
通过叠氮-炔点击化学反应, 合成了一种新型的偶氮苯侧链两亲交替共聚物聚(三缩四乙二醇-偶氮苯二乙胺) [P(EG4-a-NAzo)], 其中三缩四乙二醇(EG4)链段为亲水链段, 偶氮苯二乙胺(NAzo)链段是疏水链段. 光致异构化研究发现, 由于特殊的交替拓扑结构, P(EG4-a-NAzo)胶束状态不产生有序的偶氮苯堆叠. P(EG4-a-NAzo)可以在低浓度溶液中组装为蠕虫状聚集体. 这种新型的偶氮苯共聚物为光功能性聚合物的分子设计提供了新的思路.
关键词: 点击反应, 交替共聚物, 偶氮苯, 自组装
A novel alternating amphiphilic copolymer poly(tetra glycol-a-N,N-bis[2-(1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)ethyl]-4-phenyl- diazenyl-aniline) [P(EG4-a-NAzo)] with azobenzene pendants was synthesized through the azide-alkyne click reaction, in which the hydrophilic unit was tetra glycol (EG4) and N,N-bis[2-(1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)ethyl]-4-phenyldiazenyl-aniline (NAzo) performed the hydrophobic unit. P(EG4-a-NAzo) could self-assemble into worm-like aggregate in aqueous solution with initially low concentration. Because of its unique alternating topologies, the azobenzene moiety of P(EG4-a-NAzo) micelle could not pile up orderly. This novel azobenzene copolymer has arisen new thoughts and approaches for the molecular design of photo-functional polymers.
Key words: click reaction, alternating copolymer, azobenzene, self-assembly