本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01
龙新华 研究员
教育背景 2000-2006美国马里兰大学机械工程系博士
工作经历 12/2017-至今 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 研究员/博士生导师
12/2008-12/2017 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 副教授 /博士生导师
09/2006-12/2008 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 讲师
07/1995-09/1997 中国新型建筑材料集团公司 助理工程师
研究方向 非线性振动理论及其工程应用;
科研项目 2019-2022 国家自然科学基金项目“基于时滞反馈的薄壁结构件铣削振动主动控制研究”负责人
2017-2019 国家重大专项课题“用于航空航天大型曲面薄壁件加工的蒙皮镜像铣研究与应用”子课题 负责人
2017-2018 横向课题“分扭传动系统动力学分析研究” 负责人
2016-2020 课题“主减速器内源激励辨识研究” 负责人
2016-2020 横向课题“主减速器安装振动主动控制研究” 负责人
2016-2019 上海市科委课题“星型轮系均载机构优化设计与动力学分析” 负责人
2015-2018 国家重大专项课题“航天钛合金构件国产高档数控装备与关键制造技术应用示范”子课题 负责人
2012-2015 横向课题“传动系统试验台架研究” 负责人
2012-2014 国家自然科学基金项目“具有非光滑、时滞非线性作用的高速铣削系统动力学研究”负责人
2011-2014 国家重大基础研究(973)课题 负责人
2011-2015 国家重大基础研究(973)课题子课题:“超强异形零件多轴加工失稳机制及控制品质优化”, 交大负责人
2010-2011 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室课题 “变刚度高速铣削系统稳定性分析” 负责人
2008-2010 国家自然科学基金青年,教育部留学回国人员基金“分段光滑滑系统动力学” 负责人
2008-2011 国家自然科学基金重点燃气轮机转子系统在多场耦合作用下的非线性振动和控制 主要研究人员
2006-2010 国家重大基础研究(973)课题子课题“高速数控机床动态行为演变及其高精度控制” 学术骨干
2009-2009 Experimental Testing of Gib-Metal Friction Noise (美国UTRC合作项目) 负责人
2007-2009 Experimental Modal Analysis Method to obtain vibration of compressor housing nose based on measured center housing vibration(美国Honeywell公司合作项目) 项目执行人
代表性论文专著 Song Ren, Xinhua Long, Guang Meng. "Dynamics and Stability of Milling Thin Walled Pocket Structure." Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 429 :325-347
Xun, Chao , Long, Xinhua , Hua, Hongxing. “Effects of random tooth profile errors on the dynamic behaviors of planetary gears". Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 415(17) : 91-110.
Song Ren, Xinhua Long, Yegao Qu, Guang Meng, "A semi-analytical method for stability analysis of milling thin-walled plate," Meccanica, 2017
Xinhua Long, Pingxu Zheng, Song Ren, "Active Delayed Control of Turning and Milling Dynamics," Journal of Computational and Ninlinear Dynamics, 2017
Xinhua Long, Dehao Meng, Yingang Chai, "Effects of spindle speed-dependent dynamic characteristics of ball bearing and multi-modes on the stability of milling process," Meccanica, 2015
Xinhua Long, Miao Yu, "One to One Nonlinear Internal Resonance of Sensor Diaphragm Under Initial Tension," Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2015, 137(3)
Xianbo Liu, Nicholas Vlajic, Xinhua Long, Guang Meng, Balakumar Balachandran. "Multiple regenerative effects in cutting process and nonlinear oscillations," International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2014, 2(1): 86-101
Xinhua Long, Hao Jiang, Guang Meng, “Active vibration control for peripheral milling process," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2013, 213(5): 660-670.
Xianbo Liu, Nicholas Vlajic, Xinhua Long, Guang Meng, Balakumar Balachandran, "Coupled axial-torsional dynamics in rotary drilling with state-dependent delay: stability and control," Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 78(3): 1891-1906
Xinhua Long, Jiabin Liu, Guang Meng, "Nonlinear dynamics of two harmonically excited elastic structures with impact interaction," Journal of Sound and Vibration,2014, 333(5):1430-1441
Xianbo Liu, Nicholas Vlajic, Xinhua Long, Guang Meng, Balakumar Balachandran, "Nonlinear motions of a flexible rotor with a drill bit: stick-slip and delay effects," Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013, 72(1-2): 61-77
Xianbo Liu, Nicholas Vlajic, Xinhua Long, Guang Meng, "State-dependent delay Influenced Drill-String Oscillations and Stability Analysis," Journal of Vibration and Acoustics,2014, 136(5)
Long, X.-H. and Balachandran, B., “Stability Analysis for Milling Process,” Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 49, 2007 p. 349-359
Long, X.-H., Balachandran, B., and Mann, B.P., “Dynamics of Milling Model with Variable Time Delay,” Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 47(2007) p. 47-63.
Long, X.-H., Lin, G. J., and Balachandran, B., “Grazing Bifurcations in Elastic Structure Excited by Harmonic Impactor Motions”, Physica D. Vol. 237(2008) p. 1129-1138.
Long, X.-H. and Balachandran, B., “Stability of Up-Milling and Down-Milling Processes with Variable Spindle Speed,” Journal of Vibration and Control , 2010.
Xinhua Long, Hao Jiang,Guang Meng,"Active vibration control for peripheral milling processes,"Journal of Materials Processing Technology Vol.213(2013), No.5, pp.660-670.
Xinhua Long, Jiabin Liu, Guang Meng,"Nonlinear dynamics of two harmonically excited elastic structures with impact interaction,"Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 333, 2014, pp. 1430–1441.
Yu, Miao, Long, X.-H., and Balachandran, B., “Sensor Diaphragm under Initial Tension: Nonlinear Responses and Design Implications,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 312, p. 39-54.
Jiang, H, Long, X.-H., and G, Meng. “Study of the correlation between surface generation and cutting vibrations in peripheral milling,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 208, p. 229-238..
Gao S.-H., Long, X.-H., and G, Meng., “Nonlinear Response and Nonsmooth Bifurcations of an Unbalanced Machine-Tool Spindle-Bearing System,” Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 54, p.365-377.
Long, X.-H., Insperger, T., and Balachandran, B., ”Systems with Periodic Coefficients and Periodically Varying Delays: Semi-Discretization Based Stability Analysis” in, book ”Delay Differential Equations: Recent Advances and New Directions”,2009.
Gao S.-H., Long, X.-H., and G, Meng., “Sub-harmonic resonance and nonlinear behavior of a spindle ball bearings system with 3/2 nonlinear,”. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2009
Gao S.-H., Long, X.-H., and G, Meng.,” Nonlinear response and stability of a spindle system supported by ball bearings”, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2010.
S.-H. Gao, G. Meng, X.-H. Long. Stability prediction in high speed milling including the thermal preload effects of bearing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E, Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering. 2010
Long, X.-H. and Balachandran, B., “Stability Analysis of A Variable Spindle Speed Milling Process,” Proceedings of IDETC’05 ASME 2005, September 23-28, 2005, Long Beach, CA, USA
Long, X.-H. and Balachandran, B., “Elastic Structure Excited by Harmonic Impactor Motions: Experimental and Numerical Investigations,” ENOC-2005, August 7-12, 2005, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Long, X.-H. and Balachandran, B., “Milling Model with Variable Time Delay,” Proceedings of IMECE’04, ASME 2004.
Jiang, H, Long, X.-H., and G, Meng. “Active control on milling processes,” Proceedings of IMECE’2010, ASME 2010
教学工作 课程名称:机械振动学,授课对象:本科生,学时数:36, 学分:2
课程名称:机械动力学与振动,授课对象:本科生,学时数:51, 学分:3
课程名称:弹性力学及有限元分析,授课对象:研究生,学时数:51, 学分:3
软件版权登记及专利 电回馈的直升机主减速器综合试验台 CN1.2
一种直升机桨毂中心非扭矩加载模拟装置 CN9.9
荣誉奖励 2016 国家科技进步二等奖
2016 美国ASME协会最高论文奖Melivelle Medal
2015 上海市科技进步一等奖
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吴海军副教授所在系所振动、冲击、噪声研究所办公电话-819通讯地址上海交大机械与动力工程学院A楼819室电子邮件haijun.wu@sjtu.edu.cn个人主页http://haijunwu.sjtu.edu.cn教育背景2006.09—2013.07上海交通大学,机械设计及理论博士2002.09 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-谭婷
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