本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-25
Liang Zhenmin, Vice Professor
College of Exhibition and Tourism of
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
Add: Room 106, Bowen Building, 1900 Wenxiang Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai City 201620
Personal Profile:
Liang Zhenmin, native of Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Vice Professor. Doctor of Science in Regional Economic Geography of Northeast Normal University (the Tutor is Professor Chen Cai). Full time teacher and postgraduate tutor of College of Exhibition and Tourism of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics. Assisted Xinjiang Kashgar University and worked as postgraduate tutor of Geography for a total of three years from February 2017 to January 2020, as the ninth batch of Xinjiang aid cadres and talents in Shanghai. My research pays attention to field investigation. In daily research, I like challenges and do my best to avoid subjective conjecture.My research directions are regional economic strategy, geopolitics and economy, sustainable development of tourism resources and other fields. My research style is mainly about releasing academic opinions based on the frontier hot issues of regional economy, and I mainly teach the relevant courses of Scenic Spot Management and Tourism, Tourism Geography, Frontier Knowledge of Tourism Development.
Research Field: Sustainable development of tourism resources, regional development strategy and geo economy
Representative Thesis:
[1]Liang Zhenmin, Chen Cai. Research on the Comprehensive Measurement and Hierarchical Characteristics of Urbanization Development Quality in Northeast China, Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2013 (08).
[2]Liang Zhenmin, Chen Cai. Research on International Cooperation in Northeast Asia and the Construction of the Second Eurasian Continental Bridge in Northeast China. Northeast Asia Forum, 2012 (05).
[3]Liang Zhenmin, Chen Cai.Research on the Realization Path of Strategies of Opening Up the Border And Opening Up The Sea in Jilin Province. Economic Review, 2012 (12).
[4]Liang Zhenmin. China Pakistan Economic Corridor Construction: the Significance, Progress and Path Research. Asia-Pacific Economic Review, 2018 (05).
[5]Liang Zhenmin, Chen Cai. Research on Identification of Uncoordinated Coupling Relation between Urbanization and Ecological Environment. Journal of Anhui University (Natural Science), 2019 (01).
[6]Mamoti·Mamuti, Liang Zhenmin. Research on the Development Path of Kashgar Cultural Tourism Products under the Belt and Road Initiative. Journal of Kashgar University, 2020 (01).
Projects Leader:
[1]Special Fund Project for Doctoral Students in Central Universities: Research on the Quality Judgment of Urbanization in Northeast China. December 2010 - February 2013.
[2]National Social Science Fund Project: Research on Uncoordinated Coupling Identification and Benign Interaction Mechanism of Population Urbanization And Land Urbanization In China (15 CYJ025), June 2015 - Now.
[3]Shanghai UniversitiesYoung Teacher Training Funding Program: Research on the Uncoordinated Coupling of Urbanization and Environment in Shanghai. March 2016 - Now.
[4]Special Project ofAssisting Xinjiang inKashgar University: Research on the Realistic Foundation and Construction Path of China Pakistan Economic Corridor under the Belt and Road Initiative. January 2020 - Now.
Monographs, Textbooks and Reference Books:
[1]Evaluation of Urbanization Quality in Northeast China under the Background of New Urbanization (Independent Monograph), Economic Science Press, February 2016.
[2]Regional Tourism Geography (Xinjiang) (Co editor, first author), China Tourism Press, October 2019.
[3]DACIHAI (The World Geography) (Participant), Shanghai Cishu Press, February 2014.
Honors and Prizes:
[1]2011, the Third Prize of Chongqing Science and Technology Progress Award (Ranking the Third).
[2]2017, Merit Recording Award in Annual Assessment of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
[3]2018, Kashgar University Excellent Teachers Assisting Xinjiang.
[4]2019, Special Merit Recording Award for poverty alleviation of public institutions in Shanghai.
[5]2019, District Level Outstanding Builder of Assisting Xinjiang Competition in Shanghai.
[6]2020, Advanced Individual of Scientific Research in Kashgar University.
[7]2020, the Ninth Batch of Excellent Talents of Assisting Xinjiang of Kashgar Prefecture Committee of CPC in Xinjiang.
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