
报道了一种实用的空气氧化制备 α-芳甲酰基硫代酰胺的方法. 在空气氛围下, 以K2CO3为碱, 二甲基亚砜(DMSO)为溶剂, 120 ℃条件下 α-苄基硫代酰胺经氧化以42%~85%的产率得到 α-芳甲酰基硫代酰胺. 该反应无需金属参与, 具有良好的底物适用性和原子经济性, 为 α-芳甲酰基硫代酰胺的合成提供了一种高效、经济、绿色、简便的方法.
关键词: 空气, 二甲基亚砜(DMSO), K2CO3, 绿色氧化, α-芳甲酰基硫代酰胺
A practical method for preparing α-ketoaryl thioamide by air oxidation has been developed. Under air atmosphere, in the presence of K2CO3 as base and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as solvent at 120 ℃, a variety of α-ketoarylthioamides were obtained from aryl thioamide in yields of 42%~85%. This reaction has good substrate applicability, metal-free and atomic economy, and provides an efficient, economical, green and convenient method for the synthesis of α-ketoaryl thioamide.
Key words: air, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), K2CO3, green oxidation, α-ketoaryl thioamide