

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-05

近年来主要从事分数阶微积分理论及其在随机共振、布朗马达等方面的应用研究。钟跟随导师参与两项国家自然科学基金项目,一项国防科技预研基金项目,任现职工作后主持了一项国家自然科学基金青年基金项目和一项四川省科技厅应用基础研究项目;钟在Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation、Nonlinear Dynamics、Physical Review E、PLOS ONE、Journal of statistical mechanics: theory and experiment、Journal of Statistical Physics、Biological Cybernetics、Chinese Physics Letters、Physica scripta、物理学报等国内外SCI收录期刊发表学术论文二十余篇。研究方向包括:
[1] 分数阶算子理论及其应用(分数阶微积分算子,分数阶傅立叶算子)
[2] 微弱信号检测及其参数估计(基于随机共振原理的微弱雷达回波信号检测和估计)
[3] 随机共振理论及其应用(基于随机共振的故障诊断)
[4] 布朗马达与定向输运(生物,物理领域)

[1] 2010/9 - 2013/7,四川大学,概率论与数理统计,博士,导师:马洪
[2] 2007/9 - 2010/7,四川大学,概率论与数理统计,硕士,导师:马洪
[3] 2003/9 - 2007/7,四川大学,数学与应用数学,学士

[1] 分数阶算子理论及其应用(分数阶微积分算子,分数阶傅立叶算子)
[2] 微弱信号检测及其参数估计(基于随机共振原理的微弱雷达回波信号检测和估计)
[3] 随机共振理论及其应用(基于随机共振的故障诊断)
[4] 布朗马达与定向输运(生物,物理领域)
[1] Lu Zhang, Ling Xu, Tao Yu, Li Lai, Suchuan Zhong (*), Collective behavior of a nearest neighbor coupledsystem in a dichotomous fluctuating potential, Communications in NonlinearScience and Numerical Simulation, 2021,105499, 1-20.
[2] Suchuan Zhong, Lu Zhang, Noise effect onthe signal transmission in an underdamped fractional coupledsystem, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020, 102, 2077-2102.
[3] Suchuan Zhong, Wangyong Lv,Hong Ma, Lu Zhang, Collective stochastic resonance behavior in the globallycoupled fractional oscillator, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 94, 905-923.
[4] Lu Zhang, LiLai, Hao Peng, Zhe Tu, Suchuan Zhong (*),Stochastic and superharmonic stochastic resonances of a confined harmonicoscillator, Physical Review E, 2018, 97, 012147, 1-13.
[5] JianqiangYang, Hong Ma, Suchuan Zhong(*), Mathematicalinterpretation of Brownian motor model: limit cycles and directed transport phenomena,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2018,56, 467-480.

[6] Kun Wei, SuchuanZhong(*),Limited capacity of working memory in unihemispheric random walksimplies conceivable slow dispersal, Biological Cybernetics, 2017, 111:279-286.
[7] Suchuan Zhong,Lu Zhang, Huiqi Wang, Hong Ma, Maokang Luo, Nonlineareffectoftimedelayonthegeneralizedstochasticresonanceinafractionaloscillator withmultiplicativepolynomialnoise,Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, 89, 2, 1327-1340.
[8] Suchuang Zhong, Jianqiang Yang, Lu Zhang,Hong Ma, Maokang Luo, Resonant behavior of aharmonic oscillator with fluctuating mass driven by a Mittag-Leffler noise,Journal of Statistical Mechanics: theory and experiment, 2017, 1742-5468/17, 1-20.
[9] Suchuan Zhong, Kun Wei, Lu Zhang, Hong Ma, Maokang Luo, The stochastic resonance behaviors of ageneralized harmonic oscillator subject to multiplicative and periodicallymodulated noises, Advancesin Mathematical Physics, 2016, **, 1-12.
[10] Suchuan Zhong, Hong Ma, Hao Peng, LuZhang, Stochastic resonance in a harmonic oscillator with fractional-orderexternal and intrinsic dampings, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 82,535-545.
[11] Suchuan Zhong,Kun Wei,Shilong Gao,Hong Ma,Trichotomous noise inducedresonance behavior for a fractional oscillator with random mass,J Stat Phys,2015,159,195-209.
[12] 钟苏川 ,蔚涛,张路,马洪,具有质量及频率涨落的欠阻尼线性谐振子的随机共振,物理学报,2015,020202, 1-7.
[13] 杨建强,马洪,钟苏川(*),分数阶对数耦合系统在非周期外力作用下的定向输运现象,物理学报,2015,170501, 1-8.
[14] Suchuan Zhong,Kun Wei,Shilong Gao,Hong Ma,Stochastic Resonance in a linearfractional Langevin equation,J Stat Phys,2013,150(5),867-880.
[15] 钟苏川 ,高仕龙,韦鹍,马洪,线性过阻尼分数阶Langevin方程的共振行为,物理学报,2012,170501:1-9.

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