姓名 | 周盛凡 |
职称/职务 | 教授/博士生导师/ |
所在部门 | 应用数学系 |
研究方向 | 动力系统与微分方程 |
办公室 | 10号楼212 |
电话 | 021 - 64323887 |
电子邮件 | sfzhou@shnu.edu.cn |
生于1962年4月,1979 - 1983年于广西师范大学数学系学习获理学学士学位;1987 - 1990年于云南大学数学系基础数学专业学习获理学硕士学位;1990 – 1994年于北京大学数学系应用数学专业学习获理学博士学位。1994-1996年和1999-2000年分别在四川大学数学系与以色列Bar-Ilan大学地理系做博士后研究。
二十多年来主要从事偏微分方程、常微分方程与动力系统的研究,主要研究领域是非线性演化方程的定性理论、无穷维动力系统、格点动力系统、随机动力系统与泛函微分方程等。在自治与非自治格点动力系统、非线性波动方程与非牛顿流体力学方程组、单多值非自治动力系统的吸引子与核截面、耦合映射的周期点分支及其稳定性分析、随机吸引子等方面取得了一系列有重要学术价值的研究成果,建立了系统完整、特色突出的理论与方法。例如,给出了无穷格点动力系统与单值非自治系统的吸引子与核截面存在的充要条件;得到了非自治不可压非牛顿流的各类吸引子的存在性与正则性等;得到了sine–Gordon 方程、具临界指数与非临界指数的有阻尼非线性波动方程的整体吸引子的存在性及维数上界的较精确公式。在《J. Diff. Eqns.》、《Nonlinearity》、《Quarterly of Appl. Math.》、《Physica D》、《J. Math. Phys.》、《Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.》、《Nonl. Anal.》、《J. Math. Anal. Appl.》、《Disc. Contin. Dyna. Syst.》、《Inter. J. Bifurcation and Chaos》、《Appl. Math. Comp.》、《J. Compu. Appl. Math.》、《Comm. Pure Appl. Anal.》、《SIAM J.Appl. Dyna. Syst.》与《中国科学》等国内外重要SCI刊物上发表学术论文70余篇,研究成果得到国内外同行的好评与国际同行的广泛引用,多次被邀参加国际国内会议并做邀请报告。主持和完成国家自然科学基金项目3项和教育部、上海市等项目4项。培
[1] ShengfanZhou, Attractors for second order lattice dynamical systems,
[2] ShengfanZhou, Attrcators and approximations for lattice dynamical systems,
[3] ShengfanZhou, Wei Shi, Attractors and dimension for dissipative lattice dynamicalsystems, Journal of Differential Equations,224(2006), 172-204。
[4] Yejuan Wang,Shengfan Zhou, Kernel sections and uniform attractors ofmulti-valued semiprocesses, Journal ofDifferential Equations, 232 (2007),573–622.
[5] Caidi Zhao,Shengfan Zhou,Pullback attractors fora non-autonomou incompressible non-Newtonian fluid, Journal of Differential Equations, 238(2007), 394-425。
[6]Shengfan Zhou, Linshan Wang, Kernel sections for non-autonomous damped waveequations with critical exponent, Discreteand Continuous Dynamical Systems, 9(2003), 399-412。
[7] Yejuan Wang,Chengkui Zhong, Shengfan Zhou, Pullback attractors ofnonautonomous
dynamical systems,Discrete and ContinuousDynamical Systems, 16(2006), 3:587--614.
[8] Xiao-QiangZhao, Shengfan Zhou, Kernel sections of processes and non-autonomous lattice systems,Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B,9(3&4) (2008), 763–785.
[9] ShengfanZhou, Caidi Zhao, Yejuan Wang, Finite dimensionality and upper semicontinuityof kernel sections for nonautonomous lattice dynamical systems,
[10] Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Compact uniform attractors fordissipative lattice dynamical systems with delays,Discreteand Continuous Dynamical Systems, 21(2) (2008), 643–663.
[11]Shengfan Zhou, Qiuli Jia, Fuqi Yin,Kolmogorov's ε-entropy of attractors for lattice systems,
[12] ShengfanZhou, Fractal dimension of global attractors for some dissipative latticesystems, International J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 18(2008),11。
[13] Shengfan Zhou, Attractors For LatticeSystems Corresponding To Evolution Equations,Nonlinearity, 15(2002),1079-1095。
[14] CaidiZhao,Shengfan Zhou,Dynamics of first order retarded lattice systems, Nonlinearity, 20 (2007) 1987–2006。
[15] CaidiZhao, Shengfan Zhou, Pullbacktrajectory attractors for evolution equations and application to 3Dincompressible non-Newtonian fluid, Nonlinearity ,21 (2008) 1691–1717。
[16] ZhouShengfan , On dimension of the global attractor for damped nonlinear wave equations,
[17] Zhou Shengfan, Dimension of the globalattractor for damped semilinear wave equations with critical exponent,
[18] ShengfanZhou, Attractors for second order lattice dynamical systems with damping,
[19] Qiuli Jia, Shengfan Zhou, Fuqi Yin, Kolmogorov Entropy OfGlobal Attractor For Dissipative Lattice Dynamical Systems,
[20] Hongyan Li, Shengfan Zhou, Fuqi Yin,Global Periodic Attractor for Strongly Damped Wave Equations with Time-periodicDriving Force, J.Math. Phys., 45(9),2004, 3462-3467.
[21] Caidi Zhao,Shengfan Zhou -compact uniform attractors for a nonautonomousincompressible non-Newtonian fluid with locally uniform integrable externalforces in distribution space, J.Math. Phys. , 48(2007), 032702-032713.
[22] CaidiZhao, Shengfan Zhou, Xinyuan Liao, Uniformattractors for nonautonomous incompressible non-Newtonian fluid with locallyuniform integrable external forces, J.Math. Phys. 47, 052701(1-13), 2006.
[23] ShengfanZhou, Attractors for first order dissipative lattice dynamical systems,
[24] MichaelSonis, Shengfan Zhou, Stability and transverse manifolds of periodicpointsfor coupled maps, Physica D,105(2002), 12-25。
[25] Shengfan Zhou, Kernel sections fordamped non-autonomous wave equations withlinear memoryand critical exponent, Quart. of Appl.Math., 61 (4): 731-757, 2003。
[26] Yejuan Wang, Shengfan Zhou, Kernel sections of multi-valued processes withapplication to the nonlinear reaction-diffusionequations in unbounded domains,
[27] Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou,Existence and regularity of pullback attractors for an incompressiblenon-Newtonian fluid with delays,
[28] Zhu Shu& Zhou Shengfan, Dimension of the global attractor for the damped anddrivenSine-Gordon equation,
[29] Shengfan Zhou, Dimension of the global attractorfor damped nonlinear wave equations,Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 127(12),3623-3631, 1999。
[30] ShengfanZhou, Dimension of the global attractor for strongly damped nonlinear wave equations,
[31] Shengfan Zhou, Asymptotic Behavior ForSecond Order Lattice Dynamical Systems,Discrete Dynamics in Nature andSociety, 6, 137-143,2001。
[32] ShengfanZhou and Xiaoming Fan, Kernel sections for nonautonomous strongly dampedwave equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 275(2002), 2:850-869.
[33] ShengfanZhou, Attractors for strongly damped wave equations with criticalexponent,
[34] ShengfanZhou, Kernel sections for viscoelasticity and thermoviscoelasticity,
55(2003), 4: 351-380。
[35] Xiaoming Fan, Shengfan Zhou, Kernel sections for non-autonomousstrongly damped wave equations of non-degenerate Kirchhoff-type, Appl.Math. Comp., 158(2004),253-266.
[36] ZigenOuyang, Shengfan Zhou, Fuqi Yin, Oscillation for a class of odd order delayparabolic differential equations, J.Compu. Appl. Math., 175(2005),305-319.
[37] Zigen Ouyang,Shengfan Zhou, Fuqi Yin, Oscillation for a class of neutral parabolicdifferential equations. Compt.Math. Appl. 50 (2005), 145--155.
[38] Shengfan Zhou, Fuqi Yin, Zigen Ouyang,Random Attractor for dapmed nonlinear wave equations with white noise,
[39] Jianhua Ma, Shengfan Zhou, Zigen Ouyang,Asymptotic synchronization in second order n-dimensionaldissipative lattices of coupled oscillators, J. Math. Anal. Appl, 322(006),1111-1127.
[40] Caidi Zhao,Shengfan Zhou, Yongsheng Li, Trajectory attractor and global attractor for a two-dimensionalincompressible non-Newtonian fluid , J.Math. Anal. Appl., 325 (2007), 1350–1362.
[41]Xinyuan Liao,Shengfan Zhou, Zigen Ouyang, On a stoichiometric two predators on one preydiscrete model, Appl.Math. Lett., 20 (2007) 272–278.
[42] ShengfanZhou, Qiuli Jia, Wei Shi, Kolmogorov'sε-Entropy of Bounded Sets inDiscrete Spaces andAttractors of Dissipative Lattice Systems,Acta Math. Sinica (English Ser.), 23(2007),313-320.
[43] Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Compact kernel sections oflong-wave-short-wave resonance equations on infinite lattices,Nonl. Anal.,68(2008),652-670.
[44] XinyuanLiao, Zigen Ouyang, Shengfan Zhou, Permanence of species in nonautonomousdiscrete Lotka-Volterra competitive system with delays and feedback controls,
[45] XinyuanLiao, Shengfan Zhou, Yuming Chen, Permanence for a discrete time Lotka–Volterra type food-chain model withdelays, Appl. Math. Comp., 186 (2007)279–285.
[46] CaidiZhao, Shengfan Zhou, Limit behavior of global attractors for latticenonclassical parabolic equations, Appl. Math. Lett., 20 (2007)829–834.
[47] ZhaoCaidi, Zhou Shengfan, Compact kernel sections for nonautonomousKlein-Gordon-Schrödinger equations on infinite lattices, J. Math. Anal. Appl., in press..
[48] Hongyan Li, Shengfan Zhou, Structure ofthe global attractor for a second order strongly damped lattice system,
[49] Xinyuan Liao, Zigen Ouyang, ShengfanZhou, Permanence and stability of equilibrium for a two-prey one-predatordiscrete model, Appl.Math. Comp., 186 (2007) 93–100.
[50] Caidi Zhao, Yongsheng Li, Shengfan Zhou, AsymptoticsmoothingeffectofsolutionstoDavey-Stewartsonsystemsonthewholeplane,
[51] Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Xinze Lian,-uniform attractor and asymptotic smoothing effect ofsolutions for a nonautonomous micropolar fluid flow in 2D unbounded domains,Nonlinear Analysis: RealWorld and Applications,9(2008), 608-627.
[52] Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Yongsheng Li, On nonautonomousincompressible non-Newtonian fluid with rapidly oscillating external forces andsome averaging, J. Compu. Appl. Math., 220(2008), 1-2: 129-142.
[53]Xinyuan Liao, ShengfanZhou,Yuming Chen, Permanence and globalstability in a discrete n-species competition system with feedback controls,
[54] Caidi Zhao, Shengfan Zhou, Weiming Wang, Compact kernel sections forlattice systems with delays, Nonlinear Analysis, 70 (2009)1330–1348.
[55] Ailing Ban, Shengfan Zhou, Dimension of kernel sections for damped non-autonomous wave equationswith critical exponent, J. Math. Phys., 50(2009),1.
[56] Fuqi Yin,Shengfan Zhou, Zigen Ouyang, Attractor for Lattice System of Dissipative Zakharov Equation, ActaMath. Sinica, accepted.
[57] Caidi Zhao,Shengfan Zhou, Yongsheng Li, Theorems about the attractor for
incompressilbe non-Newtonian flow drivenby external forces that are rapidly oscillating in
time but have a smooth average, J.of Comp. Appl. Math., 220 (2008) 129-142
[58] Caidi Zhao,Shengfan Zhou, Yongsheng Li, A note on nonautonomous Klein-Gordon-Schrodingerequations with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 28B(2008), 823-833.
[59] Fuqi Yin, Shengfan Zhou, Changming Yin, GlobalAttractor for Lattice System of Klein-Gordon-Schrödinger Equation,
[60] H. Li, S. Zhou, On non-autonomous stronglydamped wave equations with a uniform attractorand some averaging, J. Math. Anal. Appl.,341 (2008), 791–802
[61] QianMin,Zhou Shengfan,Zhu Shu,One-dimensional global attractorfor the damped and driven sine-Gordon equation,
[62] ShengfanZhou, Dimension of the global attractor for discretization of damped sine-Gordonequation,Appl. Math. Lett., 12(1),95-100, 1999。
[63] Shengfan Zhou, Caidi Zhao, Xingyuan Liao, Uniformattractors for dissipative 不是nonautonomous lattice dynamical systems,
4. 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目:非自治动力系统的渐近行为 (2009.01-2011.12), 主持人
5.上海市教委重点项目(负责人): “非自治格点系统与非牛顿流的吸引子”,2008-2010。
6.上海市教育发展基金项目(负责人): “非线性波动方程和格点系统的动力学”,2003-2005.
7. 回国留学人员基金项目(独立承担): “核截面、吸引子与临界分支曲面”,2002-2004。