
基于金属迁移的策略, 发展了钯催化的1,4-环己二烯的1,3-双芳基化反应, 得到单一的非对映选择性的双芳基化的产物. 此反应具有优秀的区域选择性和单一的非对映选择性. 实验结果表明在钯迁移的过程中烯烃并没有从钯上解离下来. 这一研究为cis-1,3-双芳基取代的环己烷类化合物的合成提供了简便的方法.
关键词: 钯催化, 金属迁移, 烯烃, 立体选择性
A palladium-catalyzed migratory diarylation of unconjugated cyclohexadiene is disclosed, which exihibits high 1,3-regioselectivity and exclusive cis-diastereoselectivity. The excellent selectivity suggests that the olefin does not dissocate from the palladium during chain-walking. This study provides a simple method for the synthesis of 1,3-diaryl-substituted cyclohexanes
Key words: palladium catalysis, metal migration, alkene, stereoselectivity