
Wallichanol是一类具有独特桥环结构的二萜天然产物. 以2-甲基-1,3-环己二酮作为起始原料, 通过高立体选择性的Diels-Alder反应和金催化的炔烃碳环化反应构建Wallichanol的ABC三环核心骨架, 共七步路线, 总收率为42%. 该合成工作为Wallichanol类天然产物全合成奠定了研究基础.
关键词: Wallichanol, Diels-Alder反应, 碳环化反应, 全合成
A rapid construction of the ABC ring of wallichanol is described. The synthesis features an efficient Diels-Alder reaction for the bicyclo[2.2.2]octane synthesis and a gold-catalyzed alkyne carbometalation for the cyclobutane synthesis. The overall yield of this 7-stepped synthesis is 42%. This strategy can pave the road towards the total synthesis of wallichanol.
Key words: wallichanol, Diels-Alder reaction, carbometalation, total synthesis