

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01

戚进 副研究员

教育背景 2007-2010上海交通大学 机械制造及其自动化专业 博士
2004-2007上海交通大学 机械制造及其自动化专业 硕士
2000-2004 浙江工业大学 机械制造及其自动化专业 学士

工作经历 2017-至今 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 副研究员
2013-2016 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 助理研究员
2010-2013 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 博士后

出访及挂职经历 * ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences &Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2015) 国际会议, August 2-5, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
* 2015 International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED15) 国际会议,July 27-30, 2015, Milan, Italy.
* 2016年第十二届设计与制造前沿国际会议(International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing,ICFDM 2016), Shenyang, China, 10-12 August. 2016.
* 2017 International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED17) , Vancouver, Canada

研究方向 知识工程

科研项目 ● 2020-2023 国家自然科学基金面上项目“知识与用户融合驱动的创新设计理论和方法研究”,负责人
● 2018-2020 上海交通大学“医工交叉基金”“基于智能图像分析技术探讨原位脂肪细分化异常在急性髓系白血病预后的作用及机制研究”,合作负责人
● 2017-2020 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于可供性的知识驱动创新设计理论和方法研究”,负责人
● 2016-2017 特种车辆及其传动系统智能制造国家重点实验室开放课题“大部件智能装配过程中机器人视觉伺服技术研究”,负责人
● 2015-2017 上海交通大学“医工交叉基金”“基于多导睡眠监测图像数据挖掘的儿童睡眠障碍自主判读”,合作负责人
● 2014-2016 国家自然科学基金面上项目“面向概念设计的多领域知识元建模与聚类理论与方法”,负责人
● 2013-2016 上海市自然科学基金面上项目“概念设计中基于功构映射的实例知识融合技术研究”,负责人
● 2012-2013 中国博士后面上资助项目“基于功构矩阵双向演化的设计实例驱动下创新设计研究”,负责人

代表性论文专著 * Qi Jin, Hu Jie. Peng Yinghong. Integrated rough VIKOR for customer-involved design concept evaluation combining with customers’ preferences and designers’ perceptions[J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2020, 46: 101138.
* Qi Jin, Hu Jie. Peng Yinghong. New design concept evaluation method involving customer preferences based on rough distance to redefined ideal solution[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2020, 147: 106677.
* Qi Jin, Hu Jie. Multivariable case-based reason adaptation based on multiple-output support vector regression with similarity-related weight for parametric mechanical design[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 10(10): **04649.
* Qi Jin, Hu Jie, Peng Yinghong. An integrated principle solution synthesis method in multi-disciplinary mechatronic product conceptual design[J]. Concurrent Engineering, 2018, **67681.
* Qi Jin. Integrating multiple adaptation results by utilization of support vector regression in case-based mechanical product design[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 10(3): 1-18.
* Qi Jin, Hu Jie, Peng Yinghong. A modularized case adaptation method of case-based reasoning in parametric machinery design[J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2017, 64: 352-366.
* Qi Jin, Hu Jie, Peng Yinghong. Hybrid weighted mean for CBR adaptation in mechanical design by exploring effective, correlative and adaptative values. Computers in Industry. 2016, 75: 58-66.
* Qi Jin, Hu Jie, Peng Yinghong. Incorporating adaptability-related knowledge into support vector machine for case-based design adaptation. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2015, 37: 170-180.
* Qi Jin, Hu Jie, Peng Yinghong, Chai Xinyu, Ren Qiushi. Case based time series prediction using biased time warp distance for electrical evoked potential forecasting in visual prostheses. Applied Soft Computing. 2013, 13(5): 2467–2477.
* Qi Jin, Hu Jie, Peng Yinghong. A new adaptation method based on adaptability under k-nearest neighbors for case adaptation in case-based design. Expert Systems with Applications. 2012, 39(7): 6485-6502.
* Qi Jin, Hu Jie, Peng Yinghong, Ren Qiushi, Wang Weiming, Zhan Zhenfei. Electrical evoked potentials prediction model in visual prostheses based on support vector regression with multiple weights. Applied Soft Computing. 2011, 11(8): 5230-5242.
* Qi Jin, Hu Jie, Peng Yinghong, Wang Weiming, Zhan Zhenfei. AGFSM: A new FSM based on adapted Gaussian membership in case retrieval model for customer-driven design. Expert Systems with Applications. 2011, 38(1): 894-905.
* Qi Jin, Hu Jie, Peng Yinghong, Ren Qiushi, Wang Weiming, Zhan Zhenfei. Integration of similarity measurement and dynamic SVM for electrically evoked potentials prediction in visual prostheses research. Expert Systems with Applications. 2011, 38(5): 5044-5060.
* Qi Jin, Hu Jie, Peng Yinghong, Wang Weiming, Zhan Zhenfei. A case retrieval method combined with similarity measurement and multi-criteria decision making for concurrent design. Expert Systems with Applications. 2009, 36(7): 10357- 10366.
* Qi Jin, Hu Jie, Peng Yinghong, Wang Weiming, Zhan Zhenfei. New weighted fuzzy case retrieval method for customer-driven product design. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science). 2010, 15(6): 641-650.
* Hu Jie, Qi Jin, Peng Yinghong, Ren Qiushi. Predicting electrical evoked potential in optic nerve visual prostheses by using support vector regression and case-based prediction. Information Sciences. 2015, 290: 7-21.
* Hu Jie, Qi Jin, Peng Yinghong. New CBR adaptation method combining with problem–solution relational analysis for mechanical design. Computers in Industry. 2015, 66: 41-51.

教学工作 ● 讲授2020年秋季学期本科生新生研讨课《知识融合与创新设计》(32学时)
● 讲授2020年秋季学期本科生工程学导论(36学时)
● 讲授2020年春季学期本科生工程学导论(36学时)
● 讲授2019年秋季学期本科生新生研讨课《知识融合与创新设计》(32学时)
● 讲授2019年秋季学期本科生工程学导论(36学时)
● 讲授2019年春季学期本科生工程学导论(36学时)
● 讲授2018年秋季学期本科生新生研讨课《知识融合与创新设计》(32学时)
● 讲授2018年秋季学期本科生工程学导论(36学时)
● 讲授2018年春季学期本科生工程学导论(36学时)
● 讲授2017年秋季学期本科生新生研讨课《知识融合与创新设计》(32学时)
● 讲授2017年春季学期本科生工程学导论(36学时)
● 讲授2016年春季学期本科生工程学导论(36学时)
● 讲授2014年春季学期专业学位硕士研究生课程《物流信息系统》(32学时)

软件版权登记及专利 专利ZL 1.X ,对CT图片重建出三维图形的方法
专利ZL 6.6,基于四模态医学影像的病例库诊断系统
专利ZL 8.5,钢结构特种焊接无损检测系统及方法
专利ZL 7.1,CT图像断层数据的插值方法
专利ZL 0.5,模拟眼球运动和视觉信号采集功能的人工眼球装置
专利ZL 7.4,钢材计数系统及方法
专利ZL 5.0,具有无线能量传输功能的人工视觉假体装置
专利ZL 5.X,钢管在线检测系统及方法

学术兼职 * 2018.01-至今,《Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence》期刊审稿人
* 2016.04-至今,《Advances in Mechanical Engineering》期刊审稿人
* 2016.04-至今,《Sensors》期刊审稿人
* 2015.12-至今,《Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering》期刊审稿人
* 2014.11-至今,《Artificial Intelligence Research》期刊审稿人
* 2014.06-至今,《Applied Soft Computing》期刊审稿人
* 2013.08-至今,《Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing》期刊审稿人
* 2013.07-至今,《Computers in Biology and Medicine》期刊审稿人
* 2012.04-至今,《International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making》期刊审稿人

荣誉奖励 ● 2018年,机械动力学院2018年秋季学期青年教师教学竞赛一等奖
● 2015年,上海交通大学博士后奖励基金二等奖

相关话题/机械 上海交通大学