
在氮杂环卡宾(N-heterocyclic carbene,NHC)催化下,α,β-不饱和羧酸经过原位活化后与2-(2-氧代-2-芳乙基)丙二腈发生Michael加成、羟醛缩合、脱羧等反应,一锅法合成了多取代环戊烯类化合物.该方法具有底物范围广、原料易得、反应条件温和、产率高、操作简便等优点,为多官能化环戊烯类化合物的高效合成提供了新思路.
关键词: 氮杂环卡宾(NHC), α,β-不饱和羧酸, 2-(2-氧代芳乙基)丙二腈, 多取代环戊烯, 串联反应
An one-pot, cascade assembly of polysubstituted cyclopentene was realized via the N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC)-catalyzed annulation of the in situ activated α,β-unsaturated carboxylic acid with 2-(2-oxo-2-arylethyl)malononitrile through the sequence of Michael addition, aldol condesation and decarboxylation. This method could serve as a new attractive strategy for the practical syntheses of multi-functionalized cyclopentene derivatives with broad substrate scope, readily availability of starting materials, mild reaction conditions, excellent yields and operational simplicity.
Key words: N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC), α,β-unsaturated carboxylic acid, 2-(2-oxo-2-arylethyl)malononitrile, poly-substituted cyclopentene, cascade reaction