本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-04
地址:成都市一环路南一段24号四川大学基础教学楼B218-4 邮编:610065Email:xiang@scu.edu.cn
2013/09-2014/09,美国田纳西大学,联合培养博士生,导师:Yilu Liu教授
[1] Yue Xiang, et al. Charging load pattern extraction for residential electric vehicles: a training-free non-intrusive method[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021, 17(10): 7028-7039.
[2] Yue Xiang, et al. Techno-economic design of energy systems for airport electrification: a hydrogen-solar-storage integrated microgrid solution [J]. Applied Energy, 2021, 283: 116374.
[3] Yue Xiang, et al. An improved fuzzy method for characterizing wind power [J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2021, 9(2): 459-462.
[4] Yue Xiang, et al. Reactive coordinated optimal operation of distributed wind generation [J]. Energy, 2021, 218: 119417.
[5] Yue Xiang, et al. Low-carbon economic dispatch of electricity-gas systems[J]. Energy, 2021, 226: 120267.
[6] Yue Xiang, et al. Routing optimization of electric vehicles for charging with event-driven pricing strategy [J]. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, in press.
[7] Shijie Chen, Yue Xiang(*), et al. Evaluating connectable capacity of distributed wind generation in distribution networks through a Bayesian integrated optimization method[J]. IEEE Systems Journal, 2021, 15(2): 2744-2754.
[8] Shuai Hu, Yue Xiang(*), et al. Hybrid forecasting method for wind power integrating spatial correlation and corrected numerical weather prediction[J]. Applied Energy, 2021, 293: 116951.
[9] Shuai Hu, Yue Xiang(*), et al. An improved deep belief network based hybrid forecasting method for wind power[J]. Energy, 2021, 224: 120185.
[10] Shuai Hu, Yue Xiang(*), et al. A two-stage dispatching method for a wind-hydropower-pumped storage integrated power system[J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2021, 9: 646975.
[11] Xinran Yang, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Application of system dynamics approach in scale evolution of electric vehicles for education [J]. International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Education, in press.
[12] Jianping Yang, Yue Xiang(*), et al. Optimal investment decision of distribution network with investment ability and project correlation constraints [J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2021, 9: 728834.
[13] Ping Xue, Yue Xiang(*), et al. Impacts of large-scale mobile electric vehicles charging in smart grids: from a reliability perspective[J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2021, 9: 688034.
[14] Zeming Li, Junyong Liu, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Agricultural load modeling based on crop evapotranspiration and light integration for economic operation of greenhouse power system[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, in press.
[15] Jichun Liu, Xue Chen, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Optimal planning and investment benefit analysis of shared energy storage for electricity retailers [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2021, 126: 106561.
[16] Shuai Zhang, Yue Xiang, et al. A regulating capacity determination method for pumped storage hydropower to restrain PV generation fluctuation[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, in press.
[17] Pengfei Zhao, Chenghong Gu, Yue Xiang, et al. Reactive power optimization in integrated electricity and gas systems [J]. IEEE Systems Journal, 2021, 15(2): 2744-2754.
[18] Pengfei Zhao, Chenghong Gu, Zhidong Cao, Yue Xiang, et al. A two-stage data-driven multi-energy management considering demand response [J]. Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal, in press.
[19] Pengfei Zhao, Chenghong Gu, Zhidong Cao, Qian Ai, Yue Xiang, et al. Water-energy nexus management for power systems [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021, 36(3): 2542-2554.
[20]Yuhang Ma, Yuan Huang, Gang Wu, Junyong Liu, Yang Liu, Yue Xiang, et al. Decentralized monthly generation scheduling of cascade hydropower plants in multiple time scale markets [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, in press.
[21] Liang Zhao, Junbo Zhao, Yingchen Zhang, Lixiong Xu, Yue Xiang, Junyong Liu. Robust PCA-deep belief network surrogate model for distribution system topology identification with DERs[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2021, 125: 106441.
[22]Pengfei Zhao, Zhidong Cao, Dajun Zeng, Chenghong Gu, Zhaoyu Wang, Yue Xiang, et al. Cyber-resilient multi-energy management for complex systems [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, in press.
[23] 邓润琦,向月(*),等. 交通-配电网耦合下电动汽车集群可调控裕度及优化运行策略研究[J]电网技术,录用待刊。
[24] 孟锦鹏,向月(*),等. 面向可靠性提升的电动汽车充电基础设施协同优化规划[J]电力自动化设备,2021,41(6): 36-44。
[25] 赵黄江,向月(*),等. 基于改进配电网安全域的规模化电动汽车入网影响分析[J]电力自动化设备,录用待刊。
[26] 周椿奇,向月(*),等. V2G辅助服务调节潜力与经济性分析:以上海地区为例[J]电力自动化设备,2021, 41(8): 135-141。
[27] 王敏,向月(*),等. 计及V2G价格激励的电动汽车削峰协同调度策略[J]电力自动化设备,录用待刊。
[28] 任峰,向月(*),等. 辅助负荷削峰的电动出租车V2G协同策略与效益分析[J]电力自动化设备,录用待刊。
[29] 胡帅,向月(*),等. 计及气象因素和风速空间相关性的风功率预测模型[J]电力系统自动化,2021, 45(7): 28-34。
[30] 姚昊天,向月(*),等. 基于过网费动态更新的分布式电源多主体协同规划方法[J]电力系统自动化,录用待刊。
[31] 魏翔宇,向月(*),等. 考虑台风影响的风速多步预测模型[J]电力系统自动化,2021, 45(14): 30-37。
[32] 陈文淑乐,向月(*),等. 双碳目标下电力系统供给侧形态发展系统动力学建模与分析[J]上海交通大学学报,2021, 55(9): 31-40。
[33] 周立立,向月(*),等.差异化市场下储能运营风险效益评估[J]太阳能学报,录用待刊。
[34] 周立立,向月(*),等.基于风险-收益分析的用户侧储能容量经济配置研究[J]中国电力,录用待刊。
[35] 周椿奇,向月(*),等. 清洁能源发展场景下电动汽车入网对区域碳排放轨迹的系统动力学建模与分析[J]电力科学与技术学报,2021, 36(3): 36-45。
[36] 刘继春,陈雪,向月(*),等. 考虑用电形态相似度的多用户共享储能投资决策[J]全球能源互联网,2021,4(1): 95-104。
[37] 杨晶显,刘继春,刘俊勇,向月,等. 基于VMD和双重注意力机制LSTM的短期光伏功率预测[J]电力系统自动化,2021,45(3): 174-182。
[1] Yue Xiang, et al. Slope-based shape cluster method for smart metering load profiles [J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2020, 11(2): 1809-1811.
[2] Yue Xiang, et al. Cost-benefit analysis of integrated energy system planning considering demand response [J]. Energy, 2020, 192: 116632.
[3] Yue Xiang, et al. An explicit formula based estimation method for distribution network reliability [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2020, 35(4): 2109-2112.
[4] Yue Xiang, et al. Reliability correlated optimal planning of distribution network with distributed generation [J]. Electric Power Systems Research, 2020, 186: 106391.
[5] Yue Xiang, et al. Reliability-oriented optimal planning of charging stations in electricity-transportation coupled networks [J]. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2020, 14(18): 3690-3698.
[6] Gang Wu, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Distributed energy-reserve co-optimization of electricity and natural gas systems with multi-type reserve resources [J]. Energy, 2020, 207: 118229.
[7] Gang Wu, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Decentralized day-ahead scheduling of multi-area integrated electricity and natural gas systems considering reserve optimization [J]. Energy, 2020, 198: 117271.
[8] Yanxin Chai, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Investment decision optimization for distribution network planning with correlation constraint [J]. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2020, 30(7): e12323.
[9] Xuecheng Li, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Price incentive based charging navigation strategy for electric vehicles [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2020, 56(5): 5762-5774.
[10] Runqi Deng, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Exploring flexibility of electric vehicle aggregators as energy reserve [J]. Electric Power Systems Research, 2020, 184: 106305.
[11] Chunqi Zhou, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Economic analysis of auxiliary service by V2G : city comparison cases [J]. Energy Reports, 2020, 6: 509-514.
[12] Jianping Yang, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Planning-objective based representative day selection for optimal investment decision of distribution networks [J]. Energy Reports, 2020, 6: 543-548.
[13] Lin Lyu, Xinran Yang, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Exploring high-penetration electric vehicles impact on urban power grid based on voltage stability analysis [J]. Energy, 2020, 198: 117301.
[14] Jingxian Yang, Shuai Zhang, Yue Xiang (*), et al. A LSTM auto-encoder based representative scenario generation method for hybrid hydro-PV power system[J]. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2020, 14(24): 5935-5943.
[15] Shikun Cheng, Yanzhao Han, Min Wang, Yue Xiang, et al. Bio-natural gas industry in China: current status and development[J]. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 128: 109925.
[16] Jiahang Li, Ran Li, Shuangyuan Wang, Yue Xiang, et al. Regional nonintrusive electric vehicle monitoring based on graph signal processing [J]. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2020, 14(26): 6512-6517.
[17] Xiaodi Wang, Youbo Liu, Junyong Liu, Youwei Jia, Yue Xiang. Thermally controllable demand response with multiple load aggregators[J]. Electric Power Systems Research, 2020, 179: 106102.
[18] Chenlin Ji, Youbo Liu, Lin Lyu, Chang Liu, Yuxiang Peng, Yue Xiang. A personalized fast-charging navigation strategy based on mutual effect of dynamic queuing [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2020, 56(5): 5729-5740.
[19] 柴雁欣,向月(*),刘俊勇. 面向可靠性提升的关联规则驱动下配电网投资规划优选模型与方法[J]电力自动化设备,2020,40(3): 85-92。
[20] 陈诗杰,向月(*),刘俊勇,沈晓东. 考虑负荷不确定性与差异化需求的配电网网架结构混合多属性评价优选模型[J]电力自动化设备,2020,40(11): 24-31。
[21] 王杨,向月(*),刘俊勇. 聚类网架拓扑与源荷关联场景生成下配电网分布式电源规划方法[J]电力自动化设备,2020,40(12): 49-56。
[22] 倪伟,吕林,向月(*),等. 基于马尔可夫过程蒙特卡洛法的综合能源系统可靠性评估[J]电网技术,2020,44(1):150-158。
[23] 刘继春,陈雪,向月(*). 考虑共享模式的市场机制下售电公司储能优化配置及投资效益分析[J]电网技术,2020,44(5):1740-1749。
[24] 刘继春,贾琢玉,向月(*). 泛在电力物联网下电动汽车充电服务费定价模型[J]工程科学与技术2020,52(4):33-41。
[1] Yue Xiang, et al. Electric vehicles in smart grid: a survey on charging load modelling [J]. IET Smart Grid, 2019, 2(1): 25-33.
[2] Yue Xiang, et al. Electric vehicle charging in smart grid: a spatial-temporal simulation method [J]. Energy, 2019, 189: 116221.
[3] Shuai Hu, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Agent-based coordinated operation strategy for active distribution network with distributed energy resources[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2019, 55(4): 3310-3320.
[4] Shuai Hu, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Reactive power operability of distributed energy resources for voltage stability of distribution networks[J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2019, 7(4): 851-861.
[5] Yanxin Chai, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Incentive-based demand response model for maximizing electricity retailers’ benefits[J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2019, 7(6): 1644–1650.
[6] Gang Wu, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Optimal dispatch of integrated electricity and natural gas systems considering medium and long-term electricity transaction[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2019, 5(3): 315-323.
[7] Youbo Liu, Yunche Su, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Operational reliability assessment for gas-electric integrated distribution feeders[J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019, 10(1): 1091-1100.
[8] Jichun Liu, Jianhua Li, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Optimal sizing of cascade hydropower and distributed photovoltaic included virtual power plant considering investments and complementary benefits in electricity markets[J]. Energies. 2019, 12:952(1-23).
[9] Jichun Liu, Yangfang Yang, Yue Xiang (*), et al. A power exchange strategy for multi-areas with hydro power and flexible load[J]. Energies. 2019, 12: 1160 (1-17).
[10] Jichun Liu, Zhengbo Chen, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Exploring economic criterion for energy storage system sizing in microgrid[J]. Energies. 2019, 12: 2312 (1-17).
[11] Jichun Liu, Jianhua Li, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Optimal sizing of hydro-PV-pumped storage integrated generation system considering uncertainty of PV, load and price[J]. Energies. 2019, 12: 3001 (1-23).
[12] Youbo Liu, Mingjuan Wang, Xianglong Liu, Yue Xiang (*). Evaluating investment strategies for distribution networks based on yardstick competition and DEA[J]. Electric Power Systems Research, 2019, 174: 105868.
[13] Da Huo, Chenghong Gu, Kang Ma, Wei Wei, Yue Xiang, et al. Chance constrained optimization for multi energy hub systems in a smart city[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2019, 66(2): 1402-1412.
[14] Chenghong Gu, Can Tang, Yue Xiang, Da Xie. Power-to-gas management using robust optimisation in integrated energy systems[J]. Applied Energy, 2019, 236: 681-689.
[15] Xianglong Liu, Youbo Liu, Junyong Liu, Yue Xiang, et al. Optimal planning of AC-DC hybrid transmission and distributed energy resource system: review and prospects [J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2019, 5(3): 409-422.
[16] 胡帅,向月(*),等. 基于参数化隶属度匹配函数的含分布式发电配电网模糊潮流计算[J]中国电机工程学报,2019, 39 (18): 5370-5379。
[17] 蒋卓臻,向月(*),等. 集成电动汽车全轨迹空间的充电负荷建模及其对配电网可靠性的影响[J]电网技术,2019, 43 (10): 3789-3799。
[18] 蔡含虎,向月(*),等. 计及需求响应的综合能源系统容量经济配置及效益分析[J]电力自动化设备,2019, 39(8): 186-194。
[19] 杨昕然,吕林,向月(*),等. “车-路-网”耦合下电动汽车恶劣充电场景及其对城市配电网电压稳定性影响[J]电力自动化设备,2019, 39(10): 102-108。
[20] 吴刚,刘俊勇,向月,等. 计及中长期合同电量和风电不确定性的电-气综合能源系统日前优化调度[J]电力自动化设备,2019, 39(8): 246-253。
[21] 刘俊勇,向月,等. 三网融合下充电服务网规划与运营探讨[J]电力系统保护与控制,2019, 47(12): 1-12。
[1] Yue Xiang, et al. Optimal sizing of energy storage system in active distribution networks using Fourier-Legendre series based state of energy function[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, 33(2): 2313-2315.
[2] Wei Yang, Yue Xiang (*), Junyong Liu, Chenghong Gu. Agent-based modeling for scale evolution of plug-in electric vehicles and charging demand[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, 33(2): 1915-1925.
[3] Yue Xiang, Zipeng Liu, Jichun Liu, Youbo Liu, Chenghong Gu. Integrated traffic-power simulation framework for electric vehicle charging station based on cellular automaton[J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2018, 6(4): 816-820.
[4] Yue Xiang, Lili Zhou, et al. Coordinated DG-Tie planning in distribution networks based on temporal scenarios[J]. Energy, 2018, 159: 774-785.
[5] Youbo Liu, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Optimal allocation model for EV charging stations coordinating investor and user benefits[J]. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 36039-36049.
[6] Juhua Hong, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Development of EV charging templates: an improved K-prototypes method[J]. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2018, 12(20): 4361-4367.
[7] Junyong Liu, Yanxin Chai, Yue Xiang (*), et al. Clean energy consumption of power systems towards smart agriculture: roadmap, bottlenecks and technologies[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2018, 4(3): 53-62.
[8] Xiaohe Yan, Chenghong Gu, Furong Li, Yue Xiang. Network pricing for customer-operated energy storage in distribution networks[J]. Applied Energy,2018, 212: 283-292.
[9] Bowen Hong, Weitong Zhang, Yue Zhou, Jian Chen, Yue Xiang, Yunfei Mu. Energy-internet-oriented microgrid energy management system architecture and its application in China[J]. Applied Energy, 2018, 228: 2153-2164.
[10]倪伟,吕林,向月(*),等. 基于机会约束规划的能源集线器系统气电购置优化建模[J]电网技术,2018, 42(8): 2477-2486.
[11]张程嘉,刘俊勇,向月(*),等. 基于数据挖掘的电动汽车充电设施配置与两阶段充电优化调度[J]中国电机工程学报,2018, 38(4): 1054-1064.
[1] Yue Xiang, et al. An economic criterion for distributed renewable generation planning[J]. Electric Power Components and Systems, 2017, 45(12): 1298-1304.
[2] Yue Xiang, et al. Scale evolution of electric vehicles: a system dynamic approach[J]. IEEE Access, 2017, 5: 8859~8868.
[3] 蒋卓臻,刘俊勇,向月(*),等. 配电网信息物理系统可靠性评估关键技术探讨[J]电力自动化设备,2017, 37(12): 30-41。
[4] 洪居华,刘俊勇,向月(*),等.城市能源互联网初步认识与研究展望[J]电力自动化设备,2017, 37(6): 15-24。
[5] 杨威,向月(*),等.基于多代理技术的电动汽车规模演化模型[J]电网技术,2017, 41(7): 2146-2154.
[6] 左坤雨,刘友波,向月(*),等.基于信息互动的分布式可再生能源多代理交易竞价模型[J]电网技术,2017, 41(8):2477-2484.
[1] Yue Xiang, Junyong Liu, Yilu Liu. Robust energy management of microgrid with uncertain renewable generation and load[J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2016, 7(2):1034-1043.
[2] Yue Xiang, et al. Economic planning of electric vehicle charging stations considering traffic constraints and load templates[J]. Applied Energy, 2016, 178:647-659.
[3] Yue Xiang, et al. Optimal active distribution system management with aggregated plug-in electric vehicle[J]. Electric Power Systems Research, 2016, 131:105-115.
[4] Yue Xiang, et al. Optimal active distribution network planning: a review[J]. Electric Power Components and Systems, 2016, 44(10):1075-1094.
[5] Yue Xiang, et al. Investigation on impacts of alternative generation siting from the view of complex network theory[J]. Electric Power Components and Systems, 2016, 44(7):820-831.
[6] Yue Xiang,et al. A chance constrained optimization model for determining renewables penetration limit in power systems[J]. Electric Power Components and Systems, 2016, 44(7):701-712.
[7] Yue Xiang, et al. Multi-objective distribution network expansion incorporating electric vehicle charging stations[J]. Energies. 2016, 9:909(1-17).
[8] Feifei Bai, Xiaoru Wang, Yilu Liu, Xinyu Liu, Yue Xiang, et al. Measurement-based frequency dynamic response estimation using geometric template matching and recurrent artificial neural network[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2016, 2(3): 10-18.
[1] Yue Xiang, et al. Active energy management strategy for active distribution system[J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2015, 3(4):533-543.
[2] Yue Xiang, et al. Two-stage control strategy for structure optimization of faulted distribution system with distributed generation[J]. Electric Power Components and Systems, 2014, 42(6):595-604.
[3]向月, 刘俊勇, 等. 考虑可再生能源出力不确定性的微电网能量优化鲁棒模型[J].中国电机工程学报, 2014, 34(19): 3063-3072.
[4]向月, 刘俊勇, 冯翰, 等. 偏远地区含分布式能源孤立微网经济配置研究[J]. 四川大学学报(工学版), 2013, 45 (Z2):175-181.
[5]向月, 刘俊勇, 姚良忠, 等. 考虑故障条件下含分布式电源配电网孤岛划分与重构优化策略研究[J]. 电网技术, 2013, 37(4):1025-1032.
[6]向月, 刘俊勇, 魏震波, 刘友波. 可再生能源接入下新型可中断负荷发展研究[J]. 电力系统保护与控制, 2012, 40(5):148-155.
[7]向月, 刘俊勇, 刘友波, 等. 考虑质心映射和路径解析的分布式电源优化配置搜索策略[J]. 电网技术, 2012, 36(6):133-140.
[1] 关联性驱动的配电网分布式电源规划方法. CIGRE 中国国家委员会C1专业委员会技术交流会议. 2020.11.23, 成都.
[2] Techno-economic design of energy systems for airport electrification: a hydrogen-solar-storage integrated solution. IEEE Sustainable Power & Energy Conference, 2020.11.24,成都.
[3] 集成电动汽车全轨迹空间的城市电网可靠性评估理论及提升策略研究. 国家自然科学基金汇报会(电力系统-电力电子). 2020.11.27, 重庆.
[4] Unlocking residential EV charging load pattern. IEEE I&CPS Asia 2021, 2021.7.20, 成都.
[1]Special Session Chair, Planning and Operation of Smart Distribution Network with High Penetration of Distributed Energy Resources and Electric Vehicles. 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia.
[2] Special Session Chair, Low-carbon Oriented Advanced Techniques for Power Systems Planning. 2021 IEEE IAS Industrial and Commercial Power System Asia.
[3] Technical Committee Member, 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia.
[4] Special Session Chair, Low-carbon Oriented Advanced Techniques for Power Systems Planning. IEEE I&CPS Asia 2021.
[5] Guest Editor, Low-carbon Oriented Advanced Techniques for Power Systems Planning. CSEE JPES.
[6]Special Session Chair, New Paradigm Shifts in Power System Planning. 2022 7th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering.
[1] Optimal allocation of distributed renewable generation units in distribution networks.中美绿色能源峰会(一等奖), 2016.
[2]充换电服务网络及其与配电网协同规划关键技术分析与研究, 电力建设, 2016.
[3] Measurement-based cell-DT method for power system transient stability. IEEE Chengdu Section, 2018.
[4] Clean energy consumption of power systems towards smart agriculture: roadmap, bottlenecks and technologies. CSEE JPES, 2019.
[5] Correlation-based investment decision-marking for distribution network reconstruction. IEEE PES ISGT Asia 2019 (Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia), 2019.
[6] 考虑用电形态相似度的多用户共享储能投资效益分析, 中国电机学会能源互联网专委会2020年学术年会(一等奖), 2020.
[7] Multi-area P2P energy trading. 2020 IEEE Student Conference on Electric Machines and Systems, 2020.
[8] Optimal planning of AC-DC hybrid transmission and distributed energy resource system: Review and prospects, CSEE JPES (年度高影响力文章), 2020.
[9] Data-driven load pattern identification. IEEE I&CPS Asia 2021, 2021.
研究生选修课程:《Power System Economics: Design & Analysis》 (电力系统经济性:设计与分析基础)
周立立:基于风险-效益评估的储能容量优化配置研究 (国网四川技培)
王杨:基于配电网网架聚类模板的可再生能源接入容量优化配置研究 (川电咨询)
邓润琦:交通-配电网耦合下电动汽车集群可调控裕度及优化运行策略研究 (成都供电公司)
蔡含虎:考虑需求响应的区域多能源集成系统经济配置研究 (西南电力设计院)
孟锦鹏:计及电动汽车协同响应的车路网耦合下充电基础设施规划研究 (深圳供电局)
李学成:基于价格激励的电动汽车充电导航策略 (广州供电局)
2021年度:硕 人
IEEE高级会员、CSEE高级会员、中国电工技术协会电动汽车充放电与试验专委会委员、中国电机工程学会电工数学专业委员会委员、中国电机工程学会分布式发电及智能配电专委会学组成员、IEEE PES中国区电动汽车技术委员会电动汽车与能源交通系统融合技术分委会常务理事、IEEE PES 保护控制技术委员会(中国)电网运行控制分委会秘书长、IEEE PES电力系统运行规划与经济技术委员会技术委员会(中国)综合能源系统运行规划及商业模式技术分委会常务理事、IEEE PES储能技术委员会(中国)储能并网与运行控制技术分委会理事、中国电机工程学会四川大学会员中心秘书等。
担任IET Smart Grid期刊副编辑, CSEE JPES期刊副编辑, PCMP期刊副编辑/编委, 亦长期担任IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, IET Smart Grid, IET Renewable Power Generation, Applied Energy, Renewable Energy, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Energy, Scientific Report, IEEE Power & Energy Technology Systems Journal, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Electric Power Components and Systems, Electric Power Systems Research, Journal of Modern Power and Clean Energy, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Journal of Energy Storage, International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Education, IEEE Access, 中国电机工程学报, 电网技术, 电力系统自动化, 电力自动化设备, 电力系统保护与控制, 电力建设, 中国电力, 广东电力, 太阳能学报等国内外专业期刊审稿人。
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