报道了一种可见光(蓝光)促进单氟均二苯乙烯类底物立体异构化反应.该反应使用三价铱络合物为催化剂,通过选择性能量转移途径,提供了一类热力学上相对不稳定E式单氟均二苯乙烯类化合物快速合成方法.该催化体系条件温和,具有广泛的官能团兼容性和良好的底物适用范围,以及实用的合成效率(产率高达96%, E:Z比高达91:9).此外,利用该方法还快速合成了DMU-212分子的顺式单氟衍生物,初步验证了方法的实用性.
关键词: 光异构化, 单氟均二苯乙烯, 立体选择性, 能量转移
A photocatalytic Z to E isomerization of monofluorostilbenes in the presence of visible light (blue LEDs) has been developed. The transformation, which proceeds through a selective energy transfer pathway with Ir(Ⅲ) complex, offers facile access to thermodynamically less stable E-monofluoroalkenes with synthetically useful efficiency (up to 96% yield, up to 91:9 E:Z). Mild reaction conditions, good functional groups tolerance, and broad substrate scope were observed. Furthermore, the synthetic utility of this method is demonstrated by the rapid synthesis of monofluorinated cis-DMU-212 analogue E-30.
Key words: photoisomerization, monofluorostilbenes, stereoselectivity, energy transfer