

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16

姓  名:李卫明
职  称:副教授
E - mail:li.weiming@sufe.edu.cn;电话:**

序号 项目名称 项目编号 项目来源 起止时间 项目经费
1 基于随机矩阵理论的高维协方差矩阵的统计推断 ** 国家自然科学基金青年基金 2015/01-2017/12 22万



2018/08-至今 上海财经大学,统计与管理学院,副教授?
2016/07-2018/07 上海财经大学,统计与管理学院,助教授
2013/03-2016/07 北京邮电大学,理学院,讲师
2011/03-2013/02 北京航空航天大学,数学与系统科学学院,博士后

Working paper:
-- Hu, J., Li, W.M., Zhou, W. Central limit theorem for mutual information of large MIMO systems with elliptically correlated channels. Submitted.
-- Hu, J., Li, W.M., Liu Z., Zhou, W. High-dimensional covariance matrices in elliptical distributions with
application to spherical test. Ann. Stat., 47(1), 527-555, 2019.
-- Li, W.M., Li, Z., Yao, J.F. Joint CLT for dependent linear spectral statistics of large dimensional sample covariance matrices with applications.Scand. J. Stat.,45, 699-728, 2018.
-- Chen, J.Q., Zhang, Y.C., Li, W.M., Tian, B.P. A supplement on CLT for LSS under a large dimensional generalized spiked covariance model.Statistics & Probability Letters,138, 57-65, 2018.
-- Li, W.M. & Yao, J.F. On structure testing for component covariance matrices of a high-dimensional mixture.J. R. Statist. Soc. B,80,293–318,2018.
-- Qin, Y.L. & Li, W.M. Bias-reduced estimators of moments of a population spectral distribution and their applications. In Big and Complex Data Analysis: Statistical Methodologies and Applications (Ejaz Ahmed ed.), Springer, 2017.
-- Li, W.M., Chen, J.Q., Yao, J.F. Testing the independence of two random vectors where only one dimension is large.Statistics,51, 141-153, 2017.
-- Qin, Y.L. & Li, W.M. Testing the order of a population spectral distribution for high-dimensional data.Computational Statistics & Data analysis, 95, 75-82, 2016.
-- Li, W.M. & Liu, Z. A test for the complete independence of high-dimensional random vectors.Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. 86,3135-3140,2016.
-- Tian, X.T., Lu, Y.T. & Li, W.M. A robust test for sphericity of high dimensional covariance matrices.Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 141, 217-227, 2015.
-- Li, W.M. & Yao, J.F. On generalized expectation based estimation of a population spectral distribution from high-dimensional data.Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 67, 359-373, 2015.
-- Li, W.M. & Qin, Y.L. Hypothesis testing for high-dimensional covariance matrices.Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 128, 108-119, 2014.
-- Li, W.M. & Yao, J.F. A local moment estimator of the spectrum of a large dimensional covariance matrix,Statistica Sinica, 24, 919-936, 2014.
-- Li, W.M. Local expectations of the population spectral distribution of a high-dimensional covariance matrix,Statistical Papers, 55, 563-573, 2014.
-- Li, W.M., Chen, J.Q., Qin, Y.L., Yao, J.F. & Bai, Z.D. Estimation of the population spectral distribution from a large dimensional sample covariance matrix,Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 143, 1887-1897, 2013.
-- Li, W.M., Liu, T.Q. & Bai, Z.D. Rounded data analysis based on ranked set sample,Statistical Papers, 53, 439-455, 2012.
-- Li, W.M. & Bai, Z.D. Analysis of accumulated rounding errors in autoregressive processes,Journal of Time Series Analysis, 32, 518-530, 2011.
-- Li, W.M. & Bai, Z.D. Rounded data analysis based on multi-layer ranked set sampling,Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series),27, 2507-2518, 2011.


Annals of Statistics, Bernoulli, Journal of Multivariate analysis 等杂志审稿人

-- 2017/07 The31st European Meeting of Statisticians, Helsinki, Invited talk,On structure testing for component covariance matrices of a high-dimensional mixture.
-- 2016/12 The 10thICSA international conference, China, Shanghai, Invited talk, On an example where the MP law does not hold.
-- 2014/07 The 3rd Institute of Mathematical Statistics APRM, Tai Wan, Contributed talk, Hypothesis testing for high-dimensional covariance matrices.
-- 2013/08 The 59th World Statistics Congress, Hong Kong, Invited talk,On generalized expectation based estimation of a population spectral distribution from high-dimensional data.

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