR175279
2.基于映射关系的近场声全息软件v1.0, 登记号:2018SR093410
3. 基于计算机图像的内耳三维重建分析软件v1.0,登记号:2019SR**
1. 一种用于噪声环境下的近场声全息方法及测试系统,申请号:
2. 阵列可变的旋转声学测量装置,申请号:CN6.X
3. 一种基于球函数基本解的近场声全息测试方法及装置,公开号:CNB
学术兼职 Reviewer of :
1. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
2. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
3. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
4. International Journal of Solids and Structures
5. Engineering Computation
6. Wave Motion
荣誉奖励 2017 上海交通大学“晨星-优秀青年****奖励计划”
2016 上海市优秀博士学位论文
2015 博士后考核优秀
2012 上海市优秀毕业生
2012 博士研究生国家奖学金
2011 赵朱木兰奖学金
2009 上海交通大学博士生国外访学计划
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