
一氧化碳是一种廉价的活性气体, 其反应原子经济性高并且可以有效地延长碳链, 因此CO是一种非常重要的碳源, 特别是在羰基化反应中. 羰基化反应是合成酸酐、酰胺及酯等含羰基化合物的最有效的方法之一. C—H键广泛存在于有机化合物中, 近几十年来, C—H键活化和官能团化的研究取得了很大的进展, C—H键与CO的反应也引起了人们的广泛关注. 主要综述了过去几十年间, 过渡金属, 如钯、钌、铑、钴和铜, 催化的碳氢键与一氧化碳反应的研究进展.
关键词: 过渡金属, 碳氢键活化, 一氧化碳, 羰基化
Carbon monoxide is a cheap and reactive gas, and its reactions are atom-economic and can effectively extend the carbon chain. Therefore, CO is an essential carbon source, in particular in the carbonylation reaction. The carbonylation reaction is one of the most effective methods for the synthesis of carbonyl-containing compounds, such as acid anhydrides, amides, esters, etc. On the other hand, carbon-hydrogen bonds widely exist in organic compounds. In recent decades, great progress has been made in the research of activation and functionalization of C—H bonds, and the reactions of C—H bonds with CO also gained considerable interests. The research progress of the reactions of carbon-hydrogen bonds with carbon monoxide catalyzed by transition metals, such as palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, cobalt and copper over the past decades is reviewed.
Key words: transition metal, carbon-hydrogen bonds activation, carbon monoxide, carbonylation