

上海师范大学 免费考研网/2013-03-25









算子族不动点及其渐近行为问题; Banach空间中非线性算子逼近问题;变分不等式理论与算法;约束多目标最优化问题;随机测度与积分及鞅论




021 - 64328673




1999年6月破格晋升上海师大教授.2003年5月晋升上海师大计算数学专业搏导.现为上海师大数理学院教授、计算数学专业博导、基础数学专业硕导、数理学院学术委员会委员.任职台湾中山大学非线性分析及离散数学研究中心研究员、上海高校科学计算重点实验室研究员、国家自然科学基金面上项目评审员、国内外多家学术期刊杂志编委、四川省科技厅成果处数学成果评审专家组成员.长期从事多种现代分析的教学与研究工作.主讲过非线性泛函分析、线性拓扑空间理论、Banach空间几何学、线性空间上的概率分布、不动点理论、应用凸分析、Banach空间中投影算子理论及应用、Banach空间中非线性逼近理论、变分不等式及其近似解法等研究生课程,以及复变函数论、实变函数论、泛函分析、数值分析、拓扑学、数学分析等本科生课程.在数学领域从事交叉学科的研究,涉及随机分析、非线性分析及最优化理论.所研究的问题,涉及基础数学、应用数学、计算数学的许多方面,概括起来有:算子族不动点及其渐近行为问题;Banach空间中非线性算子逼近问题;变分不等式理论与算法;约束多目标最优化问题;随机测度与积分及鞅论.先后在{European J. Oper. Res.}、{J. Global Optim.}、{J. Optim.Theory Appl.}、{Math. Methods Oper.Res.}、{Optimization}、{J. Math. Anal. Appl.}、{J. Comput.Appl. Math.}、{Nonlinear Anal.-TMA}、{Appl. Math. Comput.}、{Comput.Math. Appl.}、{Appl. Math. Lett.}、{Numer. Func. Anal. Optim.}、{Taiwan. J. Math.}、{J. Inequa.& Appl.}、{ ApplicableAnalysis}、{ J.Korean Math. Soc.}、{Fixed Point Theory}、{Chin. Ann. Math.}、{Acta.Math. Sinica}、{ActaMath. Scientia}、{Appl. Math. Mech.}等国内外数学、运筹学与管理学学术期刊上,迄今载文210余篇.论文受到许多国家与地区学者的关注.由于出色的教学和科研工作,获得了多项奖励和称号.如1999年国家教育部首届“高校优秀青年教师奖”;1998年复旦大学理科最高奖学金“联合利华奖学金”;1994年“上海师范大学优秀青年教师”称号;1995年“上海市高校优秀青年教师”称号;2003年“上海市曙光学者”称号.作为项目负责人主持了国家自然科学基金项目两项、教育部高等学校优秀青年教师教学与科研奖励计划项目、教育部博士点专项基金项目、上海市教育发展基金委员会曙光计划项目、上海市高校科技发展基金项目、上海市教委青年科学研究基金项目、以及上海市教委科研创新项目.


[1] 曾六川and J.C. Yao, Approximate proximalmethods in vector optimization, EuropeanJournal of Operational Research, 183(1)(2007), 1-19.

[2] 曾六川and J.C. Yao, Existence of solutions of generalized vector variational inequalities in reflexive Banachspaces, Journal of Global Optimization, 36(2006), 483-497.

[3] 曾六川and J.C. Yao, Mixedprojection methods for systems of variationalinequalities, Journal of GlobalOptimization, 41(3)(2008), 465-478.

[4] 曾六川and J.C. Yao, Approximate proximal algorithms for generalized variational inequalities with pseudomonotone multifunctions, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 213(2)(2008), 423-438.
[5] 曾六川and J.C. Yao, A hybrid iterative scheme for mixed equilibrium problems and fixed point problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 214(1)(2008), 186-201.

[6] 曾六川and J.C. Yao, On the convergence analysis of inexacthybrid extragradient proximal point algorithms formaximal monotone operators, Journal ofComputational and Applied Mathematics,217(2)(2008),326-338.

[7] 曾六川, T. Tanaka and J.C. Yao,Iterative construction of fixed points of nonself-mappingsin Banach spaces,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 206 (2007), 814- 825.

[8] 曾六川, S. Schaible andJ.C. Yao, Existence of solutions for generalized vector variational-like inequalities, Journal ofOptimization Theory and Applications, 137(1) (2008), 121- 133.

[9] 曾六川, G.Mastroeni and J.C. Yao, Existence of solutions and variational principles for generalized vector systems, Journal of Optimization Theory andApplications, 137 (3)(2008), 485-495.

[10]曾六川, N. Hadjisavvas, S. Schaible and J.C. Yao, Well-posedness for mixed quasivariational-like inequalities, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 139(1)(2008), 109-125.

[11] 曾六川, S. Schaible and J.C. Yao, Implicit iteration scheme with perturbedmapping for equilibrium problems and fixed point problems of finitely many nonexpansive mappings, Journal ofOptimization Theory and Applications, 139(2)(2008), 403-418.

[12] 曾六川 and J.C. Yao, An inexact proximal-type algorithm in Banach spaces, Journalof Optimization Theory and Applications, 135 (1)(2007), 145-161.

[13] 曾六川, N.C. Wong and J.C. Yao, Convergence analysis of modified hybrid steepest- descent methods with variable parameters for variational inequalities, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 132(1)(2007), 51-69.
[14] 曾六川and J.C. Yao, Existence theorems for variational inequalities in Banach spaces, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 132(2)(2007), 321-337.[15] 曾六川and J.C. Yao, Modified combined relaxation method for general monotone equilibrium problems in Hilbert spaces, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 131(3)(2006), 469-483.[16] S. Schaible, J.C. Yao and曾六川, Iterative method for set-valued mixed quasivariational inequalities in a Banach space, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 129(3)(2006), 425-436.

[17] 曾六川, H.K. Xuand J.C. Yao, The viscosity approximation method for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in Banachspaces, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory,Methods& Appli- cations,69(4)(2008), 1402-1412.

[18] 曾六川 and J.C. Yao, Relaxed viscosity approximation methodsfor fixed point problems and variational inequalityproblems, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory,Methods& Appli- cations,69(10)(2008), 3299-3309.

[19] 曾六川, P. Cubiottiand J.C. Yao, An implicit iterative scheme for monotone variational inequalities and fixedpoint problems,Nonlinear Analysis:Theory,Methods& Applications, 69(8)(2008),2445-2457.

[20] 曾六川 and J.C. Yao, Well-posednessof generalized mixed variational inequalities,inclusion problems and fixed-point problems, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods& Applications, 69(12)(2008), 4585-4603.

[21] 曾六川, P. Cubiotti and J.C. Yao, Strong convergence theorems for finitely many nonexpansive mappings and applications, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods& Applications, 67 (2007), 1464- 1473.

[22] 曾六川and J.C. Yao, Implicit iterationprocess with perturbed mapping for common fixed points of a finite family of nonexpansive mappings,Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods& Applications, 64(2006),2507-2515.

[23] 曾六川and J.C. Yao, Stability of iterative procedures with errors for approximating common fixed points of a couple of-contractive-like mappings in Banach spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 321(2) (2006), 661-674.

[24] 曾六川, H.K. Xuand J.C. Yao, Strong convergence of an iterative method with perturbed mappingsfor nonexpansive and accretive operators, Numerical Functional Analysis andOptimization, 29(3-4)(2008), 324-345.

[25] 曾六川, Q.H. Ansariand J.C. Yao, Mann-type steepest-descent and modified hybrid steepest-descentmethods for variational inequalities in Banach spaces, NumericalFunctional Analysis and Optimization, 29(9-10)(2008),987-1033.






[5]上海市教委科研创新项目:算子方程与凸性约束最优化(09ZZ133, 2009.1---2011.12),主持人
