本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16
姓 名:尤进红
职 称:教授
E - mail:johnyou07@163.com
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,**,复杂纵向/函数型数据的建模及一致稳健和有效统计推断, 2019/01-2023/12,53万元,在研,主持。
2.国家自然科学基金面上项目,**, 纵向数据的动态半参数建模及其统计推断, 2015/01-2018/12,57万元,已结题,主持。
3.国家自然科学基金面上项目,**, 具有多个响应的纵向数据的半参数与结构非参数统计建模及其推断, 2011/01-2013/12,25万元,已结题,主持。
加拿大女皇大学(University of Regina )统计学博士,上海财经大学统计与管理学院副教授、博士生导师。Quality Technology and Quantitative Management (QTQM), special issue: Mathematical and Statistical Finance的客座编委(Guest Editor)。 尤进红博士有十余年的北美学习、工作经历。长期从事计量经济学、数理统计以及生物统计的科学研究。在半参数,非参数,回归建模估计,检验及其应用他们到经济学以及生物医学方面开展了许多有价值的研究工作,在国际和国内著名的统计和经济学杂志上发表学术论文四十余篇,其中三大检索论文将近三十篇。被SCI他引超过一百五十余次。参加和主持了包括商品期货交易风险监控,气候变化预测,流行病预防和预报,新药开发,多个响应面板数据建模等在内的多个国际和国内项目。其研究成果获得了国内外同行的肯定。曾获教育部新世纪人才计划支持。
2003/09-2006/07,Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, U.S.A, Postdoctoral research associate fellow
1998/09- 2002/09,University of Regina, Canada. Ph.D. degree in Statistics. Supervisor:
Gemai Chen
1995/09- 1999/07,华东师范大学,统计系,理学博士。导师:茆诗松
1992/09- 1995/07,华东师范大学,统计系,理学硕士。
1988/09- 1992/07,扬州师范学院,数学系,理学学士
2018/06-目前,上海财经大学,统计管理学院,Tenured 教授
2015/06-目前,上海财经大学,统计管理学院,Tenured 副教授
2009/06-2015/06,上海财经大学,统计管理学院,副教授(on tenure track)
2006/09- 2009/06,Department of Biostatistics, INC Research, Raliegh, U.S.A
2002/09- 2003/05,Department of Applied Mathematics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. Research associate fellow
61. Hu, L.X., Huang, T. andYou, J.H. M-estimation and Model Identification for Varying-Coefficient Additive Model with Longitudinal/Functional Data. Accepted by Statistica Sinica,
60.Hu, L.X., Huang, T. and You, J.H. Estimation and Testing of Time-varying Additive Model for Nonstationary Time Series.Accepted by Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
59. Hu, L.X., Huang, T. and You, J.H.(2019). Estimation and Identication of a Varying-Coecient Additive Model for Locally Stationary Processes.Journal of American Statistical Association.527,191-204.
58.Pei, Y., Huang, T. and You, J.H.(2018). Nonparametric Model for Panel Data with Fixed Effects and Locally Stationary Regressors. Journal of Econometrics, 202(2), 286-305.
57.Li, R., Leng, C.L. and You, J.H.(2017). A Semiparametric Regression Model for Longitudinal Data with Non-stationary Errors. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 44,932-950.
56.Li, R., Wan, A. and You, J.H. (2016). Semiparametric GMM Estimation and Variable Selection in Dynamic Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 100, 401-423.
55.Hu, J.H., Zhou, X. and You, J.H.(2017) Efficient Estimation of Fixed Effects Panel Data Partially Linear Models with Heteroscedastic Errors. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 154, 96-111.
54.Liu, S., Lian, H. and You, J.H. (2017). Time-Varying Nonparametric Mean-Covariance Regression Analysis for Longitudinal Data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 156, 116-136.
53. Wan, A., You, J.H. and Zhang, R.Q.(2016). A Seemingly Unrelated Nonparametric Additive Model with Autoregressive Errors. Econometric Reviews. 35(5), 894–928.
52.Bai, Y., Hu, J.H. and You, J.H. (2015). Panel Data Varying-Coefficient Partially Linear Models with both Spatially and Time-wise Correlated Errors.Statistica Sinica, 25 (2), 507-528.
51.Bai, Y, Huang, J., Li, R. andYou, J.H. (2015).Semiparametric Longitudinal Model with Irregular Time Autoregressive Error Process. Statistica Sinica, 25 (1), 275-294.
50.Hu, J.H., Xin, X. andYou, J.H.(2014). Model Determination and Estimation for the Growth Curve Model via Group SCAD penalty.Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 124, 199-213.
49.Hu, J.H., Liu, F.X. andYou, J.H.(2014). Panel Data Partially Linear Model with Fixed Effects, Spatial Autoregressive Error Components and Unspecified Intertemporal Correlation.Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 130, 64-89.
48.Ai, C.R.,You, J.H.and Zhou, Y. (2014). Estimation of Fixed Effects Panel Data Partially Linear Additive Regression Models.Econometrics Journal, 17, 83-106.
47. You, J.H.and Zhou, X. (2014). Asymptotic Theory in Fixed Effects Panel Data Seemingly Unrelated Partially Linear Regression Models. Econometric Theory, 30,407-435.
46.Li, D., Li, G. and You, J.H.(2014) Significant Variable Selection and Autoregressive Order Determination for Time Series Partially Linear Models, Journal of Time Series Analysis, 35, 478-490.
45.Zhu, L.P.,You, J.H.and Xu, Q.F. (2014). Statistical Inference for Single Index Panel Data Models. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 41,840-843.
44. You, J.H., Zhou, Y. and Chen, G.M. (2013). Statistical Inference for Multivariate Partially Linear Regression Models. The Canadian Journal of Statistics. 41, 1-22.
43. You, J.H., and Zhou, X. (2013). Efficient Estimation in Panel Data Partially Additive Linear Models with Serially Correlated Errors. Statistica Sinica, 27, 271-305.
42.Hu, J.H., Liu, F.X. and You, J.H.(2012). Estimation of Parameters in a Generalized GMANOVA Model based on an Outer Product Analogy and Least Squares. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,142, 2017-2031.
41.Li, X.L. andYou, J.H.(2012). Error Covariance Matrix Correction based Approach to Functional Coefficient Regression Models with Generated Covariates. Journal of Multivariate Analysis,107263-281.
40. Hu, J.H., Yan, G.H. andYou, J.H.(2011). Estimation for an Additive Growth Curve Model with Orthogonal Design Matrices.Bernoulli, 17, 1400-1419.
39. You, J.H., Zhou, X. and Zhou, Y. (2011). Series Estimation in Partially Linear in-Slide Regression Models. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 38, 89-107.
38.Ai, C.R.,You, J.H.and Zhou, Y (2011). Statistical Inference Using a Weighted Difference-based Series Approach for Partially Linear Regression Models.Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 102, 601-618.
37.Zhao, H.B. and You, J.H.(2011). Difference based Semiparametric Estimation for Partially Linear Regression Model with Measurement Errors.Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 102, 1321-1338.
36. Zhou, H.B., You, J.H., Qin, G.Y. and M. Longnecker (2011). A Partially Linear Regression model for data from an outcome-dependent sampling design.Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 60, 559-574.
35. Xu, Q.F., You, J.H.and Li, X.L. (2011). Statistical Inference on Seemingly Unrelated Nonparametric Regression Models with Serially Correlated Errors. Staistica Neerlandic, 65, 297-318.
34. You, J.H., Zhou, X. and Zhou, Y. (2010). Statistical Inference for Panel Data Semiparametric Partially Linear Regression Models with Heteroscedastic Errors. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 101, 1079-1101.
33. You, J.H., Zhou, X. and Zhu L.X. (2009). Inference on a Regression Model with Noised Variables and Serially Correlated Errors. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 100, 1182-1197.
32. You, J.H.and Zhou, X. (2009). Partially Linear Models and Polynomial Spline Approximations for the Analysis of Unbalanced Panel Data.Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139, 679-695.
31. You, J.H., Xu, Q. and Zhou, B. (2008). Statistical Inference for Partially Linear Regression Models with Measurement Errors.Chinese Annals of Mathematics,29, 1-12.
30. Xu, Q., You, J. H.and Zhou, B. (2008). Seemingly Unrelated Nonparametric Models with Positive Correlation and Constrained Error Variances. Econometric Letter, 99, 223-227.
29. You, J.H.and Zhou, H. (2008) Weighted Difference-based Approach for Semilinear In-Slide Regression Model.Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 99, 1610-1634.
28. You, J.H., Xie, S. and Zhou, Y. (2007). Two-stage estimation for seemingly unrelated nonparametric regression models.Journal of System Science & Complexity, 20, 509-520.
27.Xu, Q. and You, J.H.(2007). Covariate Selection for Linear Errors-in-Variables Regression Models. Communications in Statistics, Theory & Methods,36, 376-386.
26. You, J.H.and Zhou, H. (2007). Two-Stage Efficient Estimation of Longitudinal Nonparametric Additive Models.Statistics & Probability Letters, 77, 1666-1675.
25. You, J.H., Zhou, Y. and Chen, G. (2007). Statistical Inference of Partially Linear Regression Models with Heteroscedastic Errors. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 98, 1539-1557.
24. Xu, Q. andYou, J.H.(2007). Difference-Based Estimation for Error Variances in Repeated Measurement Regression Models. Statistics & Probability Letters, 77, 811-816.
23. You, J.H.and Zhou, H. (2007). On a Semiparametric Measurement Error Regression Model with Heteroscedastical Errors.Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,137, 2263-2276.
22. You, J.H.and Zhou, H. (2007). Difference-Based Methods for Inference in a Semiparametric EV Regression Model with Time Series Errors.Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 34, 365-383.
21. You, J.H.and Chen, G. (2007). On inference for a semiparametric partially linear regression model with serially correlated errors.Canadian Journal of Statistics, 17, 515-531.
20. You, J.H.and Chen, G. (2007). Semiparametric Generalized Least Squares Estimation in Partially Linear Regression Models with Correlated Errors. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137, 117-132.
19. S.E. Ahmed, Doksum, KjellA., Hossain, S. and You, J.H. (2007). Estimation in Partially Linear Regression Models with Stein Effect. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 49, 435-454.
18. David C.C., Chen, J., You, J.H.and Zhou, H. (2006). Personal Coronary Risk Profiles Modify Autonomic Nervous System Responses to Air Pollution.Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 48, 1-15.
17. You, J.H.and Zhou, X. (2006). Empirical Likelihood in a Regression Model with Noised Variables. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136, 3478-3497.
16.Zhou, H. and You, J.H. (2006). Semiparametric Methods for Data from an Outcome-Dependent Sampling Scheme. Quantitative Medical Data Analysis Using Math Tools and Statistical Techniques, 1-21. Editors: Dr. Yu Shyr and Don Hong. World Scientific.
15. You, J.H., Zhou Yong and Chen, G. (2006). Corrected Local Polynomial Estimation in Varying-Coefficient, Models with Measurement Errors.Canadian Journal of Statistics, 34 (3), 1-17.
14. You, J.H.and Zhou, X. (2006). Statistical Inference in a Panel Data Semiparametric Model with Serially Correlated Errors.Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 97, 844-873.
13. You, J.H.and Zhou, Y. (2006). Empirical Likelihood for Semiparametric Varying-Coefficient Partially Linear Regression Models. Statistics & Probability Letters, 76, 412-422.
12.You, J.H.and Chen, G. (2006). Wild bootstrap estimation in partially linear regression models with heteroscedasticity.Statistics & Probability Letters, 76, 340-348.
11. You, J.H., Zhou, Yong and Chen, G. (2006). Block Empirical Likelihood for Longitudinal Data Semiparametric Partially Regression Models.Canadian Journal of Statistics,34, 1-18.
10.You, J.H. and Chen, G. (2006). Estimation in a Semiparametric Varying-Coefficient Partially Linear Errors-in-Variables Model.Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 97, 324-341.
9. You, J.H. and Zhou, X. (2005). The law of iterated logarithm for Estimators in Smiparametric Partially Linear Panel Data Models. Statistics & Probability Letters,75, 267-279.
8. You, J.H. and Jiang, J. (2005). Weighted Penalized Spline Estimation for Varying-Coefficient Partially Linear Models with Serially Correlated Errors. Contributed to Kjell Doksum’s Festschrift.
7. You, J.H., Zhou, X. and Chen, G. (2005). B-Spline Estimation in a Semiparametric Regression Model with Nonlinear Time Series Errors. American Journal of Applied Science, 2, 1343-1349.
6. You, J.H.and Zhou, X. (2005). Bootstrap of a Semiparametric Partially Linear Model with Autoregressive Errors.Statistical Sinica, 52, 117-133.
5. You, J.H., Zhou, Xian and Chen, G. (2005). Jackknifing in Partially Linear Regression Models with Serially Correlated Errors. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 92, 2, 386-404.
4. You, J.H. and Chen, G. (2005). An asymptotic theory for semiparametric generalized least squares estimator in partially linear regression models.Statistical Papers, 46, 173-193.
3.Wu, X.Y., You, J.H.and Zhou, X. (2005). Asymptotic Properties of the ISE in Nonparametric Regressions with Serially Correlat Errors. Communications in Statistics, Theory & Methods, 34, 943-953.
2. You, J.H.and Chen, G. (2005). Testing Heteroscedasticity in Partially Linear Regression Models. Statistics & Probability Letters, 73, 61-70.
1. Chen, G. andYou, J.H.(2005). Iterative Weighted Semiparametric Least Squares Estimation in Repeated Measurement Partially Linear Regression Models.Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Engl., 21, 2, 177-192.
1. 2015年获上海财经大学教学成果二等奖:应用统计专业硕士培养模式改革与创新。
2. 指导的博士论文“带测量误差的半参数以及结构非参数模型的统计推断”获得2013年上海市优秀博士论文。
5.2010年获上海财经大学科研“中振奖”1 项。获奖论文“Statistical inference in a panel data semiparametric regression model with serially correlated errors”。
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