

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-04

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[1] Xiaolin Li, Lei Ye, Xiaoping Zhang, Hao Tan, Qiang Li*. Root-tip cutting and uniconazole treatment improve the colonization rate ofTuber indicumon Pinus armandii seedlings in the greenhouse. Microbial Biotechnology. 2020, 13(2):535–547.
[2] Qiang Li, Luxi Yang, Dabing Xiang, Yan Wan, Qi Wu, Wenli Huang, Gang Zhao*. The complete mitochondrial genomes of two model ectomycorrhizal fungi (Laccaria): features, intron dynamics and phylogenetic implications. International journal of biological macromolecules, 2020, 145,974-984.
[3] Qi Wu, Xue Bai, Xiaoyong Wu, Dabing Xiang, Yan Wan, Yiming Luo, Xiaodong Shi, Qiang Li, Junming Zhao, Peiyou Qin, Xiushi Yang, Gang Zhao. Transcriptome profiling identifies transcription factors and key homologs involved in seed dormancy and germination regulation ofChenopodium quinoa. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2020.03.050.
[4] Qiang Li, Yuanhang Ren, Xiaodong Shi, Lianxin Peng, Jianglin Zhao, Yu Song, Gang Zhao*. Comparative mitochondrial genome analysis of two ectomycorrhizal fungi (Rhizopogon) reveals dynamic changes of intron and phylogenetic relationships of the subphylum Agaricomycotina. International journal of molecular sciences, 2019, 20(20), 5167.
[5] Qiang Li, Dabing Xiang, Yan Wan, Qi Wu, Xiaoyong Wu, Gang Zhao*, Wenli Huang*. The complete mitochondrial genomes of five important medicinal Ganoderma species: Features, evolution, and phylogeny. International journal of biological macromolecules, 2019, 139, 397-408.
[6] Qiang Li, Wenli Huang, Chuan Xiong, Jian Zhao. Transcriptome analysis reveals the role of nitric oxide in Pleurotus eryngiiresponses to Cd2+ stress. Chemosphere. 2018, 201: 294-302.
[7] Qiang Li, Lijuan Yan, Lei Ye, Jie Zhou, Bo Zhang, Weihong Peng, Xiaoping Zhang, Xiaolin Li. Chinese Black Truffle (Tuber indicum) Alters the Ectomycorrhizosphere and Endoectomycosphere Microbiome and Metabolic Profiles of the Host Tree Quercus aliena. Frontiers in microbiology. 2018, 9: 2202.
[8] Qiang Li, Chuan Xiong, Xiaolin Li, Xin Jin, Wenli Huang. Ectomycorrhization of Tricholoma matsutake with Quercus aquifolioides affects the endophytic microbial community of host plant. Journal of Basic microbiology, 2018, 238-246.
[9] Cheng Chen#, Qiang Li#, Qiangfeng Wang, Daihua Lu, Hong Zhang, Jian Wang, Rongtao Fu. Transcriptional profiling provides new insights into the role of nitric oxide in enhancingGanoderma oregonenseresistance to heat stress. Scientific reports, 2017, 7(1), 15694.
[10]Qiang Li, Chuan Xiong, Xiao Ma, Huiyin Li, Yun Gao, Yang Dong, Wenli Huang. Draft genome sequence of Morchella septimelata. IMA FUNGUS. 2018, 9(1): 199–223.
[11] Qiang Li, Cheng Chen, Chuan Xiong, Xin Jin, Zuqin Chen, Wenli Huang. Comparative mitogenomics reveals large-scale gene rearrangements in the mitochondrial genome of two Pleurotusspecies. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2018, 102, 6143–6153.
[12] Qiang Li, Min Liao, Mei Yang, Chuan Xiong, Xin Jin, Zuqin Chen, Wenli Huang. Characterization of the mitochondrial genomes of three species in the ectomycorrhizal genus Cantharellusand phylogeny of Agaricomycetes. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2018, 118, 756-769.
[13] Qiang Li, Qiangfeng Wang, Cheng Chen, Xin Jin, Zuqin Chen, Chuan Xiong, Ping Li, Jian Zhao, Wenli Huang. Characterization and comparative mitogenomic analysis of six newly sequenced mitochondrial genomes from ectomycorrhizal fungi (Russula) and phylogenetic analysis of the Agaricomycetes. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2018, 119, 792-802.
[14] Qiang Li, Mei Yang, Cheng Chen, Chuan Xiong, Xin Jin, Zhigang Pu, Wenli Huang. Characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of the medicinal fungusLaetiporus sulphureus. Scientific Reports. 2018, 8:9104.
[15] Qiang Li, Qiangfeng Wang, Xin Jin, Zuqin Chen, Chuan Xiong, Ping Li, Qiaofeng Liu, Wenli Huang. Characterization and comparative analysis of six complete mitochondrial genomes from ectomycorrhizal fungi of the Lactariusgenus and phylogenetic analysis of the Agaricomycetes.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2019, 121, 249-260.
[16] Qiang Li, Qiangfeng Wang, Xin Jin, Zuqin Chen, Chuan Xiong, Ping Li, Jian Zhao, Wenli Huang. Characterization and comparison of the mitochondrial genomes from two Lyophyllum fungal species and insights into phylogeny of Agaricomycetes. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2019, 121, 364-372.
[17] Qiang Li, Qiangfeng Wang, Xin Jin, Zuqin Chen, Chuan Xiong, Ping Li, Jian Zhao, Wenli Huang. The first complete mitochondrial genome from the family Hygrophoraceae(Hygrophorus russula) by next-generation sequencing and phylogenetic implications. International journal of biological macromolecules. 2019, 122, 1313-1320.

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