

上海师范大学 免费考研网/2013-03-25



1998-2002年 本科毕业于上海师范大学物理教育专业

2002-2005年 硕士毕业于上海师范大学理论物理专业

2005-2008年 博士毕于与法国巴黎第六大学巴黎天文研究所天体物理专业。该博士奖3年学金是有欧盟Marie Curie基金提供的"EARA-EST"项目

2008-2009年 获得DUEL(欧盟研究训练组织)在意大利那不勒斯天文台的博士后奖学金


傅莉萍的主要从事宇宙引力透镜、宇宙剪切(cosmic shear)和宇宙大尺度结构的研究工作。通过利用CFHTLS(Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope LegucySuvery)望远镜的原始观测数据筛选高质量的观测图像、探测和分析宇宙剪切信号和以及限制宇宙学参量。她近年来在SCI上发表的数篇论文得到国际同行的广泛认可,其中发表与Astronomy & Astrophysics上的Fu et al 09引用率超过50多次。


Dr. Liping FU,female, born in 1980, is an Associate Professor of Key Lab for Astrophysics ofShanghai Normal University.

Education background:

1998-2002 Bachelor degree on Physicsdepartment of Shanghai Normal University 2002-2005 Master degree on TheatricalPhysics of Shanghai Normal University

2005-2008 Doctor degree on Astrophysicsof Institute of Astrophysics of Paris, Paris 6 University, France. The PhDfellow was funded by a 3-year Marie Curie pre-doctoral fellowship in thecontext of the "EARA-EST" program (EARA Early Stage Training).

2008-2009 Post-doc fellow of DarkUniverse through Extragalactic Lensing (DUEL, Naples node), a European Community ResearchTraining Network.

Major Fields:

Cosmic shear, large scale structure,galaxy formation and evolution.

Liping Fu measured Cosmic shear signal upto angular size 4 degree from the selected high quality images ofCanada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legucy Suvery. Its signal is used to analyze thecosmological parameters. It was the first time that the cosmic shear signalwhich was predicted by the General relativity of Einstein was observed on suchbig large scale. Fu et al. 09 was cited more than 50 times.


1. Tereno, I,, Schimd, C., Uzan, J.-P.,Kilbinger, M., Vincent, F., Fu, L.,CFHTLS weak-lensing constraints on the neutrino masses,2008arXiv0810.0555

2. Kilbinger, M., Benabed, K., Guy, J.,Astier, P., Tereno, I., Fu, L., et al., Dark energy constraints andcorrelations with systematics from CFHTLS weak lensing, SNLS supernovae Ia andWMAP5, arXiv:0810.5129

3 Fu, L., Semboloni, E., Hoekstra, H.,Kilbinger M, I., van Waerbeke et al., Very weak lensing in the CFHTLS wide:cosmology from cosmic shear in the linear regime, A&A 479, 9(2008)

4. Schimd, C. , Tereno, I., Uzan, J.-P., Mellier, Y., van Waerbeke, L., Riazuelo, A., Semboloni, E. ,Hoekstra, H. Fu, L., Riazuelo A., Tracking quintessence bycosmic shear - Constraints from VIRMOS-Descart and CFHTLS and future prospects,A&A 463, 405(2007)

5. Maoli, R., van Waerbeke, L., Fu. L., et al., New results fromweak-lensing surveys, Memoria della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement,v.9, p.394 (2006)

6. Hoekstra, H., Mellier, Y., vanWaerbeke, L., Semboloni, E. , Fu, L., First cosmic shear results from theCanada-France-Hawaii Telescope wide synoptic legacy survey, ApJ 647, 116 (2006)

7. Semboloni, E., Mellier, Y., vanWaerbeke, L., Hoekstra, H., Tereno, I., Benabed, K., Gwyn, S., Fu, L. et al., Cosmic shear analysiswith CFHTLS Deep data, AA 452, 51 (2006)

8. Fu L., Shu C., Gravitational lensing and itsapplications, 2004, Progress in Astronomy,23, 56 (2005)

9. Luo Z., Fu L., Shu C. The Angular Momentum Problems inDisk Galaxy Formation, Progress in Astronomy, 22, 152 (2004)

10. Luo Z., Fu L., Shu C., Zhao J. Metallicity vs Rotation Velocity inLate-Type Galaxies, Progress in Astronomy, 22, 71 (2004)

11. Luo Z., Fu L., Shu C. The Specific Angular MomentumDistribution of Disk Galaxies Formed in Preheated Intergalactic Media, Chin.Phys. Lett., 21, 1409 (2004)
