

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01

于随然 教授

教育背景 1999―2002 日本东京大学 精密机械专业 博士
1986―1989 大连理工大学 机械电子专业 硕士
1982―1986 大连理工大学 机械制造专业 学士

工作经历 1991―1997 大连理工大学机械工程学院   讲师
1997―2002 大连理工大学机械工程学院  副教授
2002―2011 上海交通大学机械与动力学院 副教授
2011― 上海交通大学机械与动力学院 教授,博士生导师

研究方向 1 产品可持续设计与制造,全生命周期设计与管理
2 康复机器人和服务机器人
3 人类增强装置:外骨骼机器人与可穿戴设备

科研项目 2021.1—2024.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目“面向低龄脑瘫儿童下肢康复运动辅助的动力外骨骼设计与实验”,负责人
2020.11—2023.10 国家重点研发计划课题“机电产品全生命周期设计跨组织协同管理机制与应用技术”,负责人
2020.1—2022.12 上海交通大学医工交叉研究基金(重点A类)“学龄前儿童下肢外骨骼运动康复训练器械样机研制”,杜青,于随然
2020.1—2022.12 国家重点研发计划课题“脊髓损伤个性化康复行为分析与设计“,主要参加者
2019.1—2022.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目“可定制穿戴式下肢康复助力外骨骼机器人模块化设计研究”,主要参加者
2018.12—2019.12 国防科技创新特区“基于多节点协同感知的外骨骼神经控制系统”,崔毅,于随然等
2018.1—2021.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目“低速重载开式齿轮齿条传动副失效模式及低环境负荷润滑研究”,刘忠明,于随然等
2017.3—2018.3 上海逸动医学科技有限公司“肩关节与膝关节生物力学检测平台开发”,负责人
2017.1—2020.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目“时变大功率输入径向柱塞泵的能耗机理解析及高能效设计”,负责人
2016.1—2018.12 国家自然科学基金青年面上项目“大型伺服压力机主传动系统能耗机理解析及高能效机构设计”,陶璟,于随然
2015.1—2017.12 上海交通大学医工交叉基金“基于磁力牵引的免气腹腹腔镜关键技术及应用”,刘文涛,于随然
2014.12—2018.12 欧盟ERASMUS MUNDUS项目“Links in Europe and Asia for engineering, eDucation, Enterprise and Research exchanges - LEADER”,Matteo Savino,于随然等
2011.01—2013.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目“面向产品多样性和绿色性的模块化设计与评价方法研究”,负责人
2008.01—2010.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于仿真技术和遗传算法的环境调和性产品的设计研究”,负责人
2012.01—2015.12 国家自然科学基金重点项目“高端金属成型装备低碳制造的基础理论与关键技术研究”,刘志峰,洪军,于随然等
2008.10—2010.12 国家863项目“冗余驱动大型伺服压力机创新设计及其关键技术研究”,负责人
2007.08—2009.07 国家863项目“面向产品全生命周期的绿色设计方法与技术研究”,第二负责人
2003.08—2005.08 国家留学回国人员基金“环境调和型产品全寿命周期的协同设计与综合评价”,负责人
2012.09—2014.08 国家留学基金委中法合作“Sustainable Product Lifecycle Management Project”,负责人
2005.10—2014.10 振华重工“800T—2750T/H桥式抓斗卸船机的参数设计CAD/CAE”,负责人
2012.01—2015.12 欧盟第7框架项目“Europe-China High Value Engineering Network (EC-HVEN)”,主要参加者
2009.01—2012.12 欧盟项目“eLINK – east-west Link for Innovation, Networking and Knowledge exchange”,中方负责人
2005.01—2008.12 欧盟项目“Euro-Asia Collaborations & Networking in Information Technology”,中方负责人
2005.01—2007.12 欧盟项目“TELEPATH: Transfer of IT&C e-learning skills to China”,中方负责人
2002.10—2004.09 欧盟第5框架项目“Agriculture and small to ... production for Transport In China”,主要参加者
2002.09—2003.12 美国能源基金会“Research on Development of the Bio-Ethanol Fuels in China”,主要参加者
1998.10—2002.03 日本国政府“基于Inverse Manufacturing的产品全生命周期设计与评价”,主要参加者
1996.03—1998.12 航天工业总公司“FA81G/1数控仿型铣槽机床计算机控制系统的研究”,主要参加者
1991.10—1995.12 国家八五攻关计划“数控仿型加工中心控制系统的开发研究”,主要参加者
1992.01—1996.01 一汽等“DIGIT-02C 数控仿型控制系统商品化研究与制造”,主要参加者
1989.10—1991.07 国家教委“DIGIT-02C 数控仿型控制系统研究””,主要参加者

代表性论文专著 专著:
于随然,张执南等译,工程设计,机械工业出版社,978-7-111-51363-6,中国北京, 2017.3
1. Qian, Huanan; Tao, Jing; Yu, Suiran; Error Analysis and Accuracy Synthesis for Linkage Mechanism of High-Precision Press, Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, v 53, n 3, p 269-275, March 1, 2019, Language: Chinese
2. Tao, Jing; Wang, Huaiyu; Liao, Haohan; Yu, Suiran; Mechanical design and numerical simulation of digital-displacement radial piston pump for multi-megawatt wind turbine drivetrain, Renewable Energy, v 143, p 995-1009, December 2019
3. Liu, Zhan; Meng, Xianghui; Wen, Chengwei; Yu, Suiran; Zhou, Zhong; On the oil-gas-solid mixed bearing between compression ring and cylinder liner under starved lubrication and high boundary pressures, Tribology International, v 140, December 2019
4. Li, Lu; Yu, Suiran; Tao, Jing; Design for energy efficiency in early stages: A top-down method for new product development, Journal of Cleaner Production, v 224, p 175-187, 1 July 2019
5. Tao J , Li L , Yu S . An innovative eco-design approach based on integration of LCA, CAD\CAE and optimization tools, and its implementation perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 187: 839-851
6. Li L, Yu S. Tao J, Li Lin, A FBS-based energy modelling method for energy efficiency-oriented design, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 172:1-13
7. Tao J , Yu S , Chen Z , et al. Integration of Life Cycle Assessment with computer-aided product development by a feature-based approach[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 143:1144-1164
8. Yu Suiran, Yang Qingyan, Tao Jing, Xu Xun, Incorporating quality function deployment with modularity for the end-of-life of a product family, Journal of Cleaner Production, v87, n1, p423-430, 2015
9. Yang Qingyan, Yu Suiran, Jiang Dan, A modular method of developing an eco-product family considering the reusability and recyclability of customer products, Journal of Cleaner Production, v 64, p 254-265, February 1, 2014
10. Tao Jing, Yu Suiran, Review on feasible recycling pathways and technologies of solar photovoltaic modules, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, v141, p 108-124, July, 2015
11. Zhao Kai, Liu Zhifeng, Yu Suiran, Li Xinyu, Huang Haihong, Li Baotong, Analytical energy dissipation in large and medium-sized hydraulic press, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014, in press
12. Yu Xi, Sekhari Aicha, Nongaillard Antoine, Bouras Abdelaziz, Yu Suiran, Yang Qingyan, A LCIA model considering pollution transfer phenomena, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, v 409, p 365-374, 2013
13. Yu Xi, Sekhari Aicha, Nongaillard Antoine, Bouras Abdelaziz, Yu Suiran, A sensitivity analysis approach to identify key environmental performance factors, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, v 2014, 2014
14. Yu Suiran, Yang Qingyan, Tao Jing, Tian Xia, Yin Fengfu. Product modular design incorporating life cycle issues - Group Genetic Algorithm (GGA) Based Method [J], Journal of Cleaner Production, 2011, 19(9-10):1016-1032
15. Jing Tao, Suiran Yu, Implementation of energy efficiency standards of household refrigerator/freezer in China: Potential environmental and economic impacts, Applied Energy, 2011,88(5):1890-1905
16. Suiran Yu, Jing Tao, Economic, energy and environmental evaluations of biomass-based fuel ethanol projects based on life cycle assessment and simulation, Applied Energy, 2009,86(S1):S178-S188
17.Suiran Yu, Jing Tao, Simulation-based life cycle assessment of energy efficiency of biomass-based ethanol fuel from different feedstocks in China,Energy, 2009, 34 (4): 476–484
18.Suiran Yu, Jing Tao, Energy efficiency assessment by life cycle simulation of cassava-based fuel ethanol for automotive use in Chinese Guangxi context, Energy, 2009, 34 (1): 22-31
19.Suiran Yu, Jing Tao, Simulation based life cycle assessment of airborne emissions of biomass-based ethanol products from different feedstock planting areas in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2009, 17 (5): 501-506
20.Suiran Yu, Jing Tao, Life Cycle Simulation-based Economic & Risk assessment of BFE projects in different feedstock planting areas, Energy, 2008, 33 (3) : 375–384
21. Suiran Yu, Jing Tao, A Fuzzy Logic-based Energy Efficiency Evaluation of BFE Products: A Case Study of Corn-based Fuel Ethanol in China, International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 2009,32(1/2):49-67
22. Suiran Yu, GP-based Optimization of Product Parameters of Design Alternatives to Support Life Cycle Design, International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management,2011,14(5/6):417-434
23. Jing Tao, Suiran Yu, and Tianxing Wu, Review Of China’s Bioethanol Development And A Case Study Of Fuel Supply, Demand And Distribution Of Bioethanol Expansion By National Application Of E10, Biomass and Bioenergy, 2011, 35(9):3810-3829
24. Qingyan Yang, Suiran Yu and Aicha Sekhari, A modular eco-design method for life cycle engineering based on redesign risk control, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2011,56(9):1215-1233
25. Suiran Yu, Jing Tao, Policy-practice-research of Chinese Bioethanol Program: Past and Future, International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 2009, Vol. 4, No. 1-2, 130~148
26. Yan Dong, Dong Ming, Abdelaziz Bouras, Yu Suiran, Poor - Rich demarcation of Matthew effect on scale-free systems and its application, Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20 (4): 040205-1~6
27. 李翌,于随然,面向脑卒中恢复期患者的上肢外骨骼主动式力量训练器的设计,机械设计与研究,2019年,35(4):5-10
28. 陈浩,于随然,人体膝关节标本生物力学实验平台的设计与试验,机械设计与研究,2019年,35(4):155-159
29. 方亮,于随然,体外肩关节生物力学模拟器的设计与试验,东华大学学报,2019年,44(4):623-629
30. 文安,张执南,于随然,低速重载齿轮齿条传动机构混合弹流润滑分析,机械设计与研究,2019年,35(4):85-90
31. 骞华楠,陶璟,于随然,双肘杆压力机误差建模及公差优化分配[J].东华大学学报(自然科学版),2018,44(04):513-519
32. 方亮,于随然,体外肩关节生物力学模拟器的设计与试验[J].东华大学学报(自然科学版),2018,44(04):623-629
33. 廖瀚浩,于随然,面向风力发电的径向柱塞泵的建模与仿真[J].机械设计与制造,2018(S2):18-21
34. 王振国,于随然,碳纤维增强复合材料/钛合金叠层变参数钻削试验[J].机械设计与研究,2017,33(01):114-117+126
35. 龚潇, 于随然, 复合材料螺栓连接在和分配的数值模拟, 东华大学学报, 41(4):438-442, 2015年8月
36. 高原, 于随然, 计算机辅助飞机铆钉连接优化设计, 机电一体化, 2014(12)
37. 李鹞, 于随然, 中国光伏系统的生命周期评价, 环境工程, 2014, 32 (10): 119-124
38. 钱景行, 于随然,AZ31B镁合金低温切削的建模与仿真,机电一体化,2015(2)
38.于随然,陈 泓,陶 璟,尹凤福,基于分解时间的产品分解性评价及改进设计,上海交通大学学报,2007,41(9):1475-1478
40.于随然,陶 璟,王佳伟,基于AHP多标准决策分析的产品全生命周期方案选择,上海交通大学学报,2007,41(4):520-524+531
41.YU Suiran, KIMURA Fumihiko. and WANG Chengtao., Product Data Prediction with Uncertainty in Product Life Cycle Design, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 2003, 16(3): 296~299
42.戴杜,于随然,浦耿强,王成焘,基于混合模型的E10燃料生命周期评估,上海交通大学学报,v 40, n 2, 2006, p 355-358
44.方芳,于随然,王成焘,中国玉米燃料乙醇项目经济性评估,农业工程学报,20(3) 239~242, 2004
1 Tao Jing, Yu Suiran, Developing conceptual PSS models of upper limb exoskeleton based post-stroke rehabilitation in China, Procedia CIRP, v 80, p 750-755, 2019, 26th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, LCE 2019
2 Tao J, Qian H, Yu S. Mechanical Design for Accuracy of Linkage Servo Press for Near-Net Shape Forming. Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference (IDETC/CIE 2018), 2018, Quebec, Canada
3 Wen A, Tao J, Yu S. Life Cycle Assessment of SOFCs-Based Auxiliary Power Unit in China. Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference (IDETC/CIE 2018), 2018, Quebec, Canada
4 Tao J, Yu S. Development of LCA Module Integrated With CAD for Eco-Assessment of Machined Products. Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference (IDETC/CIE 2018), 2018, Quebec, Canada
5 Tao J, Yu S. A Meta-model based Approach for LCA-oriented Product Data Management, the 25th CIRP conference on life cycle engineering, April 29- May 2, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark, Procedia Cirp, 2018, 69:423-428
6 Tao J, Yu S. Product Life Cycle Design for Sustainable Value Creation: Methods of Sustainable Product Development in the Context of High Value Engineering, the 25th CIRP conference on life cycle engineering, April 29- May 2, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark, Procedia CIRP, 2018, 69:25-30
7 Zhaorui Chen, Jing Tao, Suiran Yu, A feature-based CAD-LCA software integration approach for eco-design, the 24th CIRP conference on life cycle engineering, March 8-10, 2017, Kamakura, Japan
8 Jing Tao, Zhaorui Chen, Suiran Yu, Qingjin Peng, Study on UGNX-LCA integration for sustainable product development, in Proceedings of the ASME 2016 IDETC/CIE, August 21-24, 2016, Charlote, NC, USA
9 Lu Li, Suiran Yu, Qingjin Peng, Energy modeling method based on FBS framework for energy efficiency analysis, in Proceedings of the ASME 2016 IDETC/CIE, August 21-24, 2016, Charlote, NC, USA
10 Tao Jing, Yu Suiran, Peng Qingjin, Feature-based Methodology for Integration of Life Cycle Assessment in Product Design: A Case Study of the Mechanical Servo Press, Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference (IDETC/CIE 2015), 2015, Boston, USA
11 Tao Jing, Li Lu, Yu Suiran, Peng Qingjin, Modular Modeling Method for Energy Analysis of the Mechanical Servo Press, Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference (IDETC/CIE 2015), 2015, Boston, USA
12 Li Lu, Tao Jing, Zhang Jie, Yu Suiran, Study On The Influence Mechanism Of Planar Linkages On Energy Consumption Of Heavy-Duty Mechanical Servo Presses, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign 2015), December 2-4, 2015, Tokyo, Japan
13 Yu Suiran, Li Lu, Tao Jing, You Jiaxin, The Environmental Impact Analysis Of Manufacturing Different Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Modules, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign 2015), December 2-4, 2015, Tokyo, Japan
14 Yu Suiran, Qian Jingxing, Zhang Jianguo, Structure weight reduction of ship unloader based on the orthogonal experiment method, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, v 286, p 347-358, 2015
15 Li Lu, Yu Suiran, Life cycle inventory of multi-mode transport system for designing green logistics, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, v 286, p 125-134, 2015
16 Yu Suiran, Liu Yu, Li Lu, Peng Qingjin, Study on life cycle assessment of servo press with comparison to fly wheel press, Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference (IDETC/CIE 2013), v 4, 2013
17 Qian Jingxing, Tao Jing, Yu Suiran, Simulation of the cryogenic machining for improved energy efficiency and surface integrity, Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, v 4, 2014
18 Yu Suiran, Liu Yu, Li Lu, Comparative life cycle assessment of servo press and flywheel press, Re-Engineering Manufacturing for Sustainability - Proceedings of the 20th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, p 515-521, 2013
19 Yu Suiran, Yang Qingyan, Lu Yunwei, A green product family design method considering the effect of production volume, Proceedings - 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing, ISAM 2013, p 145-147
20 Yu Suiran, Zhang Quanfei, Structure optimization of ship unloader for weight reduction by FEA, Advanced Materials Research, v 443-444, p 713-718, 2012
21 Jing Tao, Suiran Yu, Sustainable Product Family Planning Based on Product Life Cycle Simulation, Proceedings of ASME IDETC&CIE 2012, DETC2012-70585, August 12-15, 2012, Chicago, USA
22 Suiran Yu, Jing Tao, Qingyan Yang, Jianpu Zhang, Fengfu Yin, Case Study of Chinese SMEs Oriented Environmental Impact Assessment on Refrigerator Production, Proceedings of ASME IDETC&CIE 2011, DETC2011-48920, August 28-31, 2011, Washington DC, USA
23 Suiran Yu, Yuan Gao, Dynamic Analysis of Instability of Truck Cranes Under Different Ground Conditions Based on ADAMS, in Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on system science, engineering design and manufacturing informatization (ICSEM 2011) published by IEEE, Guiyang, China, October 22-23, 2011
24 Suiran Yu, Jianpu Zhang, Jing Tao, Ming Yang and Fengfu Yin,Environmental Impact Assessment of Refrigerator Production in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): Case study in China, in Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign 2009), pp929-934, December 7-9, 2009, Sapporo, Japan
25 Jing Tao, Suiran Yu, Expanding Biomass-based Fuel Ethanol (BFE) Production and Utilization in China: Impacts on Crop and Fuel Sectors, in Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign 2009), pp1179-1184, December 7-9, 2009, Sapporo, Japan
26 Suiran Yu, Ming Yang, Jianpu Zhang, Jing Tao, Fengfu Yin, Development of Home Appliance LCA Software for SMEs, 17th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE 2010), pp40-45, 19 – 21 May 2010, Hefei, China
27 Jing Tao, Suiran Yu, Simulation Methods Used in LCA: Important Concepts and Practice, 17th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE 2010), pp60-64, 19 – 21 May 2010, Hefei,China
28 Suiran Yu, Yunwei Lu, Design Task Decomposition in the Servo Press, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 34-35 (2010) pp 1966-1972
29 Suiran Yu, Ruibin Zhang, Life Cycle Assessment in Different Product Design Stages-a Coffee Pot Case Study, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 34-35 (2010) pp 988-994
30 Suiran Yu, Quanfei Zhang, Structure optimization of ship unloader for weight reduction by FEA, Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Future Industrial Engineering and Application (ICFIEA 2010) published by IEEE, Shenzhen, China, December 17-18, 2010
31 Suiran Yu, Yunwei Lu, Risk management of supply chain for small and medium enterprise, Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Future Industrial Engineering and Application (ICFIEA 2010) published by IEEE, Shenzhen, China, December 17-18, 2010
32 Jing Tao, Suiran Yu, A life cycle simulation based evaluation of end-of-life management of household refrigerator in China, Proceeding of 2011 International Conference on Future Environment and Energy (ICFEE 2011) published by IEEE, Sanya, China, March 25-27, 2011.
33 Fengfu Yin, Xihua Zhang, Hailong Wang and Suiran Yu, Optimization of Process Parameters in Lead-free Wave Soldering Based on Orthogonal Experiment and Analytic Hierarchy Process, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 26-28 (2010) pp 641-647
34 Suiran Yu, Qingyan Yang, Jiwen Liu, Minxian Pan, A Comparison of FMEA, AFMEA and FTA, in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety (ICRMS) published by IEEE, Guiyang, China, June 12-15 2011, pp 954-960
35 Dong Yan, Ming Dong and Suiran Yu, The Modularity and Connectivity of the Master Structure of Complex Product Families, Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on machinery, materials science and engineering applications (MMSE 2011), Wuhan, China, July 15-16, 2011
36 Dong Yan, Ming Dong and Suiran Yu, The weight distribution and configurability of process collaboration, Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on machinery, materials science and engineering applications (MMSE 2011), Wuhan, China, July 15-16, 2011
37 Suiran Yu, Jiawei Wang, Jing Tao, Generation and Evaluation of Product Life Cycle Scenarios in Conceptual Design Stage, 2006 International Conference on Software Knowledge Information Management and Application (SKIMA), December 12-15, ChiangMai, Thailand
38 Yu, Suiran,Wang, Jiawei, Coordination method of conflicts between subtasks in distributed and coordinated design, Proceedings of the 12th international Conference on industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Vols 1 & 2, 2005, pp1475 -1478
39 Yu Suiran, “Approach to Distributed & Coordinated Design of Large-scale Mechelectronic Product”, 15th International CIRP Design Seminar 2005, New Trends in Engineering Design, May 22-26, Shanghai, China
40 YU Suiran, WANG Chengtao. Life Cycle Management: a New Vision Towards Management in Manufacturing Industry. Proceedings of IE&EM’2003, 2003 International Conference of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management: Global Industrial Engineering in e-century, 2003, Shanghai, China
41 Yu Ssuiran, Kato Satouru and Kimura Fumihiko, “EcoDesign for Product Variety: A Multi-Objective Optimization Framework”, in Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign 2001), December 11-15, 2001, Tokyo, IEEE Computer Society

教学工作 1. 课程名称:工程设计
学时数: 64
学分: 4
2. 课程名称:设计制造基础II
学时数: 68
学分: 4
3. 课程名称:现代设计方法
学时数: 48
学分: 3
4. 课程名称:工程图学I
学时数: 34
学分: 2
5. 课程名称:产品全生命周期设计
学时数: 34
学分: 2
6. 课程名称:Product Life Cycle Design(全英文)
学时数: 34
学分: 2

软件版权登记及专利 1、于随然,钟思灵,曹慧林,外骨骼式七自由度康复机械手.发明专利号 8.4,2019年1月18日(公开)
9、 高峰,赵现朝,白勇军,郭为忠,于随然,十二电机并联驱动机械多连杆伺服压力机,发明专利申请号:6.0
10、高峰,郭为忠, 白勇军, 张勇,于随然,六电机并联驱动机械多连杆伺服压力机,发明专利申请号:4.2

学术兼职 2014.1- 国际期刊 Sustainable Production and Consumption 编委
2014.3- 国际期刊 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation 编委
2004―2010 国际期刊 International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 副主编
2007―2012 国际期刊 International Journal on Sciences of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Management编委
2003- 中国机械工程学会(CMES)会员
2012- 美国机械工程师学会(ASME)会员
1999- 日本精密工学会(JSPE)会员
2017- CIRP LCE international scientific committee 成员

荣誉奖励 2011年,上海市科学技术进步二等奖(排名第1):典型家电产品绿色设计制造关键技术及应用

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