
三亚吡嗪(HAT)是一种缺电子刚性平面芳香族盘状结构, 具有出色的π-π堆叠能力. 由于独特的拓扑结构和电子特征, HAT已被广泛用于构筑超分子材料、共价有机框架材料(COFs)、多孔氢键有机框架材料(HOFs)、金属有机框架材料(MOFs)等. HAT衍生物在催化、半导体、单分子磁体、水氧化、质子传导等方面也表现出巨大的应用潜能. 近年来, 由于能源需求的激增, 科学家们基于HAT衍生物在能源领域中的应用进行了大量的研究. 在跟踪了HAT衍生物在能源领域的研究进展的基础上, 综述了该领域研究的最新进展.
关键词: 三亚吡嗪(HAT)衍生物, 能源应用, 共价有机框架
Hexaazatriphenylene (HAT) is an electron deficient, rigid, planar, aromatic discotic molecule with three fused pyrazine rings and excellent π-π stacking ability. Due to its excellent topology and electronic properties, HAT has been exploited as structural motifs of supramolecules, covalent organic frameworks (COFs), porous hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks (HOFs), and metal organic frameworks (MOFs). HAT derivatives have been utilized in catalysis, semiconductors, monomolecular magnets, water oxidation, proton conduction, etc. In recent years, motivated by the increasing energy demand, scientists have intensively studied the energy applications of HAT derivatives. In this paper, the recent progress of HAT derivatives in the field of energy has been reviewed.
Key words: tripyrazine (HAT) derivatives, energy application, covalent organic framework