
汞离子污染已经严重危害生态环境和人类健康, 发展具有高选择性、高灵敏度且能应用于水性环境中汞离子的检测探针具有重要的研究意义. 以水杨醛为原料, 设计、合成一种含有巴比妥结构单元的激发态分子内质子转移(ESIPT)型荧光探针; 机理研究预测汞离子与探针形成了一种类似于“(胸腺嘧啶)T-Hg-T”的结构, 从而可以高选择性地识别汞离子, 并且在4~20 μmol·L –1之间, 探针的荧光强度与汞离子浓度呈现非常好的线性关系.
关键词: 荧光探针, 汞离子, 巴比妥, 激发态分子内质子转移(ESIPT)
Mercury ion pollution has serious harmful impact on the ecological environment and human health. It is of great significance to develop a probe with high selectivity and sensitivity that could be applied to the detection of mercury ion in water environment. In this paper, a novel excited-state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) fluorescent probe containing barbitone unit was designed and synthesized from salicylaldehyde. Mechanism studies showed that mercury ions and probes formed a structure similar to “(thymine)T-Hg-T” which has high selectivity in determining mercury ions. The calibration curve indicated that there was a good linear correlation between the relative fluorescent intensities over the concentration range of 4~20 μmol·L –1 of Hg 2+ ion.
Key words: fluorescent probe, mercury ion, barbitone, excited-state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT)