

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01

汪华苗 副教授(Tenure-track)
通讯地址School of Mechanical Engineering, Building A 731

教育背景 Ph.D Mechanical Engineering, McMaster University (2011)
Thesis: Constitutive modeling of hexagonal close packed polycrystals
Advisor: Prof. Peidong Wu
M.A.Sc. Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University (2006)
Thesis: A conventional strain gradient theory of crystal plasticity
Advisors: Profs. Keh-Chih Hwang(黄克智) and Yonggang Huang(黄永刚)
B.Sc. Engineering Mechanics, Xi'an Jiaotong University (2002)
Thesis: Electro-elastic fields near circular electrode border on piezoelectric medium surface
Advisor: Prof. Shangheng Huang (黄上恒)

工作经历 2017-now, Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2016-2017, Research Associate, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
2013-2015, Research Associate, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, USA
2011-2013, Research Fellow, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada

出访及挂职经历 2011-2012 Visiting Scholar Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, USA

研究方向 1. 材料与结构智能化设计与制造
2. 金属和生物3D打印
3. 柔性电子材料与智能器件
Main Research Interest:
1. Smart Design of Materials and Structures
2. 3D printing of Metals and Biomaterials
3. Flexible Electronics and Smart Device
4. Neutron diffraction to measure the internal stress (residual stress).
Students with strong motivation to perform creative scientific research and holding bachelor's or master's degrees in mechanical engineering, computational science, solid mechanics, materials science, chemistry, or related disciplines are encouraged to apply. Interested applicants can contact Prof. Huamiao Wang through email at wanghm02@sjtu.edu.cn

科研项目 2020-2022 国家自然基金地区合作项目
2020-2023 国家自然基金面上项目
2018-2020 "上海市浦江人才计划A类项目"
2018-2020 "西北工业大学重点实验室开放课题"
2016-2017 "Development of a multiscale model to connect the mechanisms at macromolecule scale and the mechanical behavior at macroscopic scale of polymer." Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Canada
2013-2015“Statistical plasticity modeling of hexagonal close packed (HCP) and transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) materials.”Basic Energy Sciences (BES) sub-project, United States
2011-2013“Improved EVPSC model for predicting large strain behavior of magnesium alloys.”Ontario Ministry Research and Innovation, Canada.

代表性论文专著 Published 50+ SCI papers (30+ first and corresponding author), More than 1800 citations according to Google Scholar. 3 papers have been selected by Essential Science Indicators (ESI).
International Journal Publications (* for corresponding author)
Fang W., Tang D., Wang H., Li D.Y., Peng Y.H., (2020) “Optimization of die design for thin-walled flat multi-port tube with the aid of finite element simulation.” Journal of Materials Processing Technology 277, 116418.
Tang W., Shao Y., Li D.Y., Peng Y., Wang H., (2020) “On the role of Yttrium in the microstructure evolution and texture modification during the magnesium alloy extrusion.” Materials Characterization 162, 110189.
Tang W., Lee J.Y., Wang H.*, Steglich D., Li D.Y., Peng Y., Wu P.D., (2020) “Unloading behaviors of rare-earth magnesium alloy ZE10 sheet.” Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, accepted.
Wang H., Lee S.Y., Huang E-W., Jain J., Li D.Y., Peng Y.H., Choi H.S., Wu P.D., (2020) “Crystal plasticity modeling and in-situ neutron diffraction measurement of magnesium alloy AZ31B plate: effects of plastic anisotropy and surrounding grains.” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 135, 103795.
Wang Y., Li S., Yang B., Liu Z., Zhong H., Xing H., Wang H., (2020) “Non-axially oriented dendritic microstructures and their mechanical characteristics of single-crystal Al-Cu alloy.” Materials Science and Engineering A, 138665.
Wang H., Lee S.Y., Wang H., Woo W., Huang E-W., Jain J., An K., (2020) “On plastic anisotropy and deformation history-driven anelasticity of an extruded magnesium alloy.” Scripta Materialia 176, 36–41.
Wang H.*, Li S., Li D.Y., Proust G., Gan Y., Yan K., Tang D., Wu P.D., Peng Y.H., (2019) “Modeling twinning, detwinning and dynamic recrystallization of magnesium alloys.” MRS Bulletin, 44, 873-877.
Zhang Y., Proust G., Retraint D., Wang H., Gan Y., (2019) “Discrete element simulation of surface mechanical attrition treatment with rough-surface sonotrode.” International Journal of Mechanical Science, 161-162, 105060.
Xin R., Liu Z., Sun Y., Wang H., Guo C., Ren W.J., Liu Q., (2019) “Understanding common grain boundary twins in Mg alloys by a composite Schmid factor.” International Journal of Plasticity 123, 208-223.
Chae H., Huang E.-W., Jain J., Wang H., Woo W., Chen S.W., Harjo S., Kawasaki T., Lee S.Y., (2019) “Plastic anisotropy and deformation-induced phase transformation of additive manufactured stainless steel.” Materials Science and Engineering A 762, 138065.
Bo Zhang, Huamiao Wang *, Weiqin Tang, Yaodong Jiang, Peidong Wu. Investigation of the in-plane mechanical anisotropy of magnesium alloy AZ31B-O by VPSC-TDT crystal plasticity model. Materials, 12,16.
Tang D., Zhao L., Zou T., Wang H.*, Li D.Y., Peng Y.H., Wu P.D., (2019) “Study on the pressure bearing capability of folded multi-port flat tube.” Materials, 12:3744.
Ma C., Wang H.*, Hama T., Guo X.Q., Mao X.B., Wang J., Wu P.D., (2019) “Twinning and detwinning behaviors of commercially pure titanium sheets.” International Journal of Plasticity 121, 261-279.
Ding Tang, Wenli Fang, Xiaohui Fan, Tianxia Zou, Zihan Li, Huamiao Wang*, Dayong Li, Yinghong Peng, Peidong Wu. Evolution of the Material Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of A1100 Aluminum Alloy within a Complex Porthole Die during Extrusion. Materials, 12, 00016.
Xiaoqian Guo, Chao Ma, Huamiao Wang*, Xian-Biao Mao, Peidong Wu, Numerical study of large strain behavior of OFHC copper: The role of latent hardening. Materials Science and Engineering A 744 386-395.
Tang T., Zhou G., Li Z., Li D., Peng L., Peng Y., Wu P.D., Wang H., Lee M.-G., (2019) “A polycrystal plasticity based thermo-mechanical-dynamic recrystallization coupled modeling method and its application to light weight alloys.” International Journal of Plasticity 116, 159-191.
Wang H., Tang D., Li D.Y., Peng Y.H., Wu P.D. Modelling the effects of detwinning on the inelasticity of AZ31B sheets during unloading. International Journal of Applied Mechanics 10, **.
Tang Ding, Fan Xiaohui, Fang Wenli, Li Dayong, Peng Yinghong, Wang Huamiao*. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties Development of Micro-Channel Tubes by Extrusion, Rolling and Brazing. Materials Characterization 142, 449-457. (IF=2.714)
Leyun Wang*, Zhonghe Huang, Huamiao Wang, Alireza Maldar, Sangbong Yi, Jun-Sang Park, Peter Kenesei, Erica Lilleodden, Xiaoqin Zeng*. Study of slip activity in a Mg-Y alloy by in situ high energy X-ray diffraction microscopy and elastic viscoplastic self-consistent modeling. Acta Materialia 155, 138-152. (IF=5.301)
Guowei Zhou; Zihan Li; Yinghong Peng*; Dayong Li*, Huamiao Wang; Peidong Wu. Misorientation Development in Continuous Dynamic Recrystallization of AZ31B Alloy Sheet and Polycrystal Plasticity Simulation. Materials Science and Engineering A, 730, 438-456. (IF=3.094)
Wang H., Wu P.D., Kurukuri S., Worswick M.J., Peng Y.H., Tang D., Li D.Y.* (2018) “Strain rate sensitivities of different deformation mechanisms of magnesium alloys.” International Journal of Plasticity 107, 207-222. (IF=5.702)
to 2017
Wang H.*, Capolungo L., Clausen B., Tomé C.N. (2017) “A crystal plasticity model based on transition state theory.” International Journal of Plasticity 93, 251-268. (IF=5.702)
Wang H.*, Lee S.Y., Gharghouri M.A., Wu P.D. (2016) “Deformation behavior of Mg-8.5wt.%Al alloy under reverse loading investigated by in-situ neutron diffraction and elastic viscoplastic self-consistent modeling.” Acta Materialia 107, 404-414. (IF=5.301)
Wang H.*, Jeong Y., Clausen B., Liu Y., McCabe R.J., Barlat F., Tomé C.N. (2016) “Effect of martensitic phase transformation on the behavior of 304 austenitic stainless steel under tension.” Materials Science and Engineering A 649, 174-183. (IF=3.094)
Wang H.*, Clausen B., Capolungo L., Beyerlein I.J., Wang J. & Tomé C.N. (2016) “Stress and strain relaxation in magnesium AZ31 rolled plate: in-situ neutron measurement and elastic viscoplastic polycrystal modeling.” International Journal of Plasticity 79, 275-292. (IF=5.702)
Guo X.Q., Wu P.D., Wang H., Mao X.B., Neale K.W., (2016) “Study of large strain behavior of ofhc copper: the role of polycrystal plasticity model.” International Journal of Solids and Structures 90, 12-21. (IF=2.760)
Qiao H., Wu P.D., Wang H., Gharghouri M.A. & Daymond M.R. (2015) “Evaluation of elastic-viscoplastic self-consistent polycrystal plasticity models for zirconium alloys.” International Journal of Solids and Structures 71, 308-322. (IF=2.760)
Guo X.Q., Wang H.*, Wu P.D. & Mao X.B. (2015) “Analysis of reversed torsion of FCC metals using polycrystal plasticity models.” International Journal of Applied Mechanics 7, article **. (IF=1.954)
Guo X.Q., Wu P.D., Wang H. & Mao X.B. (2015) “Study of lattice strain evolution in stainless steel under tension: The role of self-consistent plasticity model.” Steel Research International 86, 894-901. (IF=1.235)
Lee S.Y., Wang H. & Gharghouri M.A. (2015) “Twinning-detwinning behavior during cyclic deformation of magnesium alloy.” Metals 5, 881-890. (IF=1.984)
Wang H.*, Wu P.D. & Wang J. (2015) “Numerical assessment of the role of slip and twinning in magnesium alloy AZ31B during loading path reversal.” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions 46A, 3079-3090. (IF=1.874)
Guo X.Q., Wang H.*, Qiao H. & Mao X.B. (2015) “Numerical study of the large strain behavior of extruded magnesium alloy AM30 tube by elastic viscoplastic self-consistent model.” Materials & Design 79, 99-105. (IF=4.364)
Wang H.*, Wu P.D., Lee S.Y., Wang J. & Neale K.W. (2015) “The effects of shear deformation and superimposed hydrostatic pressure on the formability of AZ31B sheet at room temperature.” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 92, 70-79. (IF=2.884)
Wang H.*, Wu P.D. & Wang J. (2015) “Modelling the role of slips and twins in magnesium alloys under cyclic shear.” Computational Materials Science 96, 214-218. (IF=2.292)
Li N., Wang H., Misra A. & Wang J. (2014) “In situ nanoindentation study of plastic co-deformation in Al-TiN nanocomposites.” Scientific Reports 4, article 6633. (IF=4.259)
Lee S.Y., Wang H., Gharghouri M.A., Nayyeri G., Woo W., Shin E., Wu P.D., Poole W.J., Wu W. & An K. (2014) “Deformation behavior of solid-solution-strengthened Mg-9wt%Al alloy: in-situ neutron diffraction and elastic viscoplastic self-consistent modeling.” Acta Materialia 73, 139-148. (IF=5.301)
Wang H., Wu P.D. & Wang J. (2013) “Modeling inelastic behavior of magnesium alloys during cyclic loading–unloading.” International Journal of Plasticity 47, 49-64. (IF=5.702. ESI selected highly cited paper)
Wang H.*, Wu P.D., Wang J. & Tomé C.N. (2013) “A crystal plasticity model for hexagonal close packed (HCP) crystals including twinning and de-twinning mechanisms.” International Journal of Plasticity 49, 36-52. (IF=5.702. ESI selected highly cited paper)
Wang H., Clausen B., Tomé C.N. & Wu P.D. (2013) “Studying the effect of stress relaxation and creep on lattice strain evolution of stainless steel under tension.” Acta Materialia 61, 1179-1188. (IF=5.301)
Wu P.D., Wang H. & Neale K.W. (2012) “On the large strain torsion of HCP polycrystals.” International Journal of Applied Mechanics 4, article **. (IF=1.954)
Wang H., Wu P.D., Tomé C.N. & Wang J. (2012) “A constitutive model of twinning and detwinning for HCP polycrystals.” Materials Science and Engineering A555, 93-98. (IF=3.094)
Wang H., Wu P.D., Tomé C.N. & Wang J. (2012) “Study of lattice strains in magnesium alloy AZ31 based on a large strain elastic-viscoplastic self-consistent polycrystal model.” International Journal of Solids and Structures 49, 2155-2167. (IF=2.760)
Wang H., Wu P.D. & Neale K.W. (2012): “Length changes in extruded magnesium alloy bars under large strain free-end torsion.” Magnesium Technology 2012, 111-116.
Wang H., Wu P.D., Boyle K.P. & Neale K.W. (2011) “On crystal plasticity formability analysis for magnesium alloy sheets.” International Journal of Solids and Structures 48, 1000-1010. (IF=2.760)
Wang H., Wu Y., Wu P.D. & Neale K.W. (2010) “Numerical analysis of large strain simple shear and fixed-end torsion of HCP polycrystals.” CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua 19, 255-284.
Wang H., Wu P.D. & Neale K.W. (2010) “On the role of the constitutive model and basal texture on the mechanical behavior of magnesium alloy AZ31B sheet.” Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A11, 744-755. (IF=1.214)
Wang H., Raeisinia B., Wu P.D., Agnew S.R. & Tomé C.N. (2010) “Evaluation of self-consistent polycrystal plasticity models for magnesium alloy AZ31B sheet.” International Journal of Solids and Structures 47, 2905-2917. (IF=2.760. ESI selected highly cited paper)
Wang H., Wu P.D. & Gharghouri M.A. (2010) “Effect of basal texture on mechanical behaviour of magnesium alloy AZ31 Sheet.” Materials Science and Engineering A527, 3588-3594. (IF=3.094)
Wang H., Wu P.D., Tomé C.N. & Huang Y. (2010) “A finite strain elastic-viscoplastic self-consistent model for polycrystalline materials.” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 58, 594-612. (IF=4.255)
Wang H., Hwang K.C., Huang Y., Wu P.D., Liu B., Ravichandran G., Han C.S. & Gao H. (2007) "A conventional theory of strain gradient crystal plasticity based on the Taylor dislocation model." International Journal of Plasticity 23, 1540-1554. (IF=5.702)
Huang S.H. & Wang H. (2004) "Electro-elastic fields arising near circular electrode border on piezoelectric medium surface." Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics 21, 106-109.

Under preparation
Wang H.*, Li P., Zhao L.L., Wei X.Z.* (2017) “Residual stress and warping of metallic overhang structure additively manufactured.” Rapid Prototyping Journal, under preparation.
Wang H.*, Wu P.D. (2017) “A continuum plasticity model based on transition state theory.” Scripta Materialia, under preparation.
Wang H.*, Wu P.D. (2017) “Reformulation of the constitutive models for rubber elasticity and glassy polymer.” International Journal of Solids and Structures, under preparation.
International Conference Publications
Numerical study of inelastic behavior of magnesium alloy sheets during cyclic loading-unloading
H Wang, D Li, Y Peng, PD Wu
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1063 (1),
Crystal Plasticity Modelling of Large Strain Behaviour of HCP Materials
PD Wu, H Wang, XQ Guo, H Qiao
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1063 (1), 012007
Wang H., Li D.Y., Peng Y.H., Wu P.D., (2018) "Numerical study of inelastic behavior of magnesium alloy sheets during cyclic loading-unloading." Numisheet 2018, accepted.
Qiao H., Wang H. & Wu P.D. (2013) “Analysis of anisotropy of extruded magnesium alloy AZ31 bar.” AIP Conference Proceedings 1532, 214-221.
Lee S.Y., Gharghouri M.A., Wang H., Nayyeri G., Wu P.D., Poole W.J., Wu W. & An K. (2012) “Deformation behavior of solid-solution-strengthened Mg-9wt.% Al alloy subjected to uniaxial tension.” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and their Applications (ICMAA12), 631-636.
Wang H., Wu Y., Wu P.D. & Neale K.W. (2011) “Influence of hydrostatic pressure on FLDs for AZ31B sheets.” AIP Conference Proceedings-American Institute of Physics, 343-350.
Wang H., Wu Y., Wu P.D. & Neale K.W. (2011) “Numerical study of mechanical anisotropy of extruded magnesium alloy AZ31.” Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics, 234-237.

教学工作 ME 7001 Applied Solid Mechanics

学术兼职 International Scientific Committee Member
The International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechatronics Engineering (AMME2017)
Journal Referee
? Nano Enery
? International Journal of Plasticity
? Acta Materialia
? International Journal of Solids and Structures
? Materials Science and Engineering A
? International Journal of Applied Mechanics
? Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology
? Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
? International Journal of Mechanical Science
? Computational Materials Science
? International Journal of Fatigue
? Materials & Design
? Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering

荣誉奖励 上海市浦江人才计划
Ontario Ministry Research and Innovation Fellowship, 2011
The Unviersity of Sydney-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Partnership Collaboration Awards, 2018

相关话题/机械 上海交通大学