
关键词: 挥发性有机物, 吸附, 催化氧化, 沸石分子筛, 负载型催化剂
The emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) causes serious harm to the natural environment and human health. Adsorption and catalytic oxidation are effective methods to control VOCs. With the large specific surface area, the uniform and controllable structure, and the surface acid sites, the zeolite is very suitable as the adsorbing materials and the catalyst carrier materials. It has been widely used in the fields of separation, adsorption and catalysis. This paper summarizes the recent research progress in the removal of different VOCs, such as alkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons, aldehydes, ketones, acids, esters, alcohols, and chlorinated hydrocarbons, over different zeolites and their various supported catalysts. The results show that the pore structure and surface properties of zeolite, the species, polarity and hydrophilicity of volatile organic compounds, have important effects on the adsorption properties of zeolite. The surface acidity of zeolite, the types and distribution of active catalysts, the types of VOCs, are the important factors for catalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds. The synergistic effect between the zeolite and the active component allows the supported catalyst to exhibit excellent catalytic activity. Compared with zeolite-supported metal oxide catalysts, zeolite-supported noble metal catalysts have better catalytic activity for different VOCs, but noble metal catalysts are very expensive. The catalytic activity of zeolite-supported catalysts can be significantly improved by rationally designing multi-component metal oxides. In addition, the further research on the removal of VOCs by zeolite and its supported catalysts both is prospected.
Key words: volatile organic compounds, adsorption, catalytic oxidation, zeolite, supported catalysts