姓名 | 王志珍 |
职称/职务 | 副教授 |
所在部门 | 应用数学系 |
研究方向 | 控制理论与应用 |
办公室 | 228 |
电话 | 64322954 |
电子邮件 | wzhzh@shnu.edu.cn |
2002年至2004年,中科院自动化所博士后。2002年获北京大学理学博士学位; 1999年获曲阜师范大学理学硕士学位;1996年获伊犁师范学院理学学士。目前主持上海市教育创新项目一项,校级项目两项。曾获中国博士后科学基金资助 (2003);参加了由国家自然科学基金会(CNFS),国防科工委、科技部以及教委资助的多个科研项目;发表学术论文近二十篇,其中SCI检索的文章有六篇,EI检索的文章六篇;获得2004年北京大学参选全国优秀博士论文资格。主要的研究领域是复杂系统鲁棒性问题,如参数不确定系统的鲁棒稳定性;混合摄动系统的性能问题。研究方向及领域:控制理论与应用
1.Zhizhen Wang, Long Wang and Wensheng Yu.Robustness analysis of control systems with disc uncertainties. Journal of Control Theory andApplications, 3(4): 327-333, 2005.
2.Zhizhen Wang, Long Wang, Wensheng Yu andGuoping Liu. Improved results on robust stability of multivariable intervalcontrol systems. Proceeding of American Control Conference, Denver, Colorado,4463-4468, 2003.
3.Wang Zhizhen, Wang Long, Yu Wensheng andLiu Guoping. New results on the convex direction with respect to a givenHurwitz polynomial. Proceeding of European Control Conference, Cambridge, England,2003.
4.Long Wang, Zhizhen Wang,Wensheng Yu and Lin Zhang. Edge theorem for MIMO systems. IEEE Trans. CircuitsSyst., 50(12): 1577-1580, 2003.
5.Wang Zhizhen, Wang Long, Yu Wensheng andLiu Guoping. Criteria for robust D-stability of multilinear interval polynomialmatricres. Proceeding of the 22nd Chinese Control Conference,Yichang, 206-210, 2003.
6.Zhizhen Wang, Long Wang and Wensheng Yu.Determinative vertices of interval family with stability. Journal of MathematicalAnalysis and Applications, 266, 321-332, 2002.
7.Zhizhen Wang, Long Wang and Wensheng Yu.The stability and SPR to convex polytope of interval polynomials. AppliedMathematics and Mechanics, 23(2):211-217, 2002.
8.Zhizhen Wang, Long Wang and Wensheng Yu.Robust stabilization of multilinear interval plants. Progress in Natural Science, 12(7):546-550, 2002.
9.Zhizhen Wang, Long Wang and Wensheng Yu.An LMI approach to robust stabilization of interval plants. Sixth InternationalConference on Signal Processing, 77-80,2002.
10. Wang Long, Zhang Lin and WangZhizhen. Robust stability of a family of matrices. Control Cybern.,30(3):331-337, 2001.
11. LongWang, Zhizhen Wangand Wensheng Yu. Stability of polytopic polynomial matrices. Proceeding ofAmerican Control Conference, Arlington, Virginia, 4695-4696, 2001.
12. Zhizhen Wang. On the qualitativebehaviour of solutions of a third difference equation. Proceedings of the 3rd WorldCongress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Hefei, 2801-2805, 2000.
13. Zhizhen Wang, Long Wang, Wensheng Yu and Guoping Liu. MinimalPositive Realizations of a Class of Third-Order Systems. Proceeding of AmericanControl Conference, Boston, MA, 4151-4152, 2004.
14. HaibinLi, Zhizhen Wang, Long Wang. Frequency domain criteria for robustD-stability of MIMO systems based on LMI method. Applied Mathematics andMechanics, 27(2):207-213,2006.
15. 王志珍,王龙,郁文生。参数不确定系统的鲁棒性研究。数学物理学报,24(6):A:717-722,2004。
16. 王志珍。差分方程的可求极限性。工程数学学报,17(3),6-10,2000。
17. 王志珍。五阶差分方程解的渐近性。曲阜师范大学学报,25(2),107-108,1999。