
具有近红外II区荧光的Ag2S量子点(QDs)因具有带隙窄、Stokes位移大及光稳定性好等优点而在生物成像领域具有广阔应用前景. 然而, 传统有机相合成的Ag2S量子点水溶性与生物相容性较差, 而水相合成Ag2S量子点的荧光又很难到近红外II区, 这严重制约了Ag2S量子点的生物医学应用推广. 因此, 优化探究具有近红外II区荧光发射的Ag2S基量子点的水相合成方法具有重要意义. 采用核掺杂ZnS、表面阳离子(Zn2+)改性以及调控表面配体制备出一系列Ag2S基量子点, 发现核掺杂和表面阳离子改性均使Ag2S基量子点的荧光呈现剂量依赖性蓝移; 而将表面配体由树枝状短链(Captopril)更换为长直链(11-巯基十一烷酸, MUA)时, Ag2S基量子点的发射峰红移至1105 nm(近红外II区)且半峰宽更窄. 本研究发现, 相比核掺杂和表面阳离子改性, 优化表面配体更容易在水相中制备出具有近红外II区荧光的Ag2S基量子点. 本工作为近红外荧光量子点的水相合成及优化提供了基础研究数据.
关键词: 近红外II区荧光, Ag2S基量子点, 水相合成, 核掺杂, 表面阳离子改性, 优化表面配体
Growing numbers of quantum dots (QDs) have been applied in biological fluorescence imaging, especially those QDs with near-infrared-II fluorescence emission, avoiding the interference of autofluorescence of biological tissues, have broad application prospects in the field of fluorescence imaging. In particularly, Ag2S quantum dots (Ag2S QDs) have drew great attention of researchers in biological fluorescence imaging due to the near-infrared fluorescence emission, large Stokes shift, good light and chemical stability. However, the Ag2S QDs synthesized in organic phase usually experienced poor water solubility and biocompatibility, while the fluorescence of the Ag2S QDs synthesized in aqueous phase is difficult to reach the near-infrared-II region, which severely restricts the promotion of Ag2S QDs in biological fluorescence imaging. Therefore, it is of great significance to optimize and explore the water-phase synthesis method of Ag2S based quantum dots with near-infrared-II fluorescence emission. The goal of this work is to synthesize Ag2S QDs with near-infrared-II region fluorescence emission by aqueous phase method. First, captopril modified Ag2S QDs (Ag2S@Cap QDs) were prepared in water, and its fluorescence emission peak lied in the near-infrared-II region at 1005 nm. Then a series of Zn:Ag2S@Cap QDs were prepared in aqueous by introducing ZnS to the Ag2S core. The results showed that the fluorescence emission peaks of Zn:Ag2S@Cap QDs blue shifted in a core-doping ZnS-dose dependent manner. Next, a series of Ag2S@Cap-Zn QDs were prepared in aqueous by introducing Zn2+ to the ligand-shell of Ag2S QDs. The fluorescence emission peaks of these Ag2S@Cap-Zn QDs also blue shifted in a Zn2+-dose dependent manner. Finally, Ag2S@MUA QDs were prepared by replacing the shell ligand from Cap to 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA). The fluorescence emission peak of these Ag2S@MUA QDs red shifted to 1105 nm, locating in the near-infrared-II region, and the width of the fluorescence curve at half-maximum height became narrower, implying better application prospect in biological fluorescence imaging. This work not only successfully prepared a kind of Ag2S QDs with near-infrared-II fluorescence emission in aqueous phase, but also opened an avenue for the preparation and optimization of semiconductor QDs with near-infrared fluorescence.
Key words: near-infrared-Ⅱ fluorescence, Ag2S QDs, aqueous synthesis, core-doping, cationic-modification, optimizing surface ligand