

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-13

陈昌斌 研究员 | 博士生导师





中国科学院上海巴斯德研究所研究员、教授、课题组长、博士生导师。1995年复旦大学生命科学学院本科毕业,1998年加入中国科学院上海生理生态研究所沈善炯院士团队并获分子遗传学硕士学位,2004年在美国内布拉斯加州立大学林肯分校获得植物病理学博士学位,2005-2010年在美国加州大学旧金山分校医学院进行博士后研究,2011-2013年在美国加州大学旧金山分校微生物与免疫学系任助理研究员,2013年7月回国工作。中国菌物学会菌物组学专业委员会副主任委员,中国微生物学会分析微生物专业委员会委员,中国微生物学会真菌学专业委员会委员,中国菌物学会药用真菌专业委员会委员,上海市医学会分子诊断专科分会感染性疾病学组专家成员,广东省广州市妇女儿童医疗中心客座教授。国际期刊Frontiers in Microbiology真菌方向编委,中国真菌学杂志编委。长期从事微生物菌群与人类疾病关系、人类病原真菌感染致病机制以及宿主免疫应答机制研究,以通讯作者、第一或共同作者身份在包括CellNature GeneticsCell Host & MicrobeNature ImmunologyPLOS PathogensPNAS在内的国际一流刊物发表论文20余篇。2017年获中科院分子病毒与免疫重点实验室年度创新奖。目前主持多项国家自然科学基金委、科技部、中科院及企业合作基金。

副研究员:黄新华 博士 博士后: 周子力博士,Raman Thakur博士
学生:吴显伟,姜彤,陈晓庆,邹云,徐超越,Frankline Wechui, Munika Moses,吴永琴,

聚焦病原真菌与宿主相互作用,已发表学术论文20余篇,包括国际学术期刊Cell, Nature Genetics, Cell Host & microbe, PLOS Pathogens, PNAS, Nature Immunology, Autophagy, Journal of Immunology, Molecular Microbiology, Eukaryotic cell等。
代表性论文(Representative paper):
1Mei Y., Jiang T., Zou Y., Wang Y., Zhou J., Li J., Liu L., Tan J., Wei L., Li J., Dai H., Peng Y., Zhang L., Lopez-Ribot J., Shapiro, R.,Chen C*, Liu N*, Wang H*. (2020) FDA approved drug library screening identified robenidine as a repositionable antifungal.Frontiers in Microbio.Accepted.
2Li Y, Li H, Sui M, Li M, Wang J, Meng Y, Sun T, Liang Q, Suo C, Gao X, Li C, Li Z, Du W, Zhang B, Sai S, Zhang Z, Ye J, Wang H, Yue S, Li J, Zhong M,Chen C, Qi S, Lu L, Li D, Ding C. (2019) Fungal acetylome comparative analysis identifies an essential role of acetylation in human fungal pathogen virulence.Commun Biol.2:154.
3Mao Y andChen C*. (2019) The Hap complex in yeasts: structure, assembly mode and gene regulation.Front Microbiol. 10:1645.(corresponding author)
4Tian, Y., ….. andChen, C*. (2018) Sequence modification of the master regulator Pdr1 interferes with its transcriptional autoregulation and confers altered azole resistance inCandida glabrata.FEMS Yeast Res. 18(4).(corresponding author)
5Chen, C*and Huang C. (2018)Candida albicansCommensalism and Human Diseases. In book: Mechanisms Underlying Host-Microbiome Interactions in Pathophysiology of Human Diseases. E.d. Jun Sun and Dudeja PK. Physiology in Health and Disease.Springer. ISBN 978-1-4939-7533-4(corresponding author)
7Huang, X., …. andChen, C*.(2017) Mitochondrial complex I bridges a connection between regulation of carbon flexibility and gastrointestinal commensalism in the human pathogen Candida albicans.PLOS Pathogens13(6): e**.(corresponding author)
8Gao, N., andChen, C*.(2016)CandidaInfections: an update on host immune defenses and anti-fungal drugs.IDTM. Review. (corresponding author)
9Pande, K.,Chen, C. and Noble, S. M. (2013) Passage through the mammalian gut triggers a phenotypic switch required forCandida albicanscommensalism.Nature Genetics. 45(9):1088-91
10Deng Z., Ma S., Zhou H., Zang A., Fang Y., Li T., Shi H., Liu M., Du M., Taylor P., Zhu H., Chen J., Meng G., Li F.,Chen C., Zhang Y., Jia X., Lin X., Zhang X., Pearlman E., Li X., Feng G., and Xiao H. (2015) Shp2 mediates C-type lectin receptor-induced Syk activation and anti-fungal Th17 responses.Nature Immunology. 16(6):642-52.
11Xie X., Li F., Wang Y., Lin Z., Cheng X., Liu J.,Chen C., and Pan L. (2015) Molecular basis of ubiquitin recognition by the autophagy receptor CALCOCO2.Autophagy. 11(10):1775-89.
12Chen M., Xing Y., Lu A., Fang W., Sun B.,Chen C., Liao W., and Meng G. (2015) Internalized Cryptococcus neoformans activates the canonical Caspase-1 and the noncanonical Caspase-8 inflammasomes.J. Immunol.195(10):4962-72.
13Guo C, Chen M, Fa Z, Lu A, Fang W, Sun B,Chen C, Liao W, Meng G. (2014) Acapsular Cryptococcus neoformans activates the NLRP3 inflammasome.Microbes Infect. 16(10): 845-54.
14Chen, C.and Noble, S. M. (2012) Post-transcriptional regulation of the Sef1 transcription factor controls the virulence ofCandida albicansin its mammalian host.PLOS Pathogens, 8(11): e**.
15Chen, C*., Pande, K*., French, S. D., Tuch, B. B. and Noble, S. M. (2011) A unique iron homeostasis regulatory circuit with reciprocal roles inCandida albicanscommensalism and pathogenesis.Cell Host & Microbe. 10(2): 118-35. (*equal contribution)
16Dumesic, P., Natarajan, P.,Chen, C., Drinnenberg, A., Schiller, B., Moresco, J., Thompson, J., Yates, J., Bartel, D., and Madhani H. (2013) Stalled spliceosomes are a signal for RNAi-mediated genome defense.Cell: 152(5):957-968.
17Liu, O. W., Chun, C. D., Chow, E. D.,Chen, C., Madhani, H. D. and Noble, S. M. (2008) Systematic gene deletion and analysis of virulence in the human fungal pathogenCryptococcus neoformans.Cell135(1): 174-188.
18Chen, C.and Dickman, M. B. (2005) Proline suppresses apoptosis in the fungal pathogenColletotrichum trifolii.PNAS102(9): 3459-3464
19Georgette, C.,Chen, C., Shih, S., et al., (2011) A site specific acetylation mark on the essential RSC chromatin remodeling complexpromotes resistance to replication stress.PNAS108(26):10620-10625
20Chen, C.and Dickman, M. B. (2005) cAMP blocks MAPK activation and sclerotial development via Rap-1 in a PKA-independent manner inSclerotinia sclerotiorum.Molecular Microbiology55(1): 299-311.
21Chen, C., and Dickman, M. B. (2004) Dominant active Rac and dominant negative Rac revert the dominant active Ras phenotype inColletotrichum trifoliiby distinct signaling pathways.Molecular Microbiolology51: 1493-1507.
22Chen, C., Ha, Y-S., Min, J-Y., Memmott, S. D., and Dickman, M. B.. (2006) Cdc42 is required for proper growth and development in the fungal pathogenColletotrichum trifolii.Eukaryotic Cell5(1): 155-166.
23Scheffer, J.,Chen, C., Heidrich, P., Dickman, M. B., and Tudzynski, P. (2005) A CDC42 homologue inClaviceps purpureais involved in vegetative differentiation and is essential for pathogenicity.Eukaryotic Cell4(7): 1228-1238.
24Chen, C., and Dickman, M. B. (2002)Colletotrichum trifoliiTB3 kinase, a COT1 homolog, is light inducible and becomes localized in the nucleus during hyphal elongation.Eukaryotic Cell1: 626-633.
25Chen, C., Harel, A., Gorovoits, R., Yarden, O., and Dickman, M. B. (2004) MAPK regulation of sclerotial development inSclerotinia sclerotiorumis linked with pH and cAMP sensing.Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions17: 404-413.
26Kim, H.J.,Chen, C., Kabbage, M. and Dickman, M.B. (2011) Identification and Characterization ofSclerotinia sclerotiorumNADPH Oxidases.Applied and Environmental Microbiology77(21):7721-9.
27Chen, C., Wanduragala, S., Becker, D. F., and Dickman, M. B. (2006) A tomato QM-like protein protectsSaccharomyces cerevisiaecells against oxidative stress by regulating intracellular proline levels.Applied and Environmental Microbiology72(6): 4001-6.


副研究员:黄新华 博士
博士后: 周子力博士,Raman Thakur博士
学生:吴显伟,姜彤,陈晓庆,邹云,徐超越,Frankline Wechui, Munika Moses,吴永琴,

相关话题/中国科学院 上海巴斯德研究所