本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01
朱向阳 教授
教育背景 1989-1992东南大学控制理论及应用专业博士
工作经历 2014~ :机械系统与振动国家重点实验室主任
2002~ :上海交通大学机械与动力学院机器人研究所教授、****(2007)、讲席教授(2018)、所长(2010)
研究方向 1. 生机电一体化智能系统与神经交互技术
2. 软体机器人学
3. 机器人自主式操控理论、技术及无人系统
4. 工业机器人及其自动作业技术
科研项目 1. 国家自然科学基金共融机器人重大研究计划集成项目“面向肢体运动功能重建的生机电一体化机器人技术”,负责人,2020-2024
2. 科技创新2030“新一代人工智能”重大项目课题“复杂环境下面向多任务的协同、柔顺、精准操控”,负责人,2020-2022
3. 上海市基础研究重大项目“神经信息解码交互和多传感信息融合”,负责人,2019-2021.
4. 国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目“类生物体灵巧假肢及双向生机接口”,负责人,2017~2021
5. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“深腔作业连续体机器人的运动学分析与力位操控性能综合”,负责人,2015~2019
6. 国家973计划项目“人体运动功能重建的生机电一体化科学基础”,首席科学家,2011~2016
7. 国家863计划课题“生物/机械接口与生机一体化假肢样机研制”,负责人,2009~2011
8. 国家****科学基金项目“机器人机械学”,负责人,2006~2009
代表性论文专著 1.Chen C., Yu Y., Sheng X., Farina D., Zhu X., “Adaptive real-time identification of motor unit discharges from non-stationary high-density surface electromyographic signals”, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
2.Xia H.,Chen D.K., Zhu X., Shull P.B. “‘Controlled slip’ energy harvesting while walking”, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering.
3.Dong W., Zhu X., “An artificially weighted spanning tree coverage algorithm for decentralized flying robots”, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.
4.Tang L., Zhu L., Zhu X., Gu G., “Confined spaces path following for cable-driven snake robots with prediction lookup and interpolation algorithms”, Science China Technological Sciences, 2020, vol.63, no.2, pp.255-264
5.Su S., Chai G., Shu X., Sheng X., Zhu X., “Electrical stimulation-induced SSSEP as an objective index to evaluate the difference of tactile acuity between the left and right hand”, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2020, vol.17, no.1, 016053.
6.Chen F., Liu K., Wang Y., Zou J., Gu G.-Y., Zhu X., “Automatic design of soft dielectric elastomer actuators with optimal spatial electric fields”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2019, vol.35, no.5, pp.1150-1165.
7.Shull P., Tan T., Culbertson H., Zhu X., Okamura A., “Resonant frequency skin stretch for wearable haptics”, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2019, vol.12, no.3, pp. 247-256.
8.He J., Sheng X., Zhu X., Jiang N., “A novel framework based on position verification for robust myoelectric control against sensor shift”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019, vol.19, no.21, pp.9859-9868.
9.Dong W., Ding Y., Yang L., Sheng X., Zhu X., “An efficient approach for stability analysis and parameter tuning in delayed feedback control of a flying robot carrying a suspended load”, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement & Control, 2019, vol.141, no.8, 081015.
10.Shu X., Chen S., Meng J., Sheng X., Jia J., Farina D., Zhu X., “Tactile stimulation improves sensorimotor rhythm-based BCI performance in stroke patients”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2019, vol.66, no.7, pp.1987-1995.
11.Tang L., Gu G.-Y., Zhu L., Zhu X., “Path tracking of a cable-driven snake robot with a two-level motion planning method”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2019, vol.24, no.3, pp.935-946.
12.P.B. Shull, S. Jiang, Y. Zhu, X. Zhu, “Hand gesture recognition and finger angle estimation via wrist-worn modified barometric pressure sensing”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2019, vol.27, no.4, pp.724-732.
13.Chen C., Chai G., Guo W., Sheng X., Farina D., Zhu X., “Prediction of finger kinematics from discharge timings of motor units: implications for intuitive control of myoelectric prostheses”, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2019, vol.16, no.2, 026005.
14.Yao L., Sheng X., Natalie M.-K., Zhu X., Farina D., Jiang N., “Sensory stimulation training for BCI system based on somatosensory attentional orientation”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2019, vol.66, no.3, pp.640-646.
15.He J., Sheng X., Zhu X., Jiang N., “Electrode density affects the robustness of myoelectric pattern recognition system with and without electrode shift”, IEEE J. Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2019, vol.23, no.1, pp.156-163.
16.Gu G.-Y., Zou J., Zhao R., Zhao X. Zhu X., “Soft wall-climbing robots”, Science Robotics, 2018, vol.3, issue 25, eaat2874.
17.Yao L., Natalie M.-K., Sheng X., Zhu X., Farina D., Jiang N., “A multi-class BCI based on somatosensory imagery”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2018, vol.26, no.8, pp.1508-1515.
18.Yao L., Sheng X., Natalie M.-K., Zhu X., Farina D., Jiang N., “Decoding covert somatosensory attention by a BCI system calibrated with tactile sensation”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2018, vol.65, no.8, pp.1689-1695.
19.Xu K., Liu H., Zhang Z., Zhu X., “Wrist-powered partial hand prosthesis using a continuum whiffle tree mechanism: A case study”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2018, vol.26, no.3, pp.609-618.
20.Yao L., Sheng X., Natalie M.-K., Zhu X., Farina D., Jiang N., “Performance of brain-computer interfacing based on tactile selective sensation and motor imagery”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2018, vol.26, no.1, pp.60-68.
21.Yao L., Chen M., Sheng X., Natalie M.-K., Zhu X., Farina D., Jiang N., “A multi-class tactile brain-computer interface based on stimulus-induced oscillatory dynamics”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2018, vol.26, no.1, pp.3-10.
22.Sun X., Yang X., Zhu X., Liu H., “Explore dual-frequency ultrasound transducers for morphological changes of deep-layered muscles”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2018, vol.18, no.4, pp.1373-1383.
23.Shull P.B., Zhu X., Cutkosky M., “Continuous movement tracking performance for predictable and unpredictable tasks with vibrotactile feedback”, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2017, vol.10, no.4, pp.466-475.
24.Gu G.-Y., Gupta U., Zhu J., Zhu L.-M., Zhu X., “Modeling of viscoelastic electromechanical behavior in a soft dielectric elastomer actuator”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2017, vol.33, no.5, pp.1263-1271.
25.Yao L., Sheng X., Zhang D., Jiang N., Natalie M.-K., Zhu X., Farina D., “A stimulus-independent hybrid BCI based on motor imagery and somatosensory attentional orientation”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2017, vol.25, no.9, pp.1674-1682.
26.He J., Zhu X., “Combining improved gray-level co-occurrence matrix with high density grid for myoelectric control robustness to electrode shift”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2017, vol.25, no.9, pp.1539-1548.
27.Pan L., Zhang D., Jiang N., Sheng X., Zhu X., “Transcranial direct current stimulation versus user training on improving online myoelectric control for amputees”, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2017, vol.14, no.4, 046019.
28.Guo W., Sheng X., Liu H., Zhu X., “Toward an enhanced human-machine interface for upper-limb prosthesis control with combined EMG and NIRS signals”, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 2017, vol.47, no.4, pp.564-575.
29.Cai G., Zhang D., Zhu X., “Developing non-somatotopic phantom finger sensation to comparable levels of somatotopic sensation through user training with electrotactile stimulation”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2017, vol.25, no.5, pp.469-480
30.Dong W., Ding Y., Huang J., Zhu X., Ding H., “An efficient approach of time optimal trajectory generation for the fully autonomous navigation of the quadrotor”, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 2017, vol.139, no.6, 061012
31.Dong W., Ding Y., Zhu X., Ding H., “Differential quadrature method for stability and sensitivity analysis of neutral delay differential systems”, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 2017, vol.139, no.4, 044504.
32.Guo W., Sheng X., Liu H., Zhu X., “Mechanomyography assisted myoeletric sensing for upper-extremity prostheses: a hybrid approach”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2017, vol.17, no.10, pp.3100-3108.
33.Zhu X., Liu J., Zhang D., Sheng X., Jiang N., “Cascaded adaptation framework for fast calibration of myoelectric control”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2017, vol.25, no.3, pp.254-264.
34.Yao L., Sheng X., Zhang D., Jiang N., Farina D., Zhu X., “A BCI system based on somatosensory attentional orientation”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2017, vol.25, no.1, pp.78-87.
35.Shull P., Xu J., Yu B., Zhu X., “Magneto-gyro wearable sensor algorithm for trunk sway estimation during walking and running gait”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2017, vol.17, no.2, pp.480-486
36.Huang Y., Jirattigalachote W., Cutkosky M., Zhu X., Shull P., “Novel foot progression angle algorithm estimation via foot-worn, magneto-inertial sensing”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2016, vol.63, no.11, pp.2278-2285.
37.Xu H., Zhang D., Huegel J., Xu W., Zhu X., “Effects of different tactile feedback on myoelectric closed-loop control for grasping based on electrotactile stimulation”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2016, vol.24, no.8, pp.827-836.
38.Liu J., Sheng X., Zhang D., Jiang N., Zhu X., “Towards zero retraining for myoelectric control based on common model component analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2016, vol.24, no.4, pp.444-454.
39.Guo W., Sheng X., Liu H., Zhu X., “Development of a multi-channel compact-size wireless hybrid sEMG/NIRS sensor system for prosthetic manipulation”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016, vol.16, no.2, pp.447-456.
40.Dong W., Ding Y., Zhu X., Ding H., “Optimal proportional-integral-derivative control of time-delay systems using the differential quadrature method”, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement & Control, 2015, vol.137, no.10, 101005.
41.He J., Zhang D., Jiang N., Farina D., Zhu X., “User adaptation in long-term, open-loop myoelectric training: Implications for EMG pattern recognition in prosthesis control”, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2015, vol.12, no.4, 046005.
42.Yao L., Meng J., Sheng X., Zhang D., Zhu X., “A novel calibration and task guidance framework for motor imagery BCI via a tendon vibration induced sensation with kinesthesia illusion”, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2015, vol.12, no.1, 016005.
43.Gu G.-Y., Gupta U., Zhu J., Zhu L.-M., Zhu X.-Y., “Feedforward deformation control of a dielectric elastomer actuator based on a nonlinear dynamic model”, Applied Physics Letters, 2015, vol.107, no.4, p.836.
44.Pan L., Zhang D., Sheng X., Zhu X., “Improving myoelectric control for amputees through transcranial direct current stimulation”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2015, vol.62, no.8, pp.1927-1936.
45.Meng J., Yao L., Sheng X., Zhang D., Zhu X., “Simultaneously optimizing spatial spectral features based on mutual information for EEG classification”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2015, vol.62, no.1, pp.227-240.
46.Yao L., Meng J., Zhang D.,Sheng X., Zhu X., “Combining motor imagery with selective sensation toward a hybrid-modality BCI”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2014, vol.61, no.8, pp.2304-2312.
47.Liu J., Wu J., Xiong Z., Zhu X., “Servo system identification using relay feedback: A time-domain approach”, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Manufacturing Science & Engineering, 2012, vol.134, no.6, 61012.
48.Zhu X., Ding H., “Optimality criteria for fixture layout design: a comparative study”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science & Engineering, 2009, vol.6, no.4, pp.658-669.
49.Zhu L., Ding H., Zhu X., “Extraction of periodic signal without external reference by time domain average scanning”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2008, vol.55, no.2, pp.918-927.
50.Zhu X., Ding H., “An efficient algorithm for grasp synthesis and fixture layout design in discrete domain”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2007, vol.23, no.1, pp.157-163.
51.Zhu L., Ding H., Zhu X., “Synchronous averaging of time-frequency distribution with application to machine condition monitoring”, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Vibration & Acoustics, 2007, vol.129, pp.441-447.
52.Zhu X., Ding H., “Computation of force-closure grasps: An iterative algorithm”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2006, vol.22, no.1, pp.172-179.
53.Zhu X., Ding H., Tso S.-K., “A pseudo distance function and its applications”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics & Automation, 2004, vol.20, no.2, pp.344-352.
54.Zhu X., Ding H., Wang M.Y., “A numerical test for the closure properties of 3-D grasps”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics & Automation, 2004, vol.20, no.3, pp.543-549.
55.Zhu X., Ding H., Wang M.Y., “Form error evaluation: An iterative reweighted least squares algorithm”, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Manufacturing Science & Engineering, 2004, vol.126, no.3, pp.535-542.
56.Zhu X., Ding H., Wang J., “Grasp analysis and synthesis based on a new quantitative measure”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics & Automation, 2003, vol.19, no.6, pp.942-953.
57.Zhu X., Wang J., “Synthesis of force-closure grasps on 3-D objects based on the Q distance”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics & Automation, 2003, vol.19, no.4, pp.669-679.
58.Zhu X., Ding H., “Flatness tolerance evaluation: An approximate minimum zone solution”, Computer-Aided Design, 2002, vol.34, no.9, pp.655-664.
59.朱向阳,丁汉,钟秉林,熊有伦, “凸集之间的(伪)距离函数及其应用”,科学通报,2003,vol.48,no.10,pp.996-1004
教学工作 * 系统模型、分析与控制-A类(ME369),本科生必修课,64学时,4学分。
软件版权登记及专利 发明专利
1. 基于表面肌电信号的手写识别方法,8.X,黄淦,李顺冲,盛鑫军,朱向阳
2. 针对下肢的层级式功能性电刺激康复系统,0.8,张定国,朱向阳,刘广权
3. 肌电信号控制的主从式无线功能性电刺激康复系统,0.8,张定国,朱向阳,陈歆普
4. 基于记忆合金驱动的手部外骨骼康复系统,5.3,汤特,张定国,朱向阳
5. 少通道下运动想象脑电特征的提取方法,6.1,朱向阳,孟建军,盛鑫军,段仁全
6. 外骨骼辅助康复治疗系统,2.6,徐凯,朱向阳,邱冬,赵江然,刘国庆,汪友
7. 自助式双侧同步外骨骼康复机构,3.4,徐凯,朱向阳,汪友,赵江然,刘国庆,傅敏宵,阳志雄
8. 用于电触觉的量化分析系统及其分析方法,1.5,张定国,徐飞,朱向阳
9. 佩戴式多通道表面肌电信号采集臂环,8.9,朱向阳,郭伟超,盛鑫军,陈星羽,张定国
10. 一种表面肌电和近红外光谱联合采集装置,1.8,朱向阳,郭伟超,姚鹏飞,盛鑫军
11. 具有形状自适应的欠驱动机械手指,0.5,朱向阳,华磊,盛鑫军
12. 用于产生人工电触觉的电刺激系统,8.4,朱向阳,张定国,汤特,徐飞
13. 基于连续体传动机构的欠驱动假肢手,4.X,徐凯,朱向阳,刘欢,杜宇恒,赵江然,刘国庆
14. 一种可用于获取四肢表面肌电信号的可佩戴电极阵列,5.3,朱向阳,方银峰,刘洪海,盛鑫军
15. 一种基于近红外传感器的肌群信息检测装置,1.5,朱向阳,姚鹏飞,邱中一,郭伟超,盛鑫军
1. 脑机接口在线采集与处理系统软件BCI-SJTU v1.0,2013SR078349,朱向阳,姚林,盛鑫军
2. 脑电&肌电联合控制假肢手系统软件HCI-SJTU v.10,2013SR078751,朱向阳,何家源,盛鑫军
3. EMG-1000 16P手持式肌电采集仪上位机控制软件EMGWin v1.0,2013SR078408,朱向阳,郭伟超,姚林,盛鑫军
4. 肌电信号监测与存储软件 EMG Eye v1.0,2013SR100457,刘洪海,朱向阳,方银锋,盛鑫军
5. 人手运动多模态数据同步和分割软件SST-MHHM V1.0,2015SR103234,刘洪海,琚兆杰,盛鑫军,朱向阳
6. 经皮电触觉刺激系统人机界面软件HCI-CES V1.0,2015SR080840,鲍林军,张定国,许恒
7. 生机电虚拟环境测试软件BioVIE V1.0,2015SR223766,朱向阳,吕威,盛鑫军
学术兼职 1. 中国机械工程学会机器人分会副主任委员
2. 教育部科技委先进制造学部委员
3. 国家重点研发计划“变革性技术关键科学问题”重点专项总体专家组成员
4. 国家自然科学基金委“共融机器人重大研究计划”指导专家组成员
5. 中国机器人产业联盟专家委员会委员
6. 上海市机器人学会副理事长
7. 机器人技术及系统国家重点实验室学术委员会委员
8. 数字制造装备与技术国家重点实验室学术委员会委员
9. 牵引动力国家重点实验室学术委员会委员
10. 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室学术委员会委员
11. 直升机传动技术国家级重点实验室学术委员会委员
12. 盾构与掘进技术国家重点实验室学术委员会委员
13. 流体动力与机电系统国家重点实验室咨询委员会委员
14. Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
15. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Bionic Engineering
荣誉奖励 学术荣誉
1. 新世纪百千****才工程国家级人选,2009
2. 教育部“****奖励计划”****,2007
3. 国家****科学基金,2005
1. 灵巧假肢及其神经信息通道重建技术,国家技术发明二等奖,2016
2. 复杂曲面数字化制造的几何推理理论及应用,国家自然科学二等奖,2012
3. 工业机器人作业系统的关键技术研究、开发与应用,国家科技进步二等奖,2007
4. 协作型工业机器人与柔性工件精准作业技术,上海市科技进步一等奖,2019
5. 灵巧假肢及高性能生机接口技术,上海市技术发明一等奖,2015
6. 机器人操作规划与空间几何推理理论,上海市自然科学一等奖,2009
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费燕琼教授所在系所机器人研究所办公电话通讯地址上海市东川路800号上海交大机械与动力工程学院A楼932室电子邮件fyq@sjtu.edu.cn个人主页教育背景1999-2002上海交通大学机械电子专业博士1995-1998东南大学机械学专业硕士1990-1994西安工业大学机械制造与工艺专业学士工作 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-董伟
董伟助理教授所在系所机器人研究所办公电话通讯地址上海市东川路800号机械学院A928电子邮件dr.dongwei@sjtu.edu.cn个人主页欢迎2022年硕士研究生提前联系教育背景2009.09-2015.08上海交通大学,机械电子工程硕博联读,获博士学位2005.09-2009.07上海交通大 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-高雪官
高雪官副教授所在系所机器人研究所办公电话通讯地址上海交大机械与动力工程学院A楼926室电子邮件xggao@sjtu.edu.cn个人主页暂无教育背景1984.9-1987.1上海交通大学硕士1980.9-1984.7吉林工业大学学士工作经历1987―1994上海交通大学机械工程系 讲师1994―至今 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-付庄
付庄教授所在系所机器人研究所办公电话,**通讯地址上海市东川路800号上海交大机械与动力工程学院A楼933室电子邮件zhfu@sjtu.edu.cn个人主页www.robot.sjtu.edu.cn/Teacher/showDetail.aspx?pid=27教育背景1997-2000哈尔滨工业大学 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孟建军
孟建军副教授所在系所机器人研究所办公电话通讯地址上海交通大学机械楼A928电子邮件mengjianjunxs008@sjtu.edu.cn个人主页https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Ahr8ZzsAAAAJ&hl=en教育背景2005-2013上海交通 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-谷国迎
谷国迎教授所在系所机器人研究所办公电话通讯地址机械与动力工程学院A楼908室电子邮件guguoying@sjtu.edu.cn个人主页http://softrobotics.sjtu.edu.cn/教育背景2006-2012上海交通大学机械电子工程专业,博士(硕博连读)2010-2011加拿大Con ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01