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毕庆贞 研究员

教育背景 2004-2009 上海交通大学 机械电子工程 博士
2001-2004 天津大学 机械设计及理论 硕士
1997-2001 山东建筑工程学院 机械电子工程 学士

工作经历 2009-2011 上海交通大学 动力工程与工程热物理 师资博士后
2011-2012 上海交通大学 机器人研究所 助理研究员
2013-2018 上海交通大学 机器人研究所 副研究员
2019-今 上海交通大学 机器人研究所 研究员

研究方向 航空航天数控装备与智能制造
1. 数控装备智能感知与自律控制
2. 超高精度多轴装备设计与控制
3. 航空航天特种制造机器人

科研项目 2019-2022 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“大型超薄曲面镜像铣削的短时稳定性理论与主动抑振方法”,负责人
2018-2020 工信部04重大科技专项,“大涵道比涡扇发动机关键零件特种加工装备研制与工艺研究”子课题,参与人
2018-2019 国家绿色制造专项,“运载火箭箭体绿色制造关键工艺与装备的突破及集成应用”,子课题负责人
2018-2018 企、事业单位委托项目,“搅拌摩擦焊接设备线激光扫描系统开发”,负责人
2017-2018 国家智能制造专项,“航天中型运载火箭箭体制造车间试点示范”,子课题负责人
2017-2018 企、事业单位委托项目,“04专项平板真空吸附工装与壳体工装设计制造”,负责人
2017-2017 航天科学技术基金项目,“箱底镜像铣壁厚测量和实时补偿”,子课题负责人
2016-2019 国家自然科学基金航天先进制造技术研究联合基金,“运载火箭贮箱大型网格壁板镜像铣削三维工艺建模与快速编程理论方法”,子课题负责人
2016-2019 工信部民机专项子课题,“民用飞机蒙皮壁板类零件镜像铣削工艺与装备”,子项目负责人
2016-2017 航天科技创新基金项目,“搅拌摩擦焊接过程“力-温度” 实时测量与自适应控制”,负责人
2016-2017 航天先进技术联合研究中心技术创新项目,“新一代运载火箭结构舱段自动密封铆接技术”
2015-2016 航天先进技术联合研究中心项目,“新一代运载火箭结构舱段自动密封铆接技术”,负责人
2015-2016 西门子与上海交通大学燃气轮机联合基金“燃气轮涡轮叶片壁厚控制自适应加工”,负责人
2015-2018 国家自然科学基金项目“面向线接触加工的叶片曲面几何建模与容差设计”,负责人
2014-2016 上海市教育委员会产学研项目“整体叶轮五轴联动高效加工技术”,负责人
2013-2015 上海市科委科研计划项目“涡轮增压器整体叶轮的五轴高效加工成套装备与技术”,负责人
2011-2013 国家自然科学基金项目“三角网格曲面上高效加工轨迹规划的黎曼测地推进方法”,负责人
2012-2014 国家863项目“多功能微细加工数控机床研制及其在惯性导航件中的应用”,负责人
2012-2014 国家支撑计划项目“大型复杂薄壁结构绿色高效制造技术、装备与集成应用示范”,负责人
2012-2014 国家重大科技专项“结构件编程的曲面重构和后置处”,负责人
2011-2014 学校自选项目“类直纹面整体叶轮五轴侧刃铣削加工的几何学理论与工艺规划方法”,负责人
2010-2011 博士后特别资助项目“时变强切削力作用下弱刚性零件五轴线接触加工的进给规划研究”,负责人
2010-2011 博士后科学基金项目“复杂零件五轴加工中真实可达空间的GPU加速计算与应用”,负责人

代表性论文专著 1.Yulei Ji, Qingzhen Bi*, Long Yu, Fei Ren, Yuhan Wang. A Robust RCSA-Based Method for the In-situ Measurement of Rotating Tool-tip FRFs. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 2020. (Accepted) (SCI/EI)
2.Luohui Ouyang, Hai Shang, Hua Chen, Qingzhen Bi*, Limin Zhu. The Mechanism On Prediction of Transient Maximum Amplitude for Tuned and Mistuned Blisks. Journal of Engineering of Gas Turbines and Power, Transactions of the ASME. 2020. (Accepted) (SCI/EI)
3.Qingzhen Bi *, Nuodi Huang, Shaokun Zhang, Chaolin Shuai, Yuhan Wang. Adaptive machining for curved contour on deformed large skin based on on-machine measurement and isometric mapping. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2019, 136: 34-44. (SCI/EI)
4.Shaokun Zhang, Qingzhen Bi*, Yulei Ji, Yuhan Wang. Real-time thickness compensation in mirror milling based on modified Smith predictor and disturbance observer. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2019, 144: 103427. (SCI/EI)
5.Xinzhi Wang, Zhoulong Li, Qingzhen Bi*, Limin Zhu, Han Ding. An accelerated convergence approach for real-time deformation compensation in large thin-walled parts machining. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2019, 142: 98-106. (SCI/EI)
6.Qingzhen Bi *, Jie Huang, Yaoan Lu, Limin Zhu, Han Ding. A general, fast and robust B-spline fitting scheme for micro-line tool path under chord error constraint. Science China Technological Sciences, 2019, 62(2): 321-332. (SCI/EI)
7.Xinzhi Wang, Qingzhen Bi*, Tao Chen, Limin Zhu, Han Ding. Transient Vibration Analysis Method for Predicting the Transient Behavior of Milling With Variable Spindle Speeds. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2019, 141(5). (SCI/EI)
8.Lei Zhong, Jianhua Yu, Qingzhen Bi, Yuhan Wang*. A dynamic two-axis interpolation test with linear and rotary axes in five-axis machine tool. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019: 1-14. (SCI/EI)
9.Long Yu, Qingzhen Bi, Yulei Ji, Yunfei Fan, Nuodi Huang, Yuhan Wang*. Vision based in-process inspection for countersink in automated drilling and riveting. Precision Engineering, 2019, 58: 35-46. (SCI/EI)
10.Tao Chen, Hai Shang, Qingzhen Bi*. A Prediction Method of Five-Axis Machine Tool Energy Consumption with GBRT Algorithm[C]//2019 IEEE 5th International Conference on Mechatronics System and Robots (ICMSR). IEEE, 2019: 34-39. (EI)
11.Chuang Zeng, Yehui Hu, Jing Shi, Qingzhen Bi*. On-machine Measurement and Compensation of Assembling Gap for 5-axis Friction Stir Welding based on 2D Laser Profilometer[C]//2019 IEEE 5th International Conference on Mechatronics System and Robots (ICMSR). IEEE, 2019: 70-75. (EI)
12.Yunfei Fan*, Long Yu, Yilian Zhang, Qingzhen Bi, Yuhan Wang. A High Reliable Automated Percussive Riveting System for Aircraft Assembly. SAE Technical Paper, 2019-01-1335, 2019. (EI)
13.QZ Bi*, XZ Wang, H Chen, LM Zhu, H Ding. Non-Normal Dynamic Analysis for Predicting Transient Milling Stability. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME . v: 126, p: 18-26, 2018 (SCI/EI)
14.QZ Bi8, XZ Wang, Q Wu, LM Zhu, and H Ding. Fv-SVM based Wall Thickness Error Decomposition for Adaptive Machining of Large Skin Parts. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. DOI:10.1109/TII.2018.**. (SCI/EI)
15.毕庆贞, 丁汉, 王宇晗. 复杂曲面零件五轴数控加工理论与技术, 2016, 武汉理工大学出版社, ISBN:978-7-5629-5380-7.
16.XZ Wang, QZ Bi*, LM Zhu, H Ding. Improved forecasting compensatory control to guarantee the remaining wall thickness for pocket milling of a large thin-walled part. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v: 94,i: 5-8,p: 1677-1688,2018. (SCI/EI)
17.YL Ji, QZ Bi, SK Zhang, YH Wang. A new receptance coupling substructure analysis methodology to predict tool tip dynamics. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. v: 126, p: 18-26, 2018(SCI/EI)
18.L Zhong, QZ Bi, ND Huang, YH Wang. Dynamic accuracy evaluation for five-axis machine tools using S trajectory deviation based on R-test measurement. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. v: 125, p: 20-33, 2018(SCI/EI)
19.YL Zhang, QZ Bi, L Yu, YH Wang . Online compensation of force-induced deformation for high-precision riveting machine based on force-displacement data analysis. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. v: 125,p: 20-33,2018 (SCI/EI)
20.L Zhong, QZ Bi, YH Wang. Volumetric accuracy evaluation for five-axis machine tools by modeling spherical deviation based on double ball-bar kinematic test. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. v: 122,p: 92-105,2017. (SCI/EI)
21.YL Zhang, QZ Bi, L Yu, YH Wang. Online adaptive measurement and adjustment for flexible part during high precision drilling process. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v: 89, i: 9-12, p: 3579-3599, 2017.(SCI/EI)
22.S Zhao, QZ Bi, YH Wang, J Shi. Empirical modeling for the effects of welding factors on tensile properties of bobbin tool friction stir-welded 2219-T87 aluminum alloy. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. v: 90, i: 1-4, p: 1105-1118, 2017. (SCI/EI)
23.S Zhao, QZ Bi, YH Wang. An axial force controller with delay compensation for the friction stir welding process. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. v: 85, i: 9-12, p: 2623-2638, 2016. (SCI/EI)
24.YA Lu, QZ Bi*, LM Zhu. Five-axis flank milling of impellers: Optimal geometry of a conical tool considering stiffness and geometric constraints., Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, v: 230, i: 1, p: 38-52, 2016. (SCI/EI)
25.QZ Bi, H Chen, D Tong, YA Lu. A design method for globally curvature-smooth centrifugal compressor blades. ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2016, June 13, 2016 - June 17, 2016, v: 2C-2016, p: International Gas Turbine Institute, 2016 (EI)
26.QZ Bi, H Chen. Design method and performance effects of curvature -smooth centrifugal compressor blades. ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2015, June 15, 2015 - June 19, 2015, v: 2B, p: International Gas Turbine Institute, 2015 (EI)
27.QZ Bi, H Chen, YH Wang. Five-axis flank milling for design and manufacture of turbocharger compressor impeller. ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2014, June 16, 2014 - June 20, 2014, v: 1B, p: International Gas Turbine Institute, 2014 (EI)
28.C Sun, QZ Bi, YH Wang, ND Huang. Improving cutter life and cutting efficiency of five-axis plunge milling by simulation and tool path regeneration. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. v: 77, i: 5-8, p: 965-972, 2015. (SCI/EI)
29.YA Lu, QZ Bi, LM Zhu. Five-axis Flank Milling Tool Path Generation with Smooth Rotary Motions. 9th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology - Intelligent Manufacturing in the Knowledge Economy Era, DET 2016, March 29, 2016 - March 31, 2016, v: 56, p: 161-166, 2016. (EI)
30.XZ Wang, QZ Bi, LM Zhu. Improved Forecasting Compensatory Control through Kalman Filtering. 9th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology - Intelligent Manufacturing in the Knowledge Economy Era, DET 2016, March 29, 2016 - March 31, 2016, v: 56, p: 349-353, 2016 . (EI)
31.L Yu, QZ Bi, YL Zhang, YH Wang. A Novel Normal Measurement Method for Robotic Drilling and Countersinking.SAE AeroTech Congress and Exhibition, Aerotech 2017, September 26, 2017 - September 28, 2017, v: 2017-September, 2017.(EI)
32.L Yu, YL Zhang, QZ Bi, YH Wang. Research on surface normal measurement and adjustment in aircraft assembly. Precision Engineering. v: 50, p: 482-493, 2017. (EI)
33.Y Yuan, QZ Bi, LM Zhu, H Ding. Real-time normal measurement and error compensation of curved aircraft surface based on on-line thickness measurement. 10th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2017, August 16, 2017 - August 18, 2017, v: 10463 LNAI, p: 157-170, 2017. (EI)
34.YL Zhang, QZ Bi, ND Huang, L Yu, YH Wang. On-Line Non-Destructive Measurement for Interference-Fit Riveting Based on Force-Deformation Data Analysis. SAE AeroTech Congress and Exhibition, AEROTECH 2017, September 26, 2017 - September 28, 2017, v: 2017-September, 2017 (EI)
35.J Shi, QZ Bi, YH Wang. Five-axis interpolation of continuous short linear trajectories for 3[PP]S-XY hybrid mechanism by dual Bezier blending. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), v: 21, i: 1, p: 90-102, 2016. (EI)
36.ND Huang, YQ Jin, QZ Bi*, YH Wang. Integrated post-processor for 5-axis machine tools with geometric errors compensation. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. v: 94,p: 65-73,2015. (SCI/EI)
37.QZ Bi, J Shi. Analytical curvature-continuous dual-Bezier corner transition for five-axis linear tool path. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture. v: 91,p: 96-108,2015. (SCI/EI)
38.QZ Bi, ND Huang, S Chao, YH Wang, LM Zhu, H Ding. Identification and compensation of geometric errors of rotary axes on five-axis machine by on-machine measurement. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. v: 89, p: 182-191, 2015. (SCI/EI)
39.QZ Bi, H Chen, XQ Zou, H Ding. Design Method and Performance Effects of Curvature-Smooth Compressor Blade Profiles. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. GT2015-43145 (EI)
40.ND Huang, QZ Bi, YH Wang. Identification of two different geometric error definitions for the rotary axis of the 5-axis machine tools. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, v: 91, p: 109-114, 2015. (SCI/EI)
41.J Shi, QZ Bi, LM Zhu, YH Wang. Corner rounding of linear five-axis tool path by dual PH curves blending. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, v: 88, p: 223-236, 2015(SCI/EI)
42.YA Lu, QZ Bi, LM Zhu. Five-axis flank milling of impellers: Optimal geometry of a conical tool considering stiffness and geometric constraints,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2014, 1-15. (SCI/EI)
43.ND Huang, QZ Bi, YH Wang, C Sun. 5-Axis adaptive flank milling of flexible thin-walled parts based on the on-machine measurement. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, v: 84,p: 1-8,2014(SCI/EI)
44.QingZhen Bi, Hua Chen, XueQi Zhou, LiMin Zhu, Han Ding, Five-axis flank milling for design and manufacture of turbocharger compressor impeller, Proceedings of Turbo Expo 2014. June 16-20, Dusseldorf, Germany, 2014. (EI)
45.QingZhen Bi, Hua Chen,High-efficiency Five-axis Machining Technology for Turbocharging Compressor Impeller, Turbocharging Seminar 2013, Tianjin. (EI)
46.Bi, Q. Z., Lu, Y. A., Li, Z. L., Zhu, L. M., Ding, H., Liu, G., Constrained Ruled Surface Reconstruction for 5-Axis NC Machining of Aero-Structure, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 365: 938-945, 2013. (SCI/EI)
47.Gang Zheng, QingZhen Bi, LiMin Zhu. Smooth tool path generation for 5-axis flank milling using multi-objective 9. programming. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 226(2): 247-254, 2012. (SCI/EI)
48.Gang Zheng, LiMin Zhu, QingZhen Bi. Cutter Size Optimization and Interference-free Tool Path Generation for Five-axis Flank Milling of Centrifugal Impellers. International Journal of Production Research, 50: 6667-6678, 2012. (SCI/EI)
49.QingZhen Bi, YuHan Wang, LiMin Zhu, Han Ding. A practical continuous-curvature Bezier transition algorithm for high-speed machining of linear tool path. International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 7102: 465-476, 2011. (EI)
50.Lei Zhong, Qingzhen Bi, Yuhan Wang. Five-axis Flank Milling Method of Plane Double Enveloping Hourglass Worm. The 2011 International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering. (EI)
51.Qingzhen Bi, Yuhan Wang, Limin Zhu, Han Ding. Wholly Smoothing Cutter Orientations for Five-axis NC Machining Based on Cutter Contact Point Mesh. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences. 2010, 53(5): 1294-1303. (SCI/EI)
52.Qingzhen Bi, Yuhan Wang, Han Ding. A GPU-based algorithm for generating collision-free and orientation-smooth five-axis finishing tool paths of a ball-end cutter. International Journal of Production Research. 2010, 48(4): 1105-1124. (SCI/EI)
53.Qingzhen Bi, Yuhan Wang, Limin Zhu, Han Ding. Generating Collision-free Tool Orientations for 5-axis NC Machining with a Short Ball-end Cutter. International Journal of Production Research. 2010, 48(24): 7337-7356. (SCI/EI)
54.Qingzhen Bi, Limin Zhu, Yuhan Wang, Han Ding. Analytical envelope surface representation of a conical cutter undergoing rational motion. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2010, 47(5-8):719-730. (SCI/EI)
55.QingZhen Bi, YuHan Wang, LiMin Zhu, Han Ding. A practical continuous-curvature Bezier transition algorithm for high-speed machining of linear tool path. Intelligent Robot and Applications of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011, 7102: 465-476. (EI)
56.Qingzhen Bi, Yuhan Wang, Limin Zhu, Han Ding. An algorithm to generate compact dual NURBS tool path with equal distance for 5-axis NC machining, International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications. 2010, 6425: 553-564). (EI)
57.Qingzhen Bi, Han Ding and Yuhan Wang. Safe and short tool length generation for 3+2 axis NC machining of a ball-End cutter using graphics hardware. Intelligent Robot and Applications of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008. 5315: 348-355. (EI)
58.Han Ding, QingZhen Bi, LiMin Zhu and YouLun Xiong, Tool path generation and simulation of dynamic cutting process for five-axis NC machining, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(30): 3408?3418. (EI)
59.Gang Zheng, Qingzhen Bi, Limin Zhu. Smooth tool path generation for 5-axis flank milling using multi-objective programming. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture,226(B2) : 247-254. (SCI/EI)
60.Yuehai Sun, Huijiang Zheng, Qingzhen Bi, Shuren Wang. Method of accurate grinding for single enveloping TI worm. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences,2005,48(4): 430-440. (EI)

教学工作 1.2018-2019-1程序设计思想与方法(C++)48学时

软件版权登记及专利 1.叶片曲面整体曲率光顺方法, 1.8
2.高速数控加工轨迹的曲率光顺方法, 0.4
4.一种搅拌摩擦焊机床顶锻力及前进抗力测控装置及方法, 6.8
5.一种搅拌摩擦焊接顶锻力和前进抗力自适应控制装置, 7.5
6.一种可回抽式双轴肩搅拌头, 9
9.基于G2连续Bézier曲线的刀具轨迹压缩方法, 6
10.类直纹面整体叶轮曲面的侧铣加工方法, 9
20.五轴数控加工安全最短刀具长度的规划方法, 8.9

学术兼职 Reviewer Committee:
2020-今 International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacturing
2017-今 International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacturing
2017-今 IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics
2016-今 IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
2017-今 Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture
2014-2017 ASME member
2012-2012 IEEE Society member
2010-今 Science China Technological Sciences
2008-今 International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

荣誉奖励 2020年,上海市青年科技英才

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