严壮志 博士
电话:(021) 5633-1787
陈玉(2004);Wanigasekara Nalin Rampola(2003)。
潘志君,张猛(2003);蒋欣,张旭峰,赵春伟(2002);Wanigasekara Nalin Rampola,陈兴美(2001);蔡畅,陈志宏(2000);谢峰,徐晓燕(1999);何煊(1998);平庆瑞(1995)。
[1] 刘书朋,严壮志,何煊,谢峰. 利用人工神经网络自动检测癫痫样放电的研究. 中国生物医学工程学报, 2003, 22(5):433-437
[2] 严壮志, 平庆瑞, 何煊. 基于小波变换的数字乳腺图像增强和微细钙化点提取. 中国生物医学工程学报, 2001, 20(3):254-258
[3] 陈志宏,严壮志.人工神经网络在基因组信息学中的应用.国外医学生物医学工程分册.2002, 25(4):145-149
[4] Wanigasekara NR, Zeng YC, and Yan ZZ. Real-time image mosaicing for multiple live video streams. Journal of image and graphics, 2003, 1006-1012
[5] Wanigasekara NR, Ding SH, Yan ZZ, Zeng YC. Quality Evaluation for JPEG 2000 Based Medical Image Compression. 2002, IEEE/EMBS 24, 2:1019-1020
[6] Yan ZZ, He X, and Liu SP. An approximation-weighted detail contrast enhancement filter for lesion detection on mammograms. 2001, IEEE/EMBS 23, 3: 2472-2475
[7] Xie F, Yan ZZ, and Liu SP. Automatic detection of epileptiform discharges in EEG using a back-propagation network. IEEE/EMBS 23, 2:1781-1783
[8] Ping QR and Yan ZZ. Mammogram analysis based on wavelets and fractals. 1996, IEEE/EMBS 18, 3: 1159-1160
Zhuangzhi Yan
Office Address: Room 1004, Xingjian Building, Yanchang Campus
Post Address: P.O. Box 01, 149 Yanchang Road, Shanghai, China
Zip: 200072
TEL: +86 (21) 5633-1787
Email: zzyan@shu.edu.cn
Professor Yan received the B.S. degree in automation from Tianjin University (1983) and the M.S. and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from Kyoto University in Japan (1987 and 1993). Currently, he is a Professor of biomedical engineering and the Deputy Dean of the School of Communication and Information Engineering at Shanghai University. He also serves as the Director of Shanghai Institute of Biomedical Engineering.
During his PhD study at Kyoto University, Prof. Yan’s research interests include medical image processing and interpretation, human interface, and medical diagnosis support systems. My Ph.D. thesis, entitled "a knowledge-based diagnosis support system for interpretation of brain CT images", is on the R&D of a knowledge-based CT image diagnosis system that can perform the majority of routine diagnostic reasoning and image interpretation in order to support radiologists" interpretation of brain CT images. The system was constructed on the workstation using Prolog, C, and X Window. The system was verified clinically by the Shimane Medical University Hospital.
After graduation from Kyoto University, Prof. Yan did research at ASTEM RI involving with the artistical graphics system (AGS) project and three-dimensional motion image analysis system (3D-MIA) project until joining the Shanghai University. The AGS project is concerned with the analysis and collection of the rules (heuristics) commonly used by the artists in their drawings, and aims to develop an automated computer drawing system. The 3D-MIA project is on the R&D of measurement and analysis system for three-dimensional motion of microorganism.
Prof. Yan"s research and teaching at Shanghai University have focused on digital imaging, biomedical imaging and image analysis, computer aided diagnosis in medicine, and biomedical instrumentation. He is a patent holder, has given numerous invited talks at technical conferences, and contributed to several book chapters as well as over 30 research papers.
Prof. Yan has been actively involved in organizing, chairing, or serving as a committee member of numerous international conferences, including the 16th ICMBE, the 9th IOMP, the 2nd MIPE, JCWMRE, and CME2005 meetings.
He is a council member of the Chinese Medical Instruments Society, China Instrument and Control Society and Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering. Currently, he serves as the associate editor of Shanghai Journal of Biomedical Engineering. He is a member of IEEE/EMBS, and a senior member of CIE. He is also an advisor of Shanghai University IEEE EMB student society.
Selected Publications
[1] Liu SP, Yan ZZ, He X, et al. Automatic detection of epileptiform discharges using an artificial neural network, Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2003, 22(5): 433-437 (in Chinese)
[2] Yan ZZ, Ping QR, and He X. Wavelet-based enhancement and segmentation of microcalcifications for digital mammography, Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2001, 20(3):254-258. (in Chinese)
[3] Chen ZH and Yan ZZ. Artificial neural networks applications for genome informatics, Foreign Medical Sciences: Biomedical Engineering Fascicle, 2002, 25(4):145-149 (in Chinese)
[4] Wanigasekara NR, Zeng YC, and Yan ZZ. Real-time image mosaicing for multiple live video streams. Journal of image and graphics, 2003, 1006-1012
[5] Wanigasekara NR, Ding SH, Yan ZZ, Zeng YC. Quality Evaluation for JPEG 2000 Based Medical Image Compression. 2002, IEEE/EMBS 24, 2:1019-1020
[6] Yan ZZ, He X, and Liu SP. An approximation-weighted detail contrast enhancement filter for lesion detection on mammograms. 2001, IEEE/EMBS 23, 3: 2472-2475
[7] Xie F, Yan ZZ, and Liu SP. Automatic detecition of epileptiform discharges in EEG using a back-propagation network. IEEE/EMBS 23, 2:1781-1783
[8] Ping QR and Yan ZZ. Mammogram analysis based on wavelets and fractals. 1996, IEEE/EMBS 18, 3: 1159-1160
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