
以碱性蛋白酶为生物催化剂,通过二羰基化合物和邻氨基苯甲酰胺间的缩合反应合成了喹唑啉酮类衍生物.乙醇作为环保型溶剂,可以减少反应对环境的影响.碱性蛋白酶具有催化活性高,环保,来源广泛,操作简单等优点.本方法仅使用2000 U碱性蛋白酶作为催化剂,即可获得各种喹唑啉酮衍生物,且具有良好至优异的产率.
关键词: 喹唑啉酮衍生物, 生物催化, 碱性蛋白酶, 乙醇, 非专一性
Alkaline protease-catalyzed synthesis of quinazolinone derivatives was developed between β-keotester and o-aminobenzamide. Because ethanol is one kind of eco-friendly solvents, this method can reduce the impact of solvents on the environment. Alkaline protease as a biocatalyst has many advantages, e.g. high catalytic activity, environmentally friendly, wide variety of sources and simple operation. In addition, a variety of quinazolinone derivatives was obtained with good to excellent yields just using 2000 U alkaline protease as catalyst.
Key words: quinazolinone derivatives, biocatalysis, alkaline protease, ethanol, promiscuity